Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

The goal of education is wonder, the importance of supporting unpaid caregivers, and the critical role of reading to our children are all a part of this week’s review.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 28 (166 total reports)



The goal of education is wonder, the importance of supporting unpaid caregivers, and the critical role of reading to our children are all a part of this week’s review.

This Week’s Top Links


How Trauma Can Affect Your Window of Tolerance


Trauma is something I have read about and studied for years, even decades now, in my work with adults and children. Still, there is always something new and interesting when I dig in deeper. I appreciated this article for it’s special emphasis on the hyperarousal and hypoarousal windows of tolerance linked to trauma. If you know of someone who has unresolved childhood adversity resulting in a reduced window of tolerance, this is a good article to review.


Emotionally Intelligent People Use a Brilliant 4-Word Phrase to Be Present, Remember More, and Learn From Every Moment


I usually gloss over articles that have titles like, “Brilliant 4-Word Phrase,” but I read through this article and did, indeed, find the phrase brilliant. It would make for a good mantra, if you don’t already have one and is linked to the Japanese mindfulness concept of Ichigo Ichie.


One in five US employees serves as an unpaid caregiver


This is yet another signal of the importance of considering a Basic Living Wage. In areas where this program has been applied it has been shown to improve wellness in the population and enhance the economy. Conservatives would like us to believe that a program like this would feed a laziness among people and reward them for not working. But the truth is it just makes sense and even more sense given the immigration policies pushed by the right. The only ones who do NOT want a program like this are the richest of the rich who fear having to pay their fair share of taxes and even lose their privileged status as non-payers. Their fear is also based on losing a population-base that wouldn’t be slave-laborers working for non-living wages for their corporations. Research does not support the conservative bias against these programs and whoever thinks that unpaid caregivers don’t work hard has never had to do the actual work.


Poverty is linked to poorer brain development – but reading can help counteract it


No doubt the strongest tool in our toolbox for preparing young people for a healthy adulthood is assisting caregivers to lavish children with reading time. Rather than banning reading times in libraries we should be increasing funds to make them happen. Who benefits from less reading time for our children?


How to Be More Alive: Hermann Hesse on Wonder and the Proper Aim of Education


I’m an avid fan or Hermann Hesse and have devoured his writings since my teenage years. I was homeless from 16 to 25 and lived primarily in bus stations as I traveled across the US. Reading Siddhartha was as inspiring to me as reading JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. I even visited his childhood home in Calw, Germany. Hesse is the grandfather of Servant Leadership and the depths of his writings could be a lifelong endeavor for some.


Recovery high school provides ‘accountability, safe space’ amid rising drug use


Recovery High Schools offer the most comprehensive approach to educating young people today. I spent the thirty years of my career working in and consulting with such schools and some of my best life-experiences occurred within them. I found the teachers and administrators to be extra mindful of the needs of the young people, dedicated to both their education, but also their well-being. With the education system in recovery globally (post-COVID) and often lost for direction, I could heartily recommend the standards of recovery high schools sit at the heart of creating a newly imagined education model.


Frederick Douglass’ ‘July Fourth’ Speech Continues To Reveal America’s Hypocrisy Following Supreme Court’s Discriminatory Rulings


The utter crassness and blatant racism of this bought-and-paid-for Supreme Court has set the United States back a hundred plus years. It is no longer a judicial branch of the government as designed by the framers of the Constitution. It is a Conservative-Christian, Republican policy-setting tool of the wealthy. Its rulings in women’s rights, higher learning, LGBTQ rights and sheltering hate speech have given both a black eye and a crippled leg to the US globally. Many of the justices should have decals like Formula One Race Cars marking who have bought them and paid for their decisions.

This Week’s Links


How Trauma Can Affect Your Window of Tolerance


Four steps to free yourself from resentment


Dopamine, serotonin and more: The chemicals that make us feel happy and how they work


Teachers Aren’t the Solution to America’s Literacy Crisis—Parents Are


The Mental Health Benefits of Forgiveness


Children of highly religious mothers are more likely to internalize their problems, study finds



Emotionally Intelligent People Use a Brilliant 4-Word Phrase to Be Present, Remember More, and Learn From Every Moment


How 'Arthur' masterfully taught kids about PTSD and 9/11


Instead of banning AI, schools should use it to enhance learning



One in five US employees serves as an unpaid caregiver


Why We Achieve


‘Democracy is at risk’: inside the fight for supreme court reform


‘We should all be viewing this as a five-alarm fire’: Threat of disinformation escalates ahead of 2024


This is the one skill you need to improve right now, no matter what job you’re in



Poverty is linked to poorer brain development – but reading can help counteract it


The Neuroscience of Nurturing



How to Be More Alive: Hermann Hesse on Wonder and the Proper Aim of Education


The gravitational pull of supervising kids all the time



Recovery high school provides ‘accountability, safe space’ amid rising drug use


Teachers, Try This: Use Restorative Justice to Solve Student Conflicts


Why Letting Your Kids Be Bored is Actually a Gift


Emotionally Intelligent People Use These 4 Words When They Meet People They Don't Remember Meeting (But Who Remember Meeting Them)



Frederick Douglass’ ‘July Fourth’ Speech Continues To Reveal America’s Hypocrisy Following Supreme Court’s Discriminatory Rulings


Reimagining student engagement as a continuum of learning behaviors


The Art of Wabi-Sabi: How to Embrace Imperfection


This Year I'm Just Not In the Mood for Life, Liberty, and All That


Dante’s “Divine Comedy” isn’t only about religion. It’s a political statement.


Disinformation Researchers Lament 'Chilling' US Legal Campaign


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Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Growing from conflict, moving past hubris and arrogance in our politics and media, creating a society of open-mindedness and visceral compassion for our children.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 10 (164 total reports)



Growing from conflict, moving past hubris and arrogance in our politics and media, creating a society of open-mindedness and visceral compassion for our children.

This Week’s Top Links


How to see conflict as a benefit


Seeing conflict as an opportunity for personal and/or relational growth requires an open mindset and it doesn’t have to be a shared approach. A close-minded person can make conflict very difficult, but not impossible. If even one of the parties sees the disagreement as a way to expand their understanding, they can make a difference in the relational balance. This article does a good job at examining the necessary aspects of making conflict beneficial at home, in the workplace, and personally (after all, we all have inner conflicts we could grow from).


The Triumph of the Age of the Idiot


I wouldn’t go so far as to admit the “idiots” have triumphed, but there are certainly a lot of unethical and unjust people in places of power. This isn’t new, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote his “theory of stupidity” ten years after Hitler came to power. Of course, theories of Narcissists being drawn to positions of power date back much farther than that, Aristotle spoke eloquently about this in his book, Rhetoric, however the Greeks called it, “Hubris.” Dating farther back, Solomon writes in Proverbs, “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom [Proverbs 11:2].”


Compassion Is More Than Niceness


The word for Compassion in Greek is almost gross, it means that your stomach turns to water. When compassionate people see injustice it hits them on a visceral level. They “Have to Act.” Compassion without action is simply niceness, it is akin to “feeling sorry” for someone, which is another form of victimization. Almost like being lost in a forest, the “kind person” consistently goes in a circle believing they’re getting somewhere. They might feel exhausted, but it’s really just emotional depletion and nothing useful has been accomplished.


Here’s What Happened After Affirmative Action Ended In These 4 States


The research doesn’t bear out the decision of the Supreme Court to end Affirmative Action, higher learning still remains largely a whites-only privilege. Wealthy white families send wealthy white children to the most exclusive institutions and they, in turn, become wealthier white families. Conservative politicians (which includes a number of the Republican-Appointed Justices) have a reason to fear higher education. The more education a person has, the more likely they are to vote liberal. Keeping education away from minorities and “WOKE” books away from children is part of a historic strategy for autocrats to retain power.


Around 30,000 prisoners soon to be eligible for free college with Pell Grant expansion


When I come across people who don’t think that prisons should be used to enhance the lives of inmates, I like to remind them that the majority of people in prisons will be their neighbors again one day. Prisons are not vacuums, they are institutions of learning, but often the learning is about improving criminal techniques or expanding criminal connections. Introducing education to prisoners addresses both of those issues and has been proven to lower recidivism.


Study finds link between extracurricular arts activities and improved grades


This is one of many studies that should lead us to move from STEM-Based curricula to STEAM based ones. Personally, I don’t think the arts should be extracurricular. It should be an imbedded part of education, not something offered at a family’s expense or something that a child needs to do at 0700 in the morning before school begins. The benefits are immense and arts and music have been proven to complement and deepen learning.


Reading for fun linked to cognitive performance and mental wellbeing in children


Children learn to love to read because someone they loved read to them. It is not reading to learn, it is reading to relate, reading to love, reading for the sheer pleasure of reading; no agenda, no point other than to enjoy the moment and feel loved in it. In short, reading for fun. We should do everything we can to open our libraries for sheer fun reading experiences.

This Week’s Links


How to see conflict as a benefit


When Unrealistic Expectations Become Resentments


The Supreme Court Has Proven Itself Illegitimate. It's a Rubber Stamp on Extremism | Opinion



The Triumph of the Age of the Idiot


MIST Test Reveals Troubling Reality: Younger Adults More Susceptible to Fake News


Bisexuality has nearly quadrupled in the U.S.


AOC: Supreme Court Rulings Show 'Creep Towards Authoritarianism'



Compassion Is More Than Niceness


Highly sensitive person: What it is, traits, signs you are one


Why is America not the lawless, gun-free, socialist wasteland Republicans warned us about?


‘Who are you trying to help?’: Buttigieg slams DeSantis over LGBTQ-focused ad



Here’s What Happened After Affirmative Action Ended In These 4 States


Here's what happened when affirmative action ended at California public colleges


Adorable Story Behind School's 'Bench Of Friends' Will Make Your Eyes Dribble


8 Signs of Emotional Maturity


The Power of Saying No: The New Science of How to Say No that Puts You in Charge of Your Life


One Thing GOP Presidential Candidates Agree On: Marginalized Americans Should Suffer



Around 30,000 prisoners soon to be eligible for free college with Pell Grant expansion


How to Give Students More Agency in Class Without Losing Control


Neuroscience Says 3 Simple Approaches Can Help You Live a Happier, More Successful Life


Measuring Mastery, Not Seat Time: Here's How Schools Can Make It Work



Study finds link between extracurricular arts activities and improved grades


Childhood Reading Habits Boost Brain and Mental Health in Teens



Reading for fun linked to cognitive performance and mental wellbeing in children


Childhood Poverty's Impact: Reshaping the Brain's Communication Pathways - Neuroscience News


What Parents Need to Know About Teen Suicide


Teacher turnover and Burnout


9 big ideas to bolster the teaching profession and boost student learning


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Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Diversity and freedom of choice are being branded as Anti-American by Far Right authoritarians creating their own fear-based plots in democracies around the world. At stake; the lives of many young people.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 09 (163 total reports)



Diversity and freedom of choice are being branded as Anti-American by Far Right authoritarians creating their own fear-based plots in democracies around the world. At stake; the lives of many young people.

This Week’s Top Links


Attacks on queer & trans rights are a dire sign for democracy


If we looked at the high rates of suicide among LGBTQ+ youth, we might begin to see that the MAGA Right’s focus on destroying WOKE and attacking laws protecting decisions made by trans youth, their parents and medical professionals is akin to child abuse. It is not hyperbole when Montana Representative Zooey Zephyr says her colleagues voting for laws restricting gender-affirming care have blood on their hands. Legally attacking freedom of choice is not the “American Way,” nor is it patriotic. It is authoritarian and a tactic used historically by multiple dictators in creating the fear that brought them to power.


It doesn’t matter if a girl identified as a cat (she didn’t). The issue is how post-truth politics exploits it


This article nails the real problem in politics and the media today, the exploitation of conspiracy theories, one politician (Robert Kennedy, Jr.) is building his entire platform on promoting conspiracy-based fears. It’s clear that his pseudo-run for president is a right-wing GOP effort to divide the Democratic vote. Like many MAGA Republicans and the GOP, they have no platform beyond the promotion of fear and scarcity. Their intent is not to govern, but to divide and destroy democracy for autocrats.


Disbelief, anger among relatives of Greek shipwreck victims as millions spent on Titan rescue effort


I would be remiss this week, if I didn’t include something about the Greek Shipwreck that claimed over 80 lives and all the the women and children on board. The lack of resources and media attention as the media focused on the tragedy of the Titan Submersible. No doubt both are tragic. But the lack of attention and resources committed to solving the Immigration issue around the globe is a clear sign of injustice.


How "Cognitive Defusion" Can Help With Anxiety


The concept behind this article became the “discussion of the week” between my wife and I at our little Yucatan home, Casa Contenta. We thought of the power of Cognitive Defusion for the many friends we have suffering from anxiety. Perhaps your family (or staff) can discuss this concept and brainstorm about ways to help people who are anxious implement mechanisms of cognitive defusion.


'Anti-Dopamine Parenting' Can Reduce Or Redirect Kids' Cravings


This concept, Anti-Dopamine Parenting,” is currently in the news a great deal as researchers examine the draw of eDevices and Social Media. Adults and children in our society seem to be addicted to racing from one dopamine releasing event to another with no room for breathing in between. Until we discern the impact of dopamine addiction in our own lives and its impact on our behaviors, we certainly cannot co-regulate the rush our children feel when they chase after sugar highs or social media “likes.”


In Montana, 16 young Americans are fighting for their environmental rights


Montana is one of three states (Montana, New York and Pennsylvania) that have a Constitutional right for Environmental Protection, in fact it states, “Article IX -- ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES. Section 1. Protection and improvement. (1) The state and each person shall maintain and improve a clean and healthful environment in Montana for present and future generations.” The 16 young people in this story, are focused on forcing their State Legislators to attend to this State-Granted Right as Montana plots its future energy plans.


4 Charts That Explain How People Slide Into Homelessness


The slide into homelessness is a tragedy, but it is not a mystery. This article helps us understand the precursors to homelessness in a majority of situations and how compassionate groups can work to prevent the “slide.”

This Week’s Links


Attacks on queer & trans rights are a dire sign for democracy


Disbelief, anger among relatives of Greek shipwreck victims as millions spent on Titan rescue effort


Small Ways Leaders Can Build Schools Where Everyone Feels Like They Belong


What is racial battle fatigue? A school psychologist explains


An Age-By-Age Guide to Talking to Kids About Race


Just Action: How to Challenge Segregation Enacted Under the Color of Law


Is Your Child Overstimulated? Here's What to Do.



It doesn’t matter if a girl identified as a cat (she didn’t). The issue is how post-truth politics exploits it


This Church Is Going Viral For Their Openness And Their Sign Game Is Epic (96 New Pics) Interview


Why are so many young people cutting off their parents?


‘Phubbing’ is harming our closest relationships – here’s why and how



Disbelief, anger among relatives of Greek shipwreck victims as millions spent on Titan rescue effort


Barack Obama shares the No. 1 tactic he uses to maintain a positive mindset


Conservative evangelicals boo Chris Christie after he delivers a speech on character that was rooted in biblical and Christian teaching


He walked away from his evangelical roots to escape feeling suffocated


Putin Is Caught in His Own Trap



How "Cognitive Defusion" Can Help With Anxiety


What Teaching Is All About



'Anti-Dopamine Parenting' Can Reduce Or Redirect Kids' Cravings


One year after Roe v. Wade’s reversal, warnings about abortion become reality


How to Use Music as a Powerful Tool to Help You Focus, According to a Harvard Neuroscientist


On Mindfulness: Finding Peace Within



In Montana, 16 young Americans are fighting for their environmental rights


The 1 Thing Therapists Say Harms Your Happiness The Most


Take on the World with These 10 Inspiring Books


The "alpha male" myth, debunked


Mom goes viral for creating 'How To Be A Person' summer camp—because it's genius



4 Charts That Explain How People Slide Into Homelessness


6 strategies to manage conflict with emotional intelligence


How the ancient Greeks kept ruthless narcissists from capturing their democracy – and what modern politics could learn from them


Ron DeSantis wants to reshape Florida’s universities. It could lead to a massive ‘brain drain’


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Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

The power of myth to control the culture. The power of awe to change the world. How do we replace the dominant myth of the 0.01% who want to further their own insatiable greed?

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 08 (162 total reports)



The power of myth to control the culture. The power of awe to change the world. How do we replace the dominant myth of the 0.01% who want to further their own insatiable greed?

This Week’s Top Links


Our Tribal Future: How to Channel Our Foundational Human Instincts into a Force for Good


This review reminds me of a favorite book of mine, “Sapiens; A Brief History of Humankind,” by Yuval Noah Harari. I have that book in both hardcover and audio form and will probably do the same with this book. It’s relevance lies in the examination of myth and myth-keeping, ritual, camps and tribes. It is especially pertinent at a time when the richest 0.01% are trying to buy a myth that supports poverty as a necessary economic policy. It is essential that we decode these myths for what they are; the root of the big businesses of war, healthcare, racism and poverty. The only thing that will change an embedded myth is an alternative one. The human race goes from myth to myth and the ones with the strongest myths control the conversation. Ask what the dominant myths are today and what would you like to see them be.


Awe can alter our sense of self and open us to new possibilities – could it help save the planet?


I’ve firmly believed and taught that “Awe” is truly what our education system should be focused on growing. Not success, not intelligence; but the heart-felt inspiration of how amazing life can be. A healthy child brings “Awe” to his/her first day of school. And—all too often—we spend years trying to quell it. Awe is, well… messy. It’s unpredictable, it has its own schedule and is difficult to assess. It is also difficult for a person, steeped in today’s education system, to teach awe. This article, written by Nanda Jarosz, the Executive Director of the University of Sydney, is an inspirational look at the power of the emotion of awe to change the world, literally, the world and our climate. Imagine schools filled with AWE: Awesome Wonder-Building Experiences. It makes me ask myself, “What can I do today to increase awe in the world around me?”


GOP Is Trying to Slash Food Aid to Kids Who Are Already Struggling to Access It


This article is a perfect example of the 0.01% buying a legal and political system to further the myth where poverty is acceptable, even preferred, as an essential tool of the economy.


9-year-old girl accused of being 'trans' at track event hopes to inspire change


(Disclaimer: I changed the sequence of these two articles to make more sense). This girl was at an athletic event in BC when an adult approached her and questioned her gender. The adult (a grandparent of another child at the event) didn’t think she looked “feminine enough” and questioned whether she should be competing as a girl. There are a variety of stories on social media about what happened after. But the essential issue becomes apparent in the next article below. The gender police are coming.


Whether you’re trans or not, the gender police are coming for you too


This article asks the question, “What if this behavior goes unchecked?” Will females have to start carrying cards to prove their identity? Some GOP governors have already floated the idea in their States (testing grounds for Federal programs) demanding that women athletes submit menstruation records to schools, government and insurance companies. As one writer has penned, “What is the word for a person who is only known by their reproductive abilities? Livestock.”


Empty seats at high-school graduations reveal toll of gun violence: “We’re losing our kids”


This was the most poignant article of the week to me. Some parents of children killed in shootings across the United States are standing in for them at graduations. Ten years after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, it is a national disgrace that no significant change in gun laws have occurred and that, rather than decreasing, deaths from guns have become the No. 1 killer of children in that country. Who continues to profit from the myth around guns and what politicians have those myth-makers bought? We need to follow the money, find the myth-makers and take away their political power. At the top of the NRA’s contributions is Senator Ted Cruz who always comes up with deceptive ways to hide the causes of gun violence.


The Right Response to Threats of Political Violence


Threats of violence swirl around the indictment of Donald Trump and there are vociferous calls for violence from political hacks like Kari Lake, Andy Biggs and Clay Higgins as well as the former toddler-in-chief himself. So far, the calls have largely been unanswered and/or defused, perhaps because those who responded to the previous calls to violence on January 6th have watched their co-conspirators go to jail while their no-show leaders were safely observing from a distance. Maybe they have realized that these pseudo-leaders charge from the back of the crowd, unlike Civil Rights leaders who led from the front of their people and often took the first blows for justice. Cadaverous leaders, like Josh Hawley, who can’t seem to stop disgracing himself (see his tweets on Juneteenth), were filmed calling for violence than literally running in the opposite direction when his minions responded.

This Week’s Links


Our Tribal Future: How to Channel Our Foundational Human Instincts into a Force for Good


Supercharge Your Emotional Intelligence by Understanding the 12 Skills That Make Up EQ


Josh Hawley Gets Holy Hell After Juneteenth Claim About Christianity And Slavery



Awe can alter our sense of self and open us to new possibilities – could it help save the planet?


Morality Is for Trump What Colors Are to the Color-Blind



GOP Is Trying to Slash Food Aid to Kids Who Are Already Struggling to Access It


The Path to Happiness Is Narrow But Easy



Whether you’re trans or not, the gender police are coming for you too


How LGBTQ+ people can protect their mental health during a traumatizing Pride season


Why the search for meaning is not a job for science — or religion


How LGBTQ+ people can protect their mental health during a traumatizing Pride season



Empty seats at high-school graduations reveal toll of gun violence: “We’re losing our kids”


Is the Bible the Most Dangerous Book Ever Written?


Get Inspired with These Quotes and Turn Your Day Around Now



9-year-old girl accused of being 'trans' at track event hopes to inspire change


Empty seats at high-school graduations reveal toll of gun violence: “We’re losing our kids”


Is the Bible the Most Dangerous Book Ever Written?


Get Inspired with These Quotes and Turn Your Day Around Now


8 Things Parents Of Kids With Learning Disabilities Need To Understand


Forget the influencers. Here come the 'deinfluencers'


How to Help Guide Your Teen Through the Overwhelm of High School


Learning Bias, Not Distrust: The Unseen Hurdle in Embracing AI Algorithms - Neuroscience News


‘Hoard evidence of your greatness’: 10 ways to be much more confident at work



The Right Response to Threats of Political Violence


The ‘Single Greatest Hindrance’ to Learning


Leadership lessons from Ted Lasso


40 Positive Affirmations To Share With Your Kids To Build Their Confidence


The Anti-Woke Crowd Is Teaching American Kids to Be Saps and Suckers


How to Proactively Defuse Tension on Your Team


Use 'Social Stories' to Help Kids Navigate Big Transitions


How Can A Simple, 2-Step Mindful Gratitude Practice Change My Life?


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Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Topics this week: People turn to fear to govern when they actually have no substantive platform to offer voters. A Finnish Philosopher and Psychologist offers insights into the meaning of life.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 07 (161 total reports)



Topics this week: People turn to fear to govern when they actually have no substantive platform to offer voters. A Finnish Philosopher and Psychologist offers insights into the meaning of life.

This Week’s Top Links


I Finally Asked My Second-Grader What Happens in Her Lockdown Drills. It Broke My Heart.


A father is reading his 7-8 year old a bedtime story and the story leads to a discussion about active shooter drills in schools. It is heartbreaking to think that the No. 1 cause of death of children in the US are guns and that this is a problem that can be addressed. Instead, a minuscule fraction in congress ignores the pleads of its own voters and continues to distract citizens from the real issue. guns, Guns, GUNS! The real question we should be asking (of ourselves and our “representatives”) is, “Who profits from keeping gun laws the way they are?”


Hateopia: The Great Migration of Racists to the South


At the root of hate is fear. It is important to isolate the voices that are promoting fear in our country and using it to stoke authoritarian responses to division and hate. When I was sitting in the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam and listening to the voice of Hitler, it reawakened in me the realization of how far back hate-based people have used fear to isolate populations. It is unremarkable that their list of primary enemies are always so familiar; immigration, racism, anti-LGBTQ. People turn to fear to govern when they actually have no substantial platform to offer voters. Don’t let their malicious diatribe lead you into believing they know how to govern or even have a majority. If those authoritarian representatives had a majority, they wouldn’t be so adamant about re-writing voter laws.


I’m a psychologist in Finland, the No. 1 happiest country in the world—here's the real meaning of life


This article is filled with gems that you could meditate on for weeks (perhaps for a lifetime). I love the author’s (Frank Martela) quote of the Finnish statement, “Speech is Silver, but Silence is Golden.” Take the time to reflect on this writers’ insights, you’ll certainly be glad you did.


What does it mean to really ‘belong’?


DEI & B (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging). Research is reminding us the premiere importance of belonging in learning organizations. If you want to build open-minded entities where continuous learning is a primary quality, belonging at all levels is the factor you want to emphasize.


A Racist Society Is Detrimental to Your Health


From depression to cancer, the impact of racism is a weight around the neck of any society (or entity) that doesn’t honestly address it. It is important to look at the economics of racism from a standpoint of how it impedes all members but also from a perspective of who it benefits economically. Who benefits the most from having a permanent underclass and pitting groups of the population against each other? To research this question, begin by examining who received the biggest tax cuts under the Trump administration.


Republican attacks on trans people smack of fascism


Republican attacks on trans people are not novel, nor are they unprecedented. They have been a common theme in the playbook of authoritarian regimes for ages. Currently, the vitriol is becoming so heated that it is life threatening and many people are leaving states such as Florida to insure the safety of their trans children. But it’s not just southern States, states such as Indiana and now Idaho have politicized hatred towards young people exploring their gender identity as well. Will the US continue to listen to the siren calls of hatred and violence towards large swaths of people who are diverse?


Amanda Gorman’s Book Sales Skyrocket Following a Ban on Her Poem in a Florida School



In an article last week, the Florida woman who pushed for the ban on Amanda Gorman’s poetry admitted she didn’t even like reading. Today—truly a historic day in US history—as Trump faces a Federal indictment in South Florida, it is important to ask how many of those protesting against his arrest have even read the 37 Federal Crimes Trump is accused of in the indictment against him. It is no mystery that ignorance (and hatred) are the children of illiteracy and why the ultra-conservative GOP wants to regulate what young people in our schools and universities are allowed to read. An informed public is harder to deceive.

This Week’s Links


I Finally Asked My Second-Grader What Happens in Her Lockdown Drills. It Broke My Heart.


No One Knows Exactly What Social Media Is Doing to Teens


Parents take advantage of summer to teach kids 'how to be a person' skills



Hateopia: The Great Migration of Racists to the South


Schools Are Trying to Do Too Much (Opinion)


The Sociology of AI!


All the ways AI is going to change (not steal) your job


Mapping Emotion Recognition in Children



I’m a psychologist in Finland, the No. 1 happiest country in the world—here's the real meaning of life


Great Books Can Heal Our Divided Campuses


Don’t Try to Be Happy; Try to Feel Joy and Gratitude


Eastern philosophy says there is no “self.” Science agrees



What does it mean to really ‘belong’?


It Takes Courage to Change


Neurotypical vs. Neurodivergent: What’s the Difference?


A Taste of How It Feels to Be Free: Pioneering Psychoanalyst Karen Horney on Our Inner Conflicts, the Psychology of Hopelessness, and the Path to Wholeness


Age of AI: Everything you need to know about artificial intelligence



A Racist Society Is Detrimental to Your Health


National Affairs: Guns at the Pride Parade


More kids and teens are getting anxiety medication without therapy, report finds


For kids exploring social media, here are three steps the surgeon general wants parents to take



Republican attacks on trans people smack of fascism


‘It’s been a total witch-hunt. It takes its toll’: the LGBTQ+ families fleeing red states


We need to rethink discipline in schools



Amanda Gorman’s Book Sales Skyrocket Following a Ban on Her Poem in a Florida School


Winning the Long Game in Parenting


Get Phones Out of Schools Now


Don’t Want Students to Rely on ChatGPT? Have Them Use It


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Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Don’t be fooled. The world is not as hateful as the Evangelical, Ultra-Conservative, Right is trying to make it seem. Sadly, it only takes a small group with a fear-filled message to flood the airwaves today.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 06 (160 total reports)



Don’t be fooled. The world is not as hateful as the Evangelical, Ultra-Conservative, Right is trying to make it seem. Sadly, it only takes a small group with a fear-filled message to flood the airwaves today.

This Week’s Top Links


This Gay Teacher Quit After 8.5 Years — And One Thing Pushed Her Over The Edge


Florida is doing deep and lasting damage to itself in Gov. Ron DeSantis’ maniacal passion to get the State (and now the Country) to hate/fear diverse people.


America Is Headed Toward Collapse


Under the likes of Karl Rove, the GOP learned to exploit a single issue and turn it into a campaign of fear. AI has the potential of exacerbating that technique infinitely and our best defense is being WOKE (mindful and compassionate).


Here’s How Americans Really Feel About LGBTQ Issues


Radical, ultra-conservative, evangelicals are in the minority, but their message is passionate and consumed with vitriol. Don’t equate being loud with being a majority.


Bible Banned in Schools as Book Censorship Backfires Big Time


I applaud those who used the same tactics that the hateful, right conspiracy is using to ban a book that is full of sex and violence. I will file this under, “What is sauce for the goose…”


Opinion | America’s Poverty Is Built by Design


The question that is important to ask when reading through this article is “who benefits from poverty?” One of the reports below examines the alarming trend of the downward life expectancy of the United States. Who benefits by rationing health care? Who benefits from gun violence and, in this issue, who benefits from poverty? One need not look any further than the Republicans farce of a “budget deal” when holding the world economy hostage to pay for Donald Trump’s debts and tax cuts.


AI Poses ‘Risk of Extinction’ on Par With Pandemics and Nuclear War, Tech Executives Warn


The greatest risk is not the technology itself, but its ubiquitous use in social media and the lack of a mindful response. There is another article below that discusses that children taught to be mindful in early grades are far less likely to fall prey to negative social media. While I was typing this blog, an AI-Generated message came into my mailbox asking me to update personal information for a service I have used before. The cover letter looked so legitimate and I had used the business previously. I took a moment to reflect and realized that this was the perfect setup for some devious group to get me to click on their pseudo-web site and upload much of my important data. The problem with AI-generated messages is that they look so familiar and appeal to our interests. That’s NO accident. Mindfulness helps us teach young people; be vigilant and always verify your sources.

This Week’s Links


This Gay Teacher Quit After 8.5 Years — And One Thing Pushed Her Over The Edge


Who receives food benefits? It may not be who you think


Why humans are surprisingly bad at being happy


How To Be Unshakeable In Every Situation



America Is Headed Toward Collapse


“There were fists everywhere”: Violence against teachers is on the rise


Awe-inducing experiences lead to greater prosocial behavior in kids


99 Times Matt Charts Summed Up Certain Situations In Life Better Than Words Ever Could



Here’s How Americans Really Feel About LGBTQ Issues


US life expectancy problem is ‘bigger than we ever thought,’ report finds



Bible Banned in Schools as Book Censorship Backfires Big Time


Utah primary schools ban Bible for 'vulgarity and violence'


Advice | Gaslighting is emotional abuse. Here’s how to recognize and stop it.


7 Brilliant Questions Emotionally Intelligent People Ask Themselves (Over and Over and Over)


Poll: Americans say teachers are underpaid, about half of Republicans oppose book bans


Maybe You Need a Life Coach, Not a Therapist—Here's the Difference



Opinion | America’s Poverty Is Built by Design


The ultimate anxiety explainer: The six biggest questions about worrying, answered by a psychologist



AI Poses ‘Risk of Extinction’ on Par With Pandemics and Nuclear War, Tech Executives Warn


Meditation Diminishes Bias Toward Negative Information


How To Make Someone Truly Feel Heard


4 ways AI will change the classroom with Khan Academy founder Sal Khan



When a second grader doesn't have lunch, a teacher steps in to save the day


The 25 Best Children’s Books of All Time


What to Do If Your Child Experiences a Mental Health Emergency


FL Parent Who Had Amanda Gorman's Poem Removed from School... Doesn't Read


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Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

A trip to Amsterdam, reflections on the Anne Frank House, North Holland planning water tables three generations ahead while the US can’t pass a debt ceiling for the end of the week.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 05 (159 total reports)



A trip to Amsterdam, reflections on the Anne Frank House, North Holland planning water tables three generations ahead while the US can’t pass a debt ceiling for the end of the week.

This Week’s Top Links

This week, my blog takes a little bit different turn. I just returned (to the Yucatan) from a trip to Amsterdam with my wife and brother-in-law. While there, we visited the Anne Frank House. I couldn’t help but reflect on the similarities between the Nazis and the authoritarian right in the US at this time. Simultaneously, my wife and I are watching the wonderful series, “A Small Light,” about Miep Gies and the Frank Family. It is amazing how little Miep and her husband, Jan Gies, felt they were doing to support the Jewish people in the face of Hitler’s Facist Regime. Yet, it was that one “Small Light” that provided hope to the Frank family and to Anne Frank herself. It was chilling to listen (and watch images) of Adolf Hitler while reading the news of the Trump’s latest antics.

I once wrote a theme song for a National Youth Convention called, “Candleflame.” The words of the chorus, “Though it may be weak and feeble, it may be small and dim, but the smallest candle still dispels the night. So, let us bear it proudly, our tiny dancing flame, it may be all we have but it’s enough to bring some light. And to a world needing hope it will seem bright.”

Whatever your small light is, bear it with dignity…

We also took a bike trip to the Amsterdam suburbs. Our guide was speaking about how the people were working on creating a water plan that would keep North Holland safe for the next three generations. It struck me deeply as the US government was facing a debt showdown to get through the end of the week. What a contrast.


Why You Should Set Your Sights on Fulfillment Rather Than Happiness


I could not read more than two paragraphs into this article before I needed to stop and reflect on the Author’s insights. The goal of our society is so wrongly placed when the focus is on happiness—especially personal happiness. It makes us so vulnerable and easy to manipulate. Part of this is the trap laid by consumerism and the deception of every ad that blatantly or subtly begins with, “You would be beautiful if…” Oddly enough, this is not different than the temptation Satan presented to Jesus, “If you were loved by God…” Happiness is a trap that first deceives by threatening our internal dignity. To find meaning and fulfillment should be the focus of our education system and all of our work with young people. Or, as Abraham Maslow would direct us; not self-fulfillment, but self-transcendence.


How to be happy without relying on others


Happiness or even fulfillment that relies on others is a setup for losing control of our lives. There is a difference between relying on others for our internal affirmation and being a member of a vibrant, supportive community. We all need community, but if that community requires we forego our boundaries and values; then it is a cult, not a community.


20 Years From Now, the Only People Who Will Remember That You Worked Late Are Your Kids


This statement was not something I heard when I was growing up and the lead belief purported, “The busier you are, the more  important you are…” I look back and regret the time I spent away from my children and the personal cost that a life “on the road,” required of me. Hopefully, this article and the thoughts expressed within it will remind people that we are not WHAT we do, we are WHO we love.

This Week’s Links


Why You Should Set Your Sights on Fulfillment Rather Than Happiness


17 Signs You May Be On The Autism Spectrum


Seth Godin: 4 Things Make Employees Feel Their Job Is the Best Job They've Ever Had



How to be happy without relying on others


What I Always Say To My Kids To Help Build Their Self-Confidence


Happiness is overrated. Make these mindset shifts to find meaning in each moment



20 Years From Now, the Only People Who Will Remember That You Worked Late Are Your Kids


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Anxiety, vigilantism, ideas for advocating for children and young people through a pandemic of loneliness and a mental health crisis.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 04 (158 total reports)



Anxiety, vigilantism, ideas for advocating for children and young people through a pandemic of loneliness and a mental health crisis.

This Week’s Top Links


The War on Poverty Is Over. Rich People Won.


If you are involved in any manner as an advocate for the vulnerable, please prioritize this article to read, discuss, and pass on this week.


What It's Like Teaching Through a Youth Mental Health Crisis


Certainly, the priorities of youth advocacy in the fields of education, social services and ministry have changed over the last five years. It wasn’t just COVD, though the pandemic did reveal flaws in the systems surrounding young people. It’s never been enough to just help you people survive a crisis, we must also help them thrive—in the present and for the future. This article takes a deeper dive into making that possible.


Emotionally Intelligent People Use the Rule of Awkward Silence to Get the Most Out of Others


The first one who speaks in a meeting or group gathering is rarely the person who has given an issue the most thought—it is generally the person who is least comfortable with silence. As a leader, examine how you can use that awkward silence to look deeper into issues and understand others better. It also pays to examine what makes us uncomfortable with the necessary lulls in any meaningful conversation.


How People With High Emotional Intelligence Use the 'Roy Kent Rule' to Become Remarkably Successful


Like many, Ted Lasso has become one of my most favorite series—ever. The irritable and often verbally abusive Roy Kent provides a deeper look into the hidden hurt of people who act tough but have inner demons they are trying to protect. Occasionally, we see the antagonistic Kent come to the protection of others that are also wounded. Such is the case when he uses the phrase examined in this article.


These Children's Books About Anxiety Will Help Kids (& Parents) Cope So Much Better


Sitting and reading with a child is—by itself—a great way to help a young person who feels anxious. That can’t help but provide relief to the one doing the reading as well. You can take that experience to another level by adding a book that focuses on coping with anxiety. The list of these children books are a great starter for any book collection—at home or in a workplace involving children.


America Is Obsessed With Vigilantism


This in depth article by Vice, takes us inside the issue of American Vigilantism of which Gun Violence is only a part. The recent New York murder of Jordan Neely, a homeless man on a subway car full of people, illustrates how far we are willing to justify over-protective responses to perceived threats. Choking someone to death for 15 minutes is not a reasonable response to non-aggressive hysteria, neither is shooting a child who has stolen candy. I appreciate articles like this that shed insight into the problem behind the problem.


Mental illness is not responsible for America’s guns crisis


Many countries have mental illness issues that do not result in mass murders by guns. As much as the NRA (and the politicians they own) would like you to look at anything except guns as a reason for gun violence—it just doesn’t bear out statistically. It’s the guns…

This Week’s Links


The War on Poverty Is Over. Rich People Won.


Column: When students don't understand history, what are democracy's chances?


7 Things All Boys Need To Hear From Their Father


Psychologist shares 7 toxic signs of people who are ‘addicted to drama’—and how to deal with them


Say these 4 words to yourself in the seconds before giving a speech or delivering a presentation.


Khan Academy Founder Says AI Will Revolutionize Education and Make Guided Learning Accessible to More Than Just the Rich


The APA Has Issued Its First Ever Guidelines On Social Media Use For Kids



What It's Like Teaching Through a Youth Mental Health Crisis


3 Essential Steps Practical People Use To Not React Emotionally



Emotionally Intelligent People Use the Rule of Awkward Silence to Get the Most Out of Others


‘Teach the truth.’ Teachers angry over Florida deleting race, social justice from textbooks


Dad Sends His GF These Pics Whenever She Asks If Their Babies Are OK While He’s Watching Them (95 New Pics) Interview With Artist


My mom has 4 rules for a fulfilled life—a happiness expert 'loves' them



How People With High Emotional Intelligence Use the 'Roy Kent Rule' to Become Remarkably Successful


5 Common But Harmful Phrases Parents Should Never Say To Their Children


Breakthrough brain study uncovers four different types of Autism



These Children's Books About Anxiety Will Help Kids (& Parents) Cope So Much Better


How to Disagree Productively


Trauma Rx: The Best Remedy Is Right Under Your Nose


9 Ways to Support a Child With Anxiety


Texas Is On Its Way to Turning Public Schools Into Jesus Camp



America Is Obsessed With Vigilantism


"Grief Isn’t Something That Can Be Fixed": People Are Sharing The Moment Everything Clicked For Them In Therapy


Emotionally drained? Nine ways to protect your well-being.


How to Overcome Perfectionism, According to Experts



Mental illness is not responsible for America’s guns crisis


Young Latinos are leaving Catholicism and trending towards ‘no religion.’ Here’s why.


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Mental Health

Role Modeling, Forgiveness, Cognitive Flexibility, what habits do you want to practice and model this week?

Youth Mental Health

Year 3, Week 03 (157 total reports)



Role Modeling, Forgiveness, Cognitive Flexibility, what habits do you want to practice and model this week?

This Week’s Top Links


How To Raise A Good Kid


This article is about modeling and expands on the idea of what is a “Good Kid.”. I was pleasantly surprised by the depth I found in this link. Modeling courtesy, resilience, empathy; it’s worth taking time to read this if you are parenting children or working with them in some other way. To my friends in youth advocacy, pin this short article to the wall of the break room or anyplace that staff might read and discuss it. Use it as a basis for an upcoming staff meeting and give people sticky notes to generate ideas for modeling these behaviors.


Forgiveness can boost happiness, improve mental health: 5 steps to get started


Perhaps one of the most freeing actions we can take as adults is to forgive our parents and realize they did the best they could with what they knew. We also hope that this is a point our children reach fairly early in their lives; hopefully in adolescence, but certainly in their young adulthood. It’s impossible to be mature friends with children or anyone who knows our buttons” without a healthy dose of forgiveness.


Cognitive flexibility is essential to navigating a changing world – new research shows how your brain learns new rules


Looking back up at the first link and remembering that modeling is really the primary tool of parenting, leadership or teaching, it is worth asking ourselves how we can model cognitive flexibility and help young people identify that trait when they display or witness it. This article says that cognitive flexibility is essential to navigating a changing world, I would go as far as to say it is primary.


The Only Way Out of the Child-Gender Culture War


What is it about gender identity and development that scares misogynistic politicians like Trump, Abbott and DeSantis? It is alarming to think that gender (and pelvic) issues have been at the core of every authoritarian regime dating back before Hitler and Stalin along with race and immigration. This is not a new chapter in their “distraction playbook.’ It would serve us all to remember that when you don’t have true substance with which to lead others, you distract people and make them afraid.


A Country Governed by Fear


Is fear the new “base” emotion in our public encounters today? Who benefits when we are afraid? Whose politics promote distrust in the false wrapping that we must constantly protect ourselves—even to the point of taking someone’s life; on a subway, at the doorway, at a birthday party, at shopping malls, throughout our communities? We can’t just blame this behavior on COVID, incivility was beginning to emerge and cause problems long before that. It begins with a lack of civility and creating closed-minded concepts of us vs. them.


How To Raise An Adventurous Kid (But Not A Risk-Seeking Lunatic)


No risk, no growth. How do we model to young people that failure is to be learned from and even celebrated? How do we diminish the falsehood of perfection or even that “we are what we succeed at?” Much of this begins with what we praise as adults. Praise effort, not accomplishment. When we say, “you are a great artist,” a child may never pick up a pencil, crayon or pen again, for fear of not being “great.” Instead, be specific and praise the effort involved. “I can see you spent a lot of time studying how to draw hands and faces, your efforts really show in the result of your work. Tell me what you worked on hardest in this drawing?”


Loneliness is the new silent killer, and as deadly as smoking: US surgeon-general


Political or religious reasoning that is fear-based creates an environment of distrust. An environment of distrust lends itself to isolation. Isolation results in loneliness. The US Surgeon-General tells us that loneliness is an epidemic in the US. What actions could you take today to be more inviting, to increase the level of trust in your classroom, facility or community? When developing school programs to reduce violence, we used to emphasize “intentional courtesy,” especially to the vulnerable; “Go out of your way to be kind to the lonely, the sad and EVEN the mad…” We sent older kids to grade schools to become ambassadors of courtesy and brought community members into our schools to be “Golden Greeters” modeling courtesy at the doors to both staff and children.

This Week’s Links


How To Raise A Good Kid


Mental illness is not responsible for America’s guns crisis


'Parenting Whisperer' shares why it's better to teach kids resiliency than to focus on happiness


The Lies We Tell Ourselves About Multitasking


Advice from a recovering workaholic: break free



Forgiveness can boost happiness, improve mental health: 5 steps to get started


Harvard-trained psychologist shares 3 signs you're addicted to stress: 'It's a lot more common than you think'



Cognitive flexibility is essential to navigating a changing world – new research shows how your brain learns new rules


How to find your thing when you’re good at many things


Here's the No. 1 skill for raising highly resilient kids, says parenting expert and neuropsychologist



The Only Way Out of the Child-Gender Culture War


Advice | 4 mistakes to avoid when you’re lonely


WHO Declares Covid-19 Pandemic Emergency Over



A Country Governed by Fear


What are Intrusive Thoughts?


Dr. Laurie Santos Is Teaching Us How to Become Happier


Principals, Here Are 4 Ways to Show Your Appreciation for Teachers



How To Raise An Adventurous Kid (But Not A Risk-Seeking Lunatic)


Don’t Ban ChatGPT—Teach Students How To Use It



Loneliness is the new silent killer, and as deadly as smoking: US surgeon-general


Diagnosing Depression In Young Kids Is Harder, Incredibly Important


Finding Happiness When Life Doesn’t Turn Out as You Planned


The skills gap is so big that nearly half of workers will need to retrain this decade. These 10 skills are most in demand


Rise in suicide-related ED visits among youth raises larger questions around mental health care


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Mental Health

Insecure Attachment Styles, Youth Mental Health Crisis, remaining Stubbornly Optimistic

Youth Mental Health

Year 3, Week 02 (156 total reports)



Insecure Attachment Styles, Youth Mental Health Crisis, remaining Stubbornly Optimistic

This Week’s Top Links


As new data shows kids in a mental health crisis, parents ask, where is the help?


There is shortage of specialists in the field of adolescent psychology and pediatric mental health just at a time when a crisis in adolescent mental health is overwhelming the systems surrounding young people. Inpatient Adolescent facilities (which have been overwhelmed for years) are now nearly impossible to access. As this article by Katie Kindelan states, “Two years ago, the AACAP (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) joined with the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children's Hospital Association -- which collectively represent more than 77,000 physicians and over 200 children's hospitals -- in declaring children’s mental health a ‘national emergency.’”


We asked, you answered: What's your secret to staying optimistic in gloomy times?


I had a great time watching Joe Biden tell self-deprecating jokes at the annual White House Press Correspondents dinner on April 29. I missed the traditional event after the previous administration canceled the tradition. Being able to laugh at yourself is a sure sign of mental health and one of the secrets of remaining stubbornly optimistic during gloomy times. Scroll through the list of “secrets” in this article to see if there are ones you use (or can teach) when life seems overwhelming to you or those you lead.


Editorial: House Republicans want to balance the budget on the backs of America's kids


The Republican Pseudo-Budget isn’t really a budget as much as it is a charter to bring economic ruin to the nation before the next election. Their cuts are primarily designed to cripple programs to the poor and children with the intent of paying off debts created during the Trump presidency.


America is in its insecure-attachment era


This is my ARTICLE OF THE WEEK from one of my favorite news sources, The Atlantic. The focus is primarily on the work of Sara Konrath, at Indiana University, examining attachment styles of people at a time when researchers noticed that Narcism was increasing and empathy decreasing on college campuses. A decade after this initial study, Konrath and others have found that fearful attachment styles are continuing to rise (see the article for an explanation of Attachment Styles). This fear of intimacy might give more insight into the epidemic of loneliness and fear in the United States. The increase in detachment combined with the proliferation of firearms is also proving to be a dangerous combination in US neighborhoods and schools. It provides another reason why we must insist leaders reduce the hyperbole and hate-speech—and vote out those who won’t. Name-calling and positional statements have no place in rational democratic (with a small “d”) discourse.


The Ten Commandments could be in every Texas classroom next fall


Forced religion has always been a tool of autocratic regimes and usually backfired from its intended purpose of winning converts. If we truly studied the Gospels we would see that coercion is not a legitimate strategy. Polls are already indicating a backlash against religious and political conservatives due to the authoritarian practices of the Supreme Court and MAGA-Republicans. To be truly religious means to be as concerned about the freedom of worship for others as yourself.


One big idea that could prevent thousands of gun deaths


Gun control should not be viewed as an all or nothing, black and white issue. Strategies that encourage gun responsibility have significant support among gun proponents and opponents alike. We only get trapped in all-or-nothing non-solutions when the hyperbole is ratcheted to a peak.


Disrupted Synaptic Pruning a Key Factor in Teen Mental Health at Risk - Neuroscience News


One of the primary tasks of the human brain during adolescence is synaptic pruning. Pruning can have the positive affect of strengthening pathways we use habitually. When this process is impeded, the processes in the brain’s frontal lobe can be limited by “white noise” (too much information) making the brain inefficient.

This Week’s Links


As new data shows kids in a mental health crisis, parents ask, where is the help?


America’s Death Trap


The Science of Happiness: Why It's Not Something You Earn, It's Something You Practice


How to Change Your Life With Habit Stacking



We asked, you answered: What's your secret to staying optimistic in gloomy times?


How Relatives Can Make Radicals


What a top couples therapist wishes more people knew


Harvard-trained expert: Use this 3-word response when someone is rude to you


A.I. will cause ‘significant labor-market disruption’ over next 5 years, says World Economic Forum


Teens, Screens, and Mental Health



Editorial: House Republicans want to balance the budget on the backs of America's kids


Best AI Tools For Students (2023)


Illinois bill aims to stop book bans


4 Brutal Truths Your Son Needs You To Teach Him About Love



America is in its insecure-attachment era


What Socrates' 'know nothing' wisdom can teach a polarized America


Our Favorite Godmother Dolly Parton Gave the Most Empowering Pep Talk for Shy Kids: ‘Everybody’s Not Loud’



The Ten Commandments could be in every Texas classroom next fall


How To Give Constructive Criticism That’s Actually Constructive


‘This Changes Everything’: AI Is About to Upend Teaching and Learning


These are the top 20 must-have skills to put on your résumé


5 Common Thought Traps That Keep You Stuck in Anxiety—And How To Escape Each One


I'm Autistic—Here's What I Needed From My Parents as a Child



One big idea that could prevent thousands of gun deaths


The Conscious Discipline Method Helps Parents Think More And Punish Less


Cognitive flexibility is essential to navigating a changing world – new research in mice shows how your brain learns new rules


Patriotic Ukrainians are rushing to pay their taxes


‘A new generation is rising up’: Young Dems stand up to GOP extremism



Disrupted Synaptic Pruning a Key Factor in Teen Mental Health at Risk - Neuroscience News


Using Positive Reinforcement to Improve Your Child's Behavior


10 of the First Things You Should Try With ChatGPT


What Educators Need to Know About ChatGPT


7 Books That Will Teach You to Live a More Joyful Life


Teamwork Is Hard Work. Here’s How To Build The Skills To Do It Well.


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Mental Health

Book Bannings, Shootings, Fear-Mongering contrasted with Happiness, Creativity and Wonder. What a week!

Youth Mental Health

Year 3, Week 52 (154 total reports)



Book Bannings, Shootings, Fear-Mongering contrasted with Happiness, Creativity and Wonder. What a week!

This Week’s Top Links


Perspective | Pulitzer Prize-winning poet pens a letter to a local school board


If I were to pen the perfect letter or create an amazing model for writing school boards across the US about book-banning, this would be the letter. There were 1,269 challenges to ban books in 2022 and last week, one superintendent just suggested closing school libraries in his district. Is it the desire of the GOP and Christian Evangelicals to raise an illiterate generation that will be dumbfounded by conversations wherever they travel? If so, they are laying the groundwork for institutional ignorance in most red-leaning States.


A Crucial Character Trait for Happiness


Arthur C. Brooks of The Atlantic is consistently one of my favorites writers. This historic look at happiness examines the philosophical roots of this state of being. It is always enriching to receive knowledge from the likes of Plato, Aristotles, Hippocrates and more-modern thinkers like William James. Brooks compares their philosophies to the exuberance of his neighbor. And I have to say, I would like to grow some of the attributes of Brooks’ neighbor in my life.


The secret power of boredom


The benefits of boredom might soon be lost to a culture that equates busy with importance (“the busier I am the more important I must be”). Boredom Psychologist, Heather Lench, Ph.D., has studied the benefits of boredom. Primarily, the space and time that boredom requires which free the brain to be more creative. Think of this next time you feel you have to fill every waking moment with tasks or social media. And consider the important aspects of boredom in raising or educating children. Can we model the constructive use of boredom to the young people around us?


Is it 'woke' to teach kindness? With teachers' hands tied, racism flourishes in classroom.


Many of my friends still in education are asking this similar question. When empathy and courtesy are attacked as weaknesses, what replaces them in our schools? When we examine the journalists and politicians leading the “Woke” attack, we see some of the most ignorant, biased, racist bullies in the US today. This is certainly not the behavior we want to model or allow to grow in our schools. Politicians who push this agenda should spend a semester teaching and be measured by the same standards used on our educators today. How well does anyone learn in a hostile—even violent—environment?


Why kids lose their sense of wonder, according to Carl Sagan


Carl Sagan, the leading force behind the series, Cosmos, raised a whole generation to wonder and be astonished by physics and astronomy. Sir Ken Robinson and others who are at the forefront in the field of education remind us that wonder is the greatest asset any person can carry into life. Einstein is quoted as saying, “Creativity is more important than knowledge.” But why do we force our schools to measure knowledge rather than creativity? We will be successful in education when children leave our schools saying, “Wow! I wonder how much I still don’t know…”


Why are Americans being shot for knocking on the wrong door?


When politicians or religious leaders don’t have a subsatnce-based platform to share, they resort to peddling fear. Fear of those who are different from us. A different color, sexuality, birthplace. A fear of the afterlife, fear of judgment, a fear of expulsion. The list goes on. The US has reached a fever pitch of fear and sadly, guns are the match that ignites those irrational fears into deadly behaviors.


Analysis | America’s toxic mix of guns, concern over crime — and fear-mongering


The US has become the least safe country to visit that is not in an active war zone. It is no longer safe to be a child in the US—where the most likely cause of death is a gunshot wound. This is not just the fault of gun owners, it is a combination of selling fears and turning people against each other that is deliberately orchestrated by a small group of people who benefit from those fears. We must begin to publicly ask (as did the three politicians in Tennessee), “Who profits from fear? Who profits from gun violence? Who profits from an America divided against itself?” Names and Acronyms keep coming to the top of the list: NRA, GOP, MAGA. Murdock, Trump, Carlson, Cruz.

This Week’s Links


Perspective | Pulitzer Prize-winning poet pens a letter to a local school board


As The War On Books Rages, A Virginia School Official Proposes Closing Down Libraries


There were 1,269 efforts to ban books in 2022. These titles were the most targeted.


After Mike fell on a busy sidewalk, a stranger helped in just the right way


Signs You Have a Toxic Parent and How to Cope


California lawmakers consider banning 'willful defiance' suspensions from schools



A Crucial Character Trait for Happiness


When Congress is more Christian and religious than the rest of America


People Are Sharing Professions That Are Getting Phased Out, And It's Pretty Eye-Opening


Your body's intense reaction to stress, explained


More and More Parents Are "Rusting Out" Without Realizing It — Are You?



The secret power of boredom


6 Questions You Should Ask When Your Kid Gets In Trouble At School


Book bans are on the rise in U.S. schools, fueled by new laws in Republican-led states


Mental Block: The Brain Often Stop Us From Learning From Mistakes - Neuroscience News



Is it 'woke' to teach kindness? With teachers' hands tied, racism flourishes in classroom.


Failure Is Key to Learning. Help Students See It That Way



Why kids lose their sense of wonder, according to Carl Sagan


6 Questions You Should Ask When Your Kid Gets In Trouble At School


Bill Gates: AI will be ‘as good a tutor as any human,’ but payoffs in education will take time


Quick Ways Teachers Can Encourage Students to Listen to Each Other


A 6-Step Method For Not Losing Your Cool During An Argument



Why are Americans being shot for knocking on the wrong door?


Steve Jobs Said 1 Choice in Life Separates the Doers From the Dreamers


Life Worth Living: A Guide to What Matters Most


Shot for making a mistake: America reels from shootings of Ralph Yarl, Kaylin Gillis and Texas cheerleaders



Analysis | America’s toxic mix of guns, concern over crime — and fear-mongering


I spent 10 years studying what makes us happy in life—here's the No. 1 thing I overlooked the entire time


How does social media affect mental health? It's complicated.


Can AI improve education? Here are 4 potential use cases


FDA authorizes second dose of updated COVID booster for some people


Arnold Schwarzenegger follows a 5-word mantra to achieve super human focus and concentration.


When kids like the box more than the toy: The benefits of playing with everyday objects


We know how kids learn to read, so why are we failing to teach them?


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Mental Health

Narcissism, Deeper Meaning and Deeper Relationships (Narcisismo, significado más profundo y relaciones más profundas)

Youth Mental Health

Year 3, Week 51 (153 total reports)



Narcissism, Deeper Meaning and Deeper Relationships (Narcisismo, significado más profundo y relaciones más profundas)

This Week’s Top Links


Case Studies: 6 Principles for Using Student-Powered Improvement in Your School


Young people spend years in schools, it is there that they will learn significant involvement or that their voices are inconsequential. I’m not talking about Student government either—though I also support models that encourage disenfranchised youth to be involved. I’m speaking about opportunities for meaningful engagement with adult decision-makers where ideas will be respected and implemented on critical school issues. Having dealt with issues of school violence in a variety of settings, I can honestly say that I have never seen school violence that wasn’t accompanied by adult emotional abuse. When adults are abusive, that last thing they want is to include the voices of the young people in their school. This article looks at multiple case examples of how students can be significantly and meaningfully involved in building a healthy school culture.


The Narcissists Who Endanger America


This article is not just about narcissists like Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis, it examines individuals like Jack Teixeira who stole federal secrets and released them publicly on a gaming platform to impress his friends. In the article, journalist, Tom Nichols, points to the acronym Intelligence professionals use to understand people who betray their country. The phrase, MICE, reveals the four main reasons people forsake their country or community: money, ideology, compromise, and ego.


Republicans, realizing Anheuser-Busch is a significant donor, are quietly reversing their position on Bud Light


The absolute ridiculousness and hypocrisy of the Far Right is revealed in this article that reveals Republicans currently have no platform except to vilify atypical groups and fix voting systems. Their gender biased attack on Anheuser-Busch’s Bud Light beer backfired when they recalled how much money that company donates to their political funds. It’s a sad commentary on Republicans, but also on Anheuser-Busch for where there lobbying money goes. I’d suggest not using their products—not because of the color of the Bud Light label—but because of whom their profits have supported.


Don’t say ‘How are you?’ Ask these 8 questions instead, says expert: ‘You’ll get a genuine response’


This article was the FIND OF THE WEEK. Move your relationships from the blasé to the meaningful by adjusting a few typical phrases you use on a regular basis. Especially the bland and generic question, “How are you?”


The Deeper Meaning of Awareness


Towards the end of his life, one of my favorite psychologists, Abraham Maslow, suggested that our deepest meaning was found not in self-awareness, but in self-transcendence. What can we do in the institutions that surround our children to enhance both awareness and transcendence? This question is a perfect start to engaging a team of young people in your institution (or family) in a “How-To” series of gatherings.


Cognitive flexibility: the science of how to be successful in business and at work


Cognitive Inelasticity, Resistance, Hardening, Immobility, Stagnation is the opposite of what young people need to thrive in the world today. Teaching cognitive flexibility is best achieved through modeling. Show you are open to change when there is a rational reason for modification. Simple phrases such as, “I hadn’t thought of that,” or, “That’s a new way of seeing things,” are great ways to show young people you are open to new ideas and encouraging discourse from new viewpoints that are well thought-out. We grow what we encourage. Encourage thoughtful discourse and active listening.


29 Physical And Emotional Ways Childhood Trauma Can Show Up In Adults, From Those Have Lived It


We are surrounded by trauma, but not all adversity ends in trauma. When people feel heard and their feeling’s understood (even if their behavior is found unacceptable), the impact of adversity is minimized. “Tell me more about that.” “How do you feel right now?” “You sound…” all of these are statements that open the door to deeper understanding. We need to bear in mind that most people aren’t seeking advice, they are seeking to be understood. Understanding is the key to preventing long-term trauma and PTSD.

This Week’s Links


Case Studies: 6 Principles for Using Student-Powered Improvement in Your School


31 Secrets to Unlocking Your Creativity


Leveraging ChatGPT: Practical Ideas for Educators


How your kids can use ChatGPT safely, according to a mom



The Narcissists Who Endanger America


6 tricks that will help you win any argument


Covid is still a leading cause of death as the virus recedes


We've finally found the true 'welfare queen.' It’s Clarence Thomas.


Teen with life-threatening depression finally found hope. Then insurance cut her off


Michigan child care workers were unprepared for kids' post-pandemic mental health crisis



Republicans, realizing Anheuser-Busch is a significant donor, are quietly reversing their position on Bud Light


This is the secret to healing a toxic culture


Is Your Child Being Bullied? Don't Feel Helpless — Give Your Kid the Tools to Work Through It


What Educators Need to Know About ChatGPT


Parents who raise mentally strong kids never use these 7 phrases: therapist


5 Ways You Probably Didn't Realize You Could Use ChatGPT


Drawing Pictures Is Great for Children’s Development



Don’t say ‘How are you?’ Ask these 8 questions instead, says expert: ‘You’ll get a genuine response’


The Narcissists Who Endanger America


An Indiana man with mental illness died after 20 days in solitary confinement; lawsuit alleges abuse



The Deeper Meaning of Awareness


7 Books That Will Kickstart Your Creativity



Cognitive flexibility: the science of how to be successful in business and at work


18 Things Every Child Needs To Hear From Their Parents


Trans people, students and teachers are besieged by DeSantis’s crusade. But he’s not done yet


Not doomed: How the right coping mechanisms can save trauma victims from PTSD


Gen Z and millennials are so broke they’re ruining their parents’ retirements


America has seen 146 mass shootings this year alone. It’s not like this in other countries.


Is anger ruining your relationship? You’re not alone.


Grief Counselors Say 'Closure' Is A Myth. Here's Why.


Perspective | Please stop insisting trans kids are just struggling with puberty



29 Physical And Emotional Ways Childhood Trauma Can Show Up In Adults, From Those Have Lived It


58% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck: CNBC survey


New Study Sheds Light on Impact Hostile Parenting Style Has on Kids' Mental Health


A Quick Way to Help Your Child Master Stress


Why adults with ADHD often thrive as freelancers and entrepreneurs


Nonprofit Group Working to Help Transgender People Escape the U.S.


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Mental Health

The courage to be uncertain and the danger of being an expert. El coraje de no estar seguro y el peligro de ser un experto.

Youth Mental Health

Year 3, Week 50 (152 total reports)



The courage to be uncertain and the danger of being an expert. El coraje de no estar seguro y el peligro de ser un experto.

This Week’s Top Links


After years of investigation and heartbreak, report detailing 'horrendous' allegations against clergy is released


This study found 40 years of abuse and even torture of children. What lies at the core of such rampant abuse? Separation, isolation and elitism. The first thing an abuser (or abusive system) does is attempt to separate their vicim. This can be done physically or psychologically through the manipulation of emotions or beliefs. Abuse occurs in our institutions when we defer to others to do our relational work for us. I’ve seen this occur in religious institutions as well as education and corrections. Leaders need to become more intent on building equitable connections between the vulnerable and the community. We also need to be wary of those who attempt to separate themselves by the self-designation of expert with a claim to preferential access to either knowledge or power. This is a clear indication that someone is setting themselves up to abuse others.


How to Love the World More: George Saunders on the Courage of Uncertainty


The opening paragraph of this review is worth reading and re-reading. It takes courage to admit you DON’T know! Deep inside our beings we have been fooled to believe that knowing = acceptance and thus not knowing = rejection. We learn that intrinsically from systems that foster falsehoods of expert know-it-alls which emphasize knowledge as accumulation. To admit that you don’t know is like saying, “I’m useless…” When we’re with children especially we need to model the attitude of “I don’t know, but let’s find out together…”


I'm A Nurse Practitioner Caring For Trans Kids. Here's What The GOP Doesn't Want You To Know.


We are damaging children, often irreparably by allowing the witch hunts of the GOP and conservative Christians to torment young people exploring their sexuality. It is obvious that the guttural response of authoritarians is coming out of an inner fear of unresolved personal sexuality that is then turned into a battlecry. While the conservatives and evangelicals focus on pelvic issues they are alienating a majority of rational people, but, in the meantime, they are leaving confusion to the point of suicide in their wake.


Tennessee's House Of Representatives Violated The First Amendment So They Wouldn't Have To Hear Complaints About Children Being Gunned Down


How far will the NRA and conservative Republicans go to prevent safety for our citizens and especially for our children in schools we force them to attend? Tennessee’s republican majority reveals again they would even break the law to protect their ideology.


Want to Be More Productive? According to Neuroscience, You Should Prioritize Having Fun


Articles like this help remind me of the power of fun and the critical importance it has in our mental health, relationships and communities. It reminds me to set “fun goals” where I build ways to have fun into my weekly plans and daily rituals. How can you apply this principle to your relationships or work with young people? “What can we do to have fun today?” “Let’s write down the top ways we have fun and make time to do them this week.”


74 Interview: Psychologist Deborah Offner on Educators as First Responders


As a coach of multiple youth sports, I really enjoyed working with children. Parents were another issue. But, I lived in a time when I didn’t have to constantly scan the crowd for people with guns. To be a first responder in addition to an educator is asking more of our teachers than is reasonably responsible (and we crossed the threshold of reasonable expectations decades ago). When we make educators first responders we re-draw the front lines of the Gun Battle to the classroom and that’s always where the most conflict exists. We need to think creatively of moving the front lines out of our classrooms and on to the politicians (like Ted Cruz, over $442,000) that accept hideous amounts of donations from the NRA.


Recovery high schools help kids heal from an addiction and build a future


I have worked with and in Recovery High Schools since they were just a concept. Most of the young people I recruited to offer community service came from these schools. One reason was because this was where the greatest need existed another was it was where the greatest opportunity dwelled. Part of that was because young people were so hungry to do meaningful work in their communities, but another part was administrators who prioritized the emotional development of the child and not just the academic development. Educators in Recovery Schools have a broader view of child development and know that coercion is not a primary tool of education. Young people often arrive at recovery schools as a result of coercive education, but they grow because of engagement.

This Week’s Links


After years of investigation and heartbreak, report detailing 'horrendous' allegations against clergy is released


New Insights on Brain Development Sequence Through Adolescence


5 Science-Backed Methods To Reduce Stress Right In The Moment



How to Love the World More: George Saunders on the Courage of Uncertainty


Covid-19 During Pregnancy Linked To Severe Brain Damage In 2 Infants



I'm A Nurse Practitioner Caring For Trans Kids. Here's What The GOP Doesn't Want You To Know.


“All About Introverts”: 89 Of The Funniest Introvert Memes


The magic of story time: Why is reading aloud to kids so important?


American IQ Scores Have Rapidly Dropped, Proving the 'Reverse Flynn Effect'


Leveraging ChatGPT: Practical Ideas for Educators


How To Find Joy In Your Everyday Life, According To Psychologists



Tennessee's House Of Representatives Violated The First Amendment So They Wouldn't Have To Hear Complaints About Children Being Gunned Down


After years of investigation and heartbreak, report detailing 'horrendous' allegations against clergy is released


Moving from Engagement to Deeper Thinking


9 easy ways to make your life a little better


Trans Youth In US Facing A Conservative Offensive


New Maps Show Where It’s Illegal To Be LGBTQ In 2023


Steve Jobs Said What Separates a Leader From a Follower Really Comes Down to This Mindset



Want to Be More Productive? According to Neuroscience, You Should Prioritize Having Fun


Sal Khan explains why GPT-4 is ready to be a tutor


These 3 Common Parenting Mistakes Hurt Kids’ Self-Esteem



74 Interview: Psychologist Deborah Offner on Educators as First Responders


Want to Be More Productive? According to Neuroscience, You Should Prioritize Having Fun


Scripted Feature Film, “No Address,” Brings Hope And Solutions To Homelessness


15 Calming Things To Say To Your Anxious Child


When you stand up for a teacher or librarian, you're standing up for democracy | Opinion


What does generational trauma look like?



Recovery high schools help kids heal from an addiction and build a future


I Became a Teacher to Inspire Kids—Not Shield Them From Bullets.


How to give unsolicited feedback that is welcomed


A psychologist’s 5-step guide for resilient leadership when everything is going wrong


Youth and Age: Kahlil Gibran on the Art of Becoming


New ‘more infectious’ Covid strain spreading in 22 countries as Brits offered booster jab


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Mental Health

Bravery and an Intrinsic Desire to Learn (Valentía y un deseo intrínseco de aprender). How do we identify these traits and develop them in our relationships/leadership?

Youth Mental Health

Year 3, Week 49 (151 total reports)



Bravery and an Intrinsic Desire to Learn (Valentía y un deseo intrínseco de aprender). How do we identify these traits and develop them in our relationships/leadership?

This Week’s Top Links


What Looks Like Bravery: An Epic Journey from Loss to Love


All of us experience adversity, for some of us those experiences become trauma. This is a book that doesn’t gloss over the grieving process and invites you to probe a little deeper into grief as well. Those who know me, know that I believe that if we don’t grieve well, we grieve long. Dr. Braitman has extraordinary insights built from her personal experiences and significant research. I have friends who have personal experience and substantial expertise in this area and I am going to recommend this book to them.


Larry Summers calls the fact that one in 25 dies before age 40 ‘the most disturbing set of data on America that I have encountered in a long time’


This was in my news feed and I wasn’t initially intrigued by the article. However, upon exploring it, I felt it was a significant review of important data. Thank you, Mr. Summers, for calling this research to our/my attention. In the United States, the average age of death has been falling and an increased number children are dying. Either one of these statistics would be alarming in and of themself—especially in a country with as much wealth as the US, where the leading cause of death in children is gun-related deaths. It appears nothing significant will happen in Congress on that front even after another school shooting because the NRA has its money running through too many congressional veins. I would especially point towards the hypocrisy of Senator Ted Cruz. He received more money from the NRA than any US congress person and is constantly clouding real solutions with ones that would put more guns in classrooms. The simple facts are that an AR Ban has worked to reduce mass shootings and no study has ever shown that an increase gun availability leads to a decrease in gun violence (quite the opposite). Senator Cruz and others will be remembered in history for choosing guns over children. His negligence and falsehoods border on criminal.


Harsh Discipline Increases Risk of Children Developing Lasting Mental Health Problems - Neuroscience News


This research needs to be shared with every school district and board in the world. We also need to expand it to associate harsh psychological discipline (sarcasm) with physical discipline. The learning part of every thinking being’s brain shuts down with harshness. When an adult becomes harsh, the child is no longer thinking about their past behavior, they are thinking about the current threat… and that current threat is the critical adult.


How to Catch Anger Cues in Children and Ourselves


Since anger shuts down cognitive functioning and overwhelms the brain with fight/flight or freeze responses, it is important that we recognize the early cues that someone’s cognitive brain is beginning to shut down. It is just as important (if not more so) that we identify those cues in ourselves as in the children around us. Have you mapped out your anger (threat) cues and created a strategy for healthy ways to address the underlying issue(s)?


How to Promote the Intrinsic Desire to Learn


The real mission of education should be to help people develop a desire for learning, not to feed them information and see if they can repeat it back on a standardized test. This in-depth article looks at the actions we can take to increase the desire to learn in any environment (school or workplace).


People share the 18 things that are a 'subtle sign' someone is really smart


This article will not only give you signs to identify intelligence in others, it will also provide behavioral goals to enhance intelligence (awareness) in your own life. I know it did for me.


How to foster your purpose wherever you are in life


In all of my outreaches to young people, I sought to enhance systems that would 1) increase inherent values chosen by the children, and 2) create rich environments for adding meaning and influence in young people’s lives. This article identifies a number of steps you can take to focus on goal No. 2, in any adult or child environment.

This Week’s Links


What Looks Like Bravery: An Epic Journey from Loss to Love


Take Control of the Story You Tell About Yourself


After a traumatic event, how can teachers best help students?


Seeing Amazing in All Children: Sesame Workshop's Autism Acceptance Month Initiative



Larry Summers calls the fact that one in 25 dies before age 40 ‘the most disturbing set of data on America that I have encountered in a long time’


The Extraordinary Ways Rhythm Shapes Our Lives


Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Therapy


Middle School Students Face a Trifecta of Challenges. Here's How to Help (Opinion)


Say hello to your new tutor: It’s ChatGPT



Harsh Discipline Increases Risk of Children Developing Lasting Mental Health Problems - Neuroscience News


Having camera on during online classes increases social appearance anxiety, which decreases learning of students


The secret to thriving in life? It’s not about being comfortable



How to Catch Anger Cues in Children and Ourselves


Use these 6 steps to teach your kids how to say 'I'm sorry': 'A good apology takes ownership'


6 Strategies to Bolster Student-Led Discussions


Want to land one of A.I.’s lucrative six-figure roles? Experts say there are ‘no technical skills required’


Biden Offers Support to Trans Americans on Transgender Day of Visibility



How to Promote the Intrinsic Desire to Learn


13 Questions That Measure "Flow Proneness" in Daily Life


The Jobs Most Exposed to ChatGPT


Emotionally Intelligent People Take These 4 Steps to Avoid Being Critical or Judgmental and Improve Professional and Personal Relationships



People share the 18 things that are a 'subtle sign' someone is really smart


Common Teaching Practices to Leave Behind


‘The public stigmatizes them’: what it’s like being a teacher in America


Toys And Tales Helping Ukraine Kids Process War Trauma


New Study Reveals Sharp Decline in American IQ Scores as the “Reverse Flynn Effect” Takes Center Stage


How to use ChatGPT to write an essay



How to foster your purpose wherever you are in life


How To Raise Kids Who Can Handle Whatever Life Throws at Them


It's Your Weaknesses, Not Strengths, That Make You A Good Coach And Leader


I’m a Psychotherapist—Here Are the 5 Keys to Letting My Stress Go


How to heal from childhood trauma: a brief guide to heal from hidden wounds


This Friday, LGBTQ+ Youth Across the U.S. Will Be Marching for Their Autonomy


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Mental Health

Engagement or Attendance (Compromiso o Asistencia) which measurement is more important? Also read about breakthrough science and ChatGPT.

Youth Mental Health

Year 3, Week 48 (150 total reports)



Engagement or Attendance (Compromiso o Asistencia) which measurement is more important? Also read about breakthrough science and ChatGPT.

This Week’s Top Links


Most Jobs Soon To Be ‘Influenced’ By Artificial Intelligence, Research Out Of OpenAI And University Of Pennsylvania Suggests


Many of this week’s articles focus on the Game-Changing technology of ChatGPT. We need to be teaching our children how to use it, not how to avoid it. Read the article by Bill Gates below for the incredible breakthrough this technology offers. This WILL become Job Skills 101 for the work force of the future. Also below, learn how to improve your own prompting skills.


Student Engagement Matters More Than Attendance; Why Don’t Schools Track It?


We CAN measure Engagement and it is a far better indicator of student success than attendance (the next question is “does school success equate to life success?”). I think we choose to measure attendance because we can force compliance around that measurement and it puts the onus on the student to show up rather than on the teacher to improve.


11 Tips to Take Your ChatGPT Prompts to the Next Level


I’ve had a lot of fun with this article this week. My wife asked, “When do the turtles come to nest on our local beaches,” and I thought of running the prompts: Turtle nesting, Chuburna beaches, less than 200 words, write in the style of Donald Trump. Do your own “Prompt Play” and see what your friends, family and children can create. Send your results (and prompts) to me.


The Unexpected Gift of Trauma: The Path to Posttraumatic Growth


It is so important to remember the difference between adversity and trauma. All of us experience adversity, the majority of us have multiple adverse experiences in our lives. But not all adversity becomes trauma. This article looks at turning adversity into growth.


Bill Gates Says We're Witnessing a 'Stunning' New Technology Age. 5 Ways You Must Prepare Now


This was my highlighted article of the week. To say that ChatGPT is the most stunning step since UI (User Interface) is a major statement. Read why Gates thinks it’s so important.


How Smart People Can Stop Being Miserable


I know a lot of smart, but miserable, people and this article can be very helpful in encouraging them to alter behaviors that undermine both their joy and their self-esteem. I sure walked away with a lot of new insights from this article.


Private opulence, public squalor: How the U.S. helps the rich and hurts the poor


The USA is rapidly becoming locked into a country that is Of the rich, BY the rich and FOR the rich. Open up this article to learn why this is occurring and how to identify the techniques used by the opulent to manipulate poverty to their advantage. Discuss with friends; who benefits from poverty, school shootings and anti-woke hatred?

This Week’s Links


Most Jobs Soon To Be ‘Influenced’ By Artificial Intelligence, Research Out Of OpenAI And University Of Pennsylvania Suggests


You Should Use ChatGPT for These Mundane Tasks


Why the FDA Approved a Video Game—Yes, a Video Game!—as an Official Treatment for ADHD


Do You Struggle With ADHD? Changing Your Diet and Habits in These 5 Ways May Help Ease Symptoms


ABOLISH POVERTY: Matthew Desmond on How We Can Do It


For the sake of our children, the global carbon budget is the most important one to balance



Student Engagement Matters More Than Attendance; Why Don’t Schools Track It?


Showing Up with Empathy


Most Jobs Soon To Be ‘Influenced’ By Artificial Intelligence, Research Out Of OpenAI And University Of Pennsylvania Suggests


The GOP's 'Parents Bill of Rights' excludes millions of parents


Education expert John Hattie's new book draws on more than 130,000 studies to find out what helps students learn


To help new students adapt, some colleges are eliminating grades



11 Tips to Take Your ChatGPT Prompts to the Next Level


This generative AI tool actually teaches kids how to write


The Party that Says It's Protecting Kids Pushes to Bring Back Child Labor


Emotionally Intelligent People Use This Simple 3-Word Phrase to Make Better Decisions and Move On



The Unexpected Gift of Trauma: The Path to Posttraumatic Growth


What Has Caused the Long Decline in Kids’ Mental Health?


Rehumanizing the Teaching Profession



Bill Gates Says We're Witnessing a 'Stunning' New Technology Age. 5 Ways You Must Prepare Now


Most trans adults say transitioning made them more satisfied with their lives


12 Little Tricks To Be More Courageous Every Day


Book bans hit record high, overwhelmingly targeting titles by or about queer or Black people



How Smart People Can Stop Being Miserable


Woke Is Just Another Word for Liberal


Wendy Suzuki: How to calm your anxiety, from a neuroscientist



Private opulence, public squalor: How the U.S. helps the rich and hurts the poor


What It's Like to Be an LGBTQ+ High Schooler in DeSantis's Florida


When My Dad Got Cancer, I Kept Asking, 'Why Him?' His 3-Word Response Floored Me.


Moving Toward Values-Based Actions


What to Know About the Conners 4 ADHD Assessment


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Mental Health

Play, collaboration and motivational interviewing (Juego, colaboración y entrevistas motivacionales). Important techniques for parenting and leadership (paternidad y liderazgo).

Youth Mental Health

Year 3, Week 47 (149 total reports)



Play, collaboration and motivational interviewing (Juego, colaboración y entrevistas motivacionales). Important techniques for parenting and leadership (paternidad y liderazgo).

This Week’s Top Links


New Research Shows Why Kids Need Play for Mental Health


Unstructured play often occurs when a child is bored and finds creative solutions to their idleness. Unfortunately, many adults abhor boredom and we have inundated that time with social media and doom scrolling. Worse still, we project that need to fill every mental void onto our children. The truth is this projection is damaging. It limits the creativity of children and their sense of wonder. The type of boredom I’m speaking about is not the boredom often experienced in some classrooms when children sit for hours listening to an egocentric, redundant lecturer. It is the boredom they might feel when there is a lull in their day. We shouldn’t rush to fill that void with structured games or activities. The child will find something creative to do. And the more they are exposed to unstructured play, the more creative they become. Schedule downtime for your children and yourself. Avoid the compulsive rush to be continually busy or on a mobile device. Leave room for boredom and creativity. A compulsive generation would say, “Idle hands are the devil’s playground,” the truth is, “Idle hands are creativity’s opportunity…”


On Mister Rogers' birthday, a question: Would today's GOP try to ban him for being woke?


There is a cartoon in the links below where an individual (who hates “woke”) is asked to define it. In exasperation, she finally says, “It’s everything I don’t like…” Woke has become the MAGA GOP’s buzzword for compassion; caring for the vulnerable, standing against racism, being open to other people’s points of view and/or spending on healthcare or other programs that assist the poor. Fred Rogers was supportive of such things and wrote many episodes about racism and empathy. This question intrigued me and I sadly must answer in the positive. YES! The GOP would target Mister Rogers and try to ban him from television and teaching our children.


7 Most Destructive Habits People Have


Please take an inventory from this article and pass it along to your friends. If you don’t find yourself admitting that you exhibit any of these habits, perhaps you need friends who will be more honest with you. As a pastor, I used to tell my congregation when encouraging them to go with me to detention centers and prisons; “We are all either sinners or liars.” I really love this quote from Eugene H. Peterson’s, The Message: Matthew 7:1-5 “Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults—unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It’s easy to see a smudge on your neighbor’s face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, ‘Let me wash your face for you,’ when your own face is distorted by contempt? It’s this whole traveling road-show mentality all over again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor.


The Power of Wonder: The Extraordinary Emotion that Will Change the Way You Live, Learn and Lead


This link, Next Big Idea Club, often has reviews of excellent new books and ideas that are about to be released. I’m infatuated with the quest to be a model of wonder. Even thinking of wonder as an emotion we can both co-regulate and develop is an exciting concept to me. Wonder as a key ingredient in leadership, parenting and educating would reform the way that we raise children and relate with each other. Use this article to explore how you can develop the habits of wonder and apply them to your life.


The So-Called “Culture Wars”


Like “Woke,” “Culture Wars,” is an adage of the radical right used to send people off into rabbit holes of deluded thinking. Culture Wars is a clandestine term for hatred. It attempts to WHITEwash efforts to raise awareness or compassion for people of color or atypical behavior. It attempts to persuade us that we should return to an America that was GREAT: Great for white, heterosexual, businessmen. A time when no one questioned the norm for fear of political hacks like Joseph R. McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover.


The Tactic That Can Make Arguing With A Stubborn Person Much Easier


Motivational Interviewing: This is a technique often used by therapists when dealing with addictions and compulsions, what I often refer to as, “Yeahbut…” situations. When no matter what you suggest the person responds with, “Yeah but…” The next time you find yourself in a repetitive loop with someone who is as ensconced in their version of truth as you are (admit it…), switch to this technique and both of you might come out learning more—if not about the topic—at least about each other.


Harvard career expert: The No. 1 'desirable skill' that very few people have—especially men


Encouraging collaboration in young people means moving beyond the culture of individualism. Our individualistic society often rewards self-initiative instead of group collaboration. Many of our classrooms are still set up as if the only “expert” in the room is the person lecturing. Collaboration recognizes that we each have expertise we can bring to the table and a leader’s role is to call forth that group knowledge.

This Week’s Links


New Research Shows Why Kids Need Play for Mental Health


Raising Teens Made Me Question Myself As A Parent


Editorial cartoon: Define 'woke'


What Will COVID Babies Be Like In Kindergarten? A Doctor Explains



On Mister Rogers' birthday, a question: Would today's GOP try to ban him for being woke?


Prepare Yourself Now for the Changing World


The Truth About Long COVID Is Finally Emerging. It’s Not What We Thought.



7 Most Destructive Habits People Have


11 Simple Rules That Will Help You Navigate Almost Any Awkward Situation


Florida Republican Says His Bill Would Ban Young Girls From Discussing Their Periods In School



The Power of Wonder: The Extraordinary Emotion that Will Change the Way You Live, Learn and Lead


5 Totally Bonkers Things Happening to Your Teenager’s Brain That All Parents Should Know


Woman recreates 'Inside Out' from a neurodivergent standpoint and people are feeling seen


These 3 'secret strengths' can make introverted kids become highly successful adults, says bestselling author Susan Cain



The So-Called “Culture Wars”


Harvard psychologists have been studying what it takes to raise 'good' kids. Here are 6 tips.


The Most Important Habit to Break if You Have Anxiety


My Adult Son Has Mastered the Art of Weaponized Incompetence


How To Fight The Urge To Always Make Everything About Yourself



The Tactic That Can Make Arguing With A Stubborn Person Much Easier


6 Expert Tips for Dealing with Separation Fears


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Mental Health

Awe and Kindness (asombro y amabilidad), how do we put that at the heart of what we teach? Doing so makes less self-centered, more joyful (Menos egocéntrico, más alegre) humans.

Youth Mental Health

Year 3, Week 46 (148 total reports)



Awe and Kindness (asombro y amabilidad), how do we put that at the heart of what we teach? Doing so makes less self-centered, more joyful (Menos egocéntrico, más alegre) humans.

This Week’s Top Links


One Powerful Way to Help Young People Be Less Self-Focused


Apparently curricula that focuses on testing and SAT’s leads to students who are self-focused. Healthy children come to us full of wonder—that is their primary investment. Our true role should be to return that investment (ROI). When young people graduate they shouldn’t be saying, “I’m so glad that is over,” but, “There is so much more to learn!” Designing a curricula based on wonder (and awe) also leads young people to be less self-focused.


2,000 Years of Kindness


Last week, I spoke glowingly about this magazine, The Marginalian. Let me add to that praise by encouraging you to review this essay about kindness. Our work with children should lead to helping them deepen their wonder and become kinder people. That is exactly what the world needs today, not more opinionated psuedo-experts like Ron DeSantis, Rupert Murdoch and Tucker Carlson. Intelligence and wealth are not bettering our world. DeSantis is an Ivy League trained lawyer and is creating a fascist state that he wants to become a model for the way he would lead America as a President.


We’re Missing a Key Driver of Teen Anxiety


In our rush to “make up” for lost time during COVID, we are doubling down on STEM learning with our children. This doubling down is leading to increased teen anxiety from increased adult pressure. As mentioned above, STEM curricula has not led to an exceptional economic or democratic world. To drive down stress in our young people’s lives, research indicates that we need to increase teaching methods that lead to wonder and kindness. Every subject can lead to wonder, but that needs to become the goal, not a byproduct. “How can I make my students more interested in learning?” That should be the primary question of every school.


All Work, No Independent Play Cause of Children’s Declining Mental Health


Looking at this week’s links, you might think I was cherry-picking articles that featured the stress we are creating in young people’s lives by doubling down on tests and curriculum. But I’m not, these articles—based upon strong research—are bounteous in any review of adolescent literature. Often, what is taught in our schools is slow to respond to research, but this is critical and time-sensitive. No generation of children has reported higher stress than the current generation.


How to Respond When Your Kid Shuts You Out


Children don’t shut us out because they hate us, they shut us out because they’re overwhelmed. Research on police officers under pressure reveal the same behaviors. The more stress we experience, the narrower our viewpoint and the less empathic we become. The list in this article offers many insights and strategies to why children shut us out and how we can respond.


How to Help Teenagers Stay Motivated at School


In one of my open conversations with a teen this week, he (a very bright young man) told me how bored he was at school and spoke about how his friends and he are learning to “hack” the system. His responses have been genius, in the real world he would be commended and he’d be a great member of any work team. There was no way I could reprimand him when his responses were truly initiated by the lack of innovation from his teachers. Having worked in many school systems, I have seen that many teachers are hog-tied by administrations that focus myopically on test results and not student development beyond academics. This is also a result of political and parental pressure. We can be more involved in our children’s education—in a healthy way. But that also means being well-informed about human development, socially, emotionally and cognitively, not just academically. Unfortunately, many of the issues being focused on by parents at school board meetings across the United States are driven by the fears of the religious fundamentalism rife within the political system. One of the articles worth reading below, “2600 Leaked Anti-trans Lobbyist Emails Show Fundamentalism, Not Evidence, Is How First Anti-Trans Bills Were Drafted,” speaks to the lack of evidence-based research in some of the policies driving school decisions today. It is alarming, read the article below about how one Texan lawmaker wants to draft legislation that would put a bounty on Transgender people “If You’re a Drag Performer in Texas, You Could Soon Have a Bounty on Your Head.”


How American Schools Manufacture Anxious Teens


If the goal is to raise anxious, self-focused adults, American Schools are doing a stellar job. If the goal is to raise a kinder, awe-inspired generation, American Schools are doing abysmal. The worst education is correlated with the Reddest States. Shutting down libraries and barring curricula that teaches accurate history, is dumbing down children, increasing their stress and making them incompetent for the workplace or leadership. Fortunately, many young people themselves, see the ineptitude in this and are gathering to push back. They realize we can’t protect their bodies, let alone their minds and they are calling us out for our hypocrisy. I tip my hat to those brave young people.

This Week’s Links


One Powerful Way to Help Young People Be Less Self-Focused


The 5 Superpowers of Highly Sensitive People


Designing Trauma-Sensitive Classroom Management Strategies


5 Must-Read Books for Anyone Fascinated by the Human Mind


If You’re a Drag Performer in Texas, You Could Soon Have a Bounty on Your Head



2,000 Years of Kindness


Targeting LGBTQ rights: straight from authoritarian Germany and Russia


The COVID Question That Will Take Decades to Answer



We’re Missing a Key Driver of Teen Anxiety


The Kinds of Loneliness No One Is Talking About


How to Bear Your Loneliness: Grounding Wisdom from the Great Buddhist Teacher Pema Chödrön


2600 Leaked Anti-trans Lobbyist Emails Show Fundamentalism, Not Evidence, Is How First Anti-Trans Bills Were Drafted


'I'm sick of schools not teaching my kids life lessons - science is pointless'


Harvard professor explains Bayes’ rule



All Work, No Independent Play Cause of Children’s Declining Mental Health


The science and art of challenging assumptions


Groundbreaking study identifies the cause of ADHD


These Actually-Nice Throw Blankets Are Weighted Blankets In Disguise



How to Respond When Your Kid Shuts You Out


Teachers, Try This: Help Your Students Embrace Boredom



How to Help Teenagers Stay Motivated at School


The Remarkable Power of Kindness and Why It Matters


5 Best Breathing Exercises to Relieve Anxiety and Stress


The fear and fury of these Florida parents


The Danger of Raising Children Without Consequences


Social media addiction disrupts the sleep, moods and social activities of teens and young adults



How American Schools Manufacture Anxious Teens


Educators’ View: What Teachers Need to Succeed and Stay in the Classroom


A Doctor with ADHD Shares How to Thrive With the Diagnosis


The surprisingly simple parenting advice that almost always works, even when all else fails


This is why 'polycrisis' is a useful way of looking at the world right now


Stress may lead to lower cognitive function, study finds


Florida teachers react to Gov. DeSantis State of the State: Students and educators deserve better


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Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Mental Health

Learn how to raise sensitive, empathic children (niños sensibles y empáticos) that will assist each other when anxiety (ansiedad) feels overwhelming.

Youth Mental Health

Year 3, Week 46 (148 total reports)



Learn how to raise sensitive, empathic children (niños sensibles y empáticos) that will assist each other when anxiety (ansiedad) feels overwhelming.

This Week’s Top Links


Radical Compassion and the Seeds of Change: The Dalai Lama’s Illustrated Ecological Philosophy for the Next Generation


Links from this online resource (The Marginalian) are rapidly becoming some of my favorites. This article will reveal why. This article reviews a brilliant book filled with compelling quotes, illustrations and poetry that speak to our connectedness—both to each other and to our environment. I hope that parent(s), teachers and home care staff will not only invest in this book, but also invest in taking the time to read it next to a young person. If I were still in a detention setting, this is exactly the type of book I would ask our “golden greeters” to come and read to our incarcerated youth.


How to Grow Re-enchanted with the World: A Salve for the Sense of Existential Meaninglessness and Burnout


Is it burnout or have we forgotten how to be enchanted? This article (also from my new favorite, the Marginalian) asks us to examine this critical question. Attaching meaning to our lives (and the lives of our children) raises our well-being and our engagement. However, it does take time and reflection. It is another important habit to co-regulate with children as they negotiate adolescence.


Sensitive: The Hidden Power of the Highly Sensitive Person in a Loud, Fast, Too-Much World


We do the term “sensitive” a disservice when we use it to imply that a person is easily offended. Sensitive people are also highly aware—of their environment and the feelings of the people around them. In a positive light, we would call “sensitive” people empathic. Empathy doesn’t have to lead to frailty and an ego that is easily insulted. In its true form, being sensitive helps people become good leaders or teachers because they know how to read a room and tell the readiness of a crowd. Examining the positive aspects of sensitivity and limiting the negatives is beneficial for our lives and the lives of our children.


Kids who do these 12 things have 'highly sensitive' brains—why parenting experts say it's an 'advantage'


As mentioned in the previous paragraph, being sensitive has plusses and minuses, unfortunately some people have used it as a label to typecast people. In this article, see how leaders, with expertise in parenting, have chosen to see the plusses of being sensitive and learned how to grow those positive aspects in the children around them.


A surprising remedy for teens in mental health crises


Training young people to recognize anxiety in each other and giving them tools to help a friend take a mental health break (or seek assistance if complicated) is truly the most advanced way to help youth. In my own work in schools, young people who were trained in this manner increased their awareness, felt a sense of deeper meaning in their school culture and had a healthier sense of well-being. We spend so much time prompting young people to compete, it is worth spending an equal amount of time to train youth to cooperate. Of course, any cultural change among youth must be first led by a cultural change among adults. A culture that is filled with specific praise—especially praising the efforts of each other—and devoid of sarcasm. Sarcasm—when used to “discipline” children—is a negligent of adults who are frustrated they can’t use physical violence to force compliance. It prompts students who are less cognitively adept at the subtleties of sarcasm, to use physical means to bully (force compliance on) others. Most of the sarcasm I’ve seen teachers use with children is really a form of insulting the child. We don’t inspire healthy cognitive development by insulting or hitting people. That only serves to shut down the learning and growth potential of the brain (see the article below about “The Blindness of Blame.”)


From ‘Dilbert’ to DeSantis, white grievance is all the rage


Scott Adams (creator or Dilbert) joined the ranks of many raging white xenophobes this week with a rant about white grievance. White Grievance is close-minded view of the world that sees compassion (being woke) as a threat. DeSantis labels it as liberalism and—in his manifesto for a presidential run—“The Courage to Be Free”—reveals how he wants to make his racist and anti-LGBTQ views into both the law of the land and the curricula we teach our children. Indeed, many of the policies he is trying to pass in Florida are unconstitutional; but when has that stopped some authoritarian members of the GOP from trying to force their viewpoints on others?


The Blindness of Blame: How Anger Stops Awareness and Growth


Many members of the authoritarian branch of the GOP have begun to label awareness and growth under one negative term: “Woke.” As if it is a weakness to be compassionate. In fact, some members have elevated the use of blame to an art form and are attempting to instill it in the policies of the US. Legalizing rage, hatred and racism and instilling it as the primary curricula in schools, is simply the beginning of an authoritarian state the undermines democracy. It is the opposite of what the framers of the constitution (though many were also slave-holders) had in mind when they proposed a new nation separate from England’s monarchy.

This Week’s Links


Radical Compassion and the Seeds of Change: The Dalai Lama’s Illustrated Ecological Philosophy for the Next Generation


Teachers change lives -- but what makes a great teacher?


What Can Teachers Do to Engage Anxious Students?


New study provides insight into the relationship between ADHD and school attendance problems in adolescents


How to Save Academic Freedom From Ron DeSantis


‘Parental rights’ advocates don’t really trust parents


This Is How Long It Really Takes to Break a Habit—and 7 Steps to Actually Do It



How to Grow Re-enchanted with the World: A Salve for the Sense of Existential Meaninglessness and Burnout


A New Distillation of What Works in Classroom Instruction


For Educators, ChatGPT Poses Big Questions—and Big Possibilities


How common is transgender treatment regret, detransitioning?


Exercise Isn't the Only Hobby That Boosts Your Mental Health



Sensitive: The Hidden Power of the Highly Sensitive Person in a Loud, Fast, Too-Much World


2 Ways to Gain Control Over Your Anger


Use the ‘Stop Drop, and Roll’ Technique To Deal When You’re Emotionally Triggered



Kids who do these 12 things have 'highly sensitive' brains—why parenting experts say it's an 'advantage'


How to Stop Being Defensive



A surprising remedy for teens in mental health crises


America’s teenage girls are not OK


What Losing My Two Children Taught Me About Grief


John Fetterman shows how depression can become an emergency. Experts say to watch for these signs of crisis


The Power of Purpose: Find Meaning to Enjoy More Well-Being


A Simple Breathing Technique to Calm Your Nerves


Self-Acceptance and Self-Esteem Aren't the Same Thing. What to Know



From ‘Dilbert’ to DeSantis, white grievance is all the rage


How to Find Joy in Your Sisyphean Existence


A psychology expert shares the 7 toxic signs of 'highly insecure' people—and how to deal with them


The GOP wants to erase LGBTQ people



The Blindness of Blame: How Anger Stops Awareness and Growth


Deaths of Despair


Nature baths can positively impact on your amygdala, the part of the brain that registers stress


How To Create Good Sleep Habits for Kids — 11 Sleep Tips for Infants, Adolescents, and Teens


How do you end a conversation with someone who won't stop talking? 19 people share their tricks.


Three Big Takeaways from Educational Leadership’s Report on Remote Learning


Transforming Empathy Into Compassion: Why It Matters


Dr Becky Is Here to Help Make Your Parenting Journey Easier


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Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Mental Health

Adolescent mental health (salud mental adolescente) especially among young women (mujer jóvenes) is a central theme to this week’s links.

Youth Mental Health

Year 3, Week 45 (147 total reports)



Adolescent mental health (salud mental adolescente) especially among young women (mujer jóvenes) is a central theme to this week’s links.

This Week’s Top Links


The Key To Tackling Our Mental Health Crisis: Community-Based Care


The role of a leader today must be to connect those who are well-off with the vulnerable or as Dorothy Day used to say, “to afflict the comfortable and the comfort the afflicted.” Too many of our leaders act as if they are the afflicted when, in fact, most have not really known hardship. In this article, the author recalls when his own child was overwhelmed by mental health issues and a community stepped in to assist the child and family. Now he oversees a non-profit organization that creates community for the vulnerable.


Seattle's Third Avenue Project takes a new approach to old problems


I took special interest in this story because 1) I WAS a homeless youth on the streets of Seattle and 2) I worked with a pre-cursor to the program long before it had any funding or structure. This project is a model for communities around the world.


A mom describes her tween son's brain. It's a must-read for all parents


Not only does this mom do a good job of describing the teen brain, but she does it to teach her own tween about what’s going on inside his brain. Adolescents need to know about all the physiological changes that are occurring to both their bodies AND their brains. Knowledge is one part of understanding and can lead to empathy and self-compassion.


3 Things People Who Are Good at Conversation Don't Do, According to a Research Psychologist


At different times in my conversations, I have been guilty of all three of these conversation blockers. Naming them is the first step to ending them.


No, Teen Suicide Isn’t Rising Because Life Got Objectively Worse


What many people don’t realize about the adolescent brain is that it begins as very concrete operational, in other words, the immediate is given an almost compulsive focus. Social media isn’t the only issue here, although limiting social media is one of the solutions. Adolescents can become obsessively entranced by comparisons and excessively sensitive to criticism. Generally speaking, any social filter or healthy boundary they have must be developed with the assistance of a healthy adult.


Bertrand Russell on the Secret of Happiness


I love a phrase this author uses in her article, “Unselfing.” It is a regular exercise she uses in her life to gain perspective. She cites happiness as a state where we are “dissolved into something complete and great.” When we are at the happiest, this state of transient hypofrontality (getting lost to the moment—and, in particular—lost to the critical self) is worth growing in the regular habits of our lives. What do you do on a frequent bases to “unself?”

This Week’s Links


The Key To Tackling Our Mental Health Crisis: Community-Based Care


Ukraine Releases Banksy Mural Stamp To Mark One Year Anniversary of Russia’s Invasion


Full-Time Teacher Forced To Deliver Pizzas Because She 'Can't Survive' On Her Teaching Paycheck


Top 26 Resources for Learning Sign Language



Seattle's Third Avenue Project takes a new approach to old problems


How to help teen girls’ mental health struggles | New Pittsburgh Courier


Want to Raise Children Who Become Emotionally Intelligent Leaders? Try the “Rule of Reflection”


You'll Never Be Happy If You Keep Trying To Solve Your Problems This Way


Dr. Randy Cale’s Terrific Parenting: Part II: Managing the child with ADD/ADHD


I’m a teacher and have a go-to phrase to make sure kids do things the first time you tell them to – it works every time


A lack of problem-solving skills and rigid thinking linked to vaccine refusal, study finds



Clarifying What Matters


How to help young people limit screen time — and feel better about how they look


Teacher says schools need to keep students’ info from ‘Christo-fascist’ parents



A mom describes her tween son's brain. It's a must-read for all parents


Analysis: There’s a mental health crisis among teen girls. Here are some ways to support them


Zen Dens: Creating Mental Health Spaces at School


Students across Florida walk out in protest of Gov. Ron DeSantis' anti-American policies


How to Know When Your Child Needs Help


Teen suicide sprouts from depression or mood disorder, says expert


How to Help a Child with Anxiety, According to Experts


Parenting Coach Shares Top Tip For Dealing With A Strong-Willed Child


People With High Emotional Intelligence Use These 3 Incredibly Powerful Words Every Single Day


Parents Swear by These Anxiety Tents To Help Kids Relax—and They’re All on Sale



3 Things People Who Are Good at Conversation Don't Do, According to a Research Psychologist


Why People Interrupt Us and What to Do About It


Social Media Researcher Calls CDC Report “The Last Straw”


‘Hugely disappointing’: Scientists, doctors denounce Idaho plan to criminalize mRNA vaccines


Florida Students Stage Walkout Over Ron DeSantis' Anti-Trans, Anti-Diversity Policies


Book bans internalize ‘shame’ for young LGBTQ+ people, advocates say. Here’s how they’re pushing back.



No, Teen Suicide Isn’t Rising Because Life Got Objectively Worse


Do You Have a "Set Mind" or a "Mindset"?


The next steps for Lee County GOP’s “Ban the jab” resolution



Bertrand Russell on the Secret of Happiness


Colleges have a role in cultivating hopefulness (opinion) | Inside Higher Ed


Adults Are Letting Teen Girls Down


The Book That Explains Why Our Approach to Teen Unhappiness Is All Wrong


This class requires ChatGPT usage, and the results are surprising


You Don’t Need to Be “the Boss” to Be a Leader


This Family Therapist–Created Quiz Pinpoints Inner Child Wounds That Could Be Influencing Your Behavior


Oxytocin’s effects aren’t just about love


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Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Mental Health

Living a gentle life (una vida gentil). Soft and Slow (Suave y lento) will be a part of my mantra this week. How can I invite those around me to live gentle lives?

Youth Mental Health

Year 3, Week 44 (146 total reports)



Living a gentle life (una vida gentil). Soft and Slow (Suave y lento) will be a part of my mantra this week. How can I invite those around me to live gentle lives?

This Week’s Top Links


If You Have Trouble Taking Slow, Deep Breaths, Think Instead About Breathing ‘Softly’


One of the links I posted a couple weeks ago spoke about helping children when they are anxious. A tool they suggested was asking children to get on the floor with the child and pretend we are sloths; in other words, move and breath slowly. I embrace the concept of slow and soft. The words for go slowly in Spanish are “ir poco, a poco,” or, “go little by little.” It is part of my daily mantra. “Smile, breath, go slowly.” I might even add “breath softly” to that mantra, “respira suavemente.”


A Psychologist Offers 3 Tips To De- Catastrophize Your Anxious Thoughts


Telling someone to stop catastrophizing or think differently doesn’t work. The ritual application (and practice) of mindfulness is one avenue to lowering the repetitiveness or frequency of such thoughts. I always suggest practicing the mantra in quiet and calm places so that it has power in chaotic situations. This article offers a few solid practices for decreasing catastrophic thinking.


Some people who have autism and Asperger's think in pictures. Kinda like Google Images.


The link to the TED Talk by Professor Temple Grandin is—by itself—worth viewing this article. She is am adult on the Autism Spectrum who has worked to help educators and parents understand this “superpower.” All of us interact with people who are neurodiverse and it behooves us to learn more about how they are different from the neurotypical.


When a Loved One Is in the Grip of Despair


The author of this article, David Brooks, is one of my favorite contemporary commentators. He has a weekly commentary on Fridays during the PBS News Hour, currently with co-commentator, Jonathan Capehart. After Senator John Fetterman bravely revealed he was checking into a hospital for severe depression, Brooks wrote this compelling piece about a friend who suffered from despair. As typical of Brooks, his insightful commentator shares the good and the bad. What he felt he did right and what he would have done differently.


To help students get jobs, faculty must learn new skills (opinion)


We can’t lead people towards a gentler, more awe-filled lives, if we are not pursuing one ourselves. One of my favorite teachers (now a principal in Saskatchewan) would never call a child by their name unless it was to offer them specific public praise. Such teachers learn the use of new cognitive skills to build the well-being of children. With constant advances in technology and behavioral sciences advancing cumulatively, remaining a learning, open-minded person is imperative. This article focuses on teachers becoming conduits for youth to increase their community involvement. In the world of our children’s futures, they will need to become super-prompters and community builders. It’s never too early to start, but it does begin with leaders (teachers, administrators, staff and parents).


Positive Parenting and Children's Cognitive Development


Positive parenting, like positive psychology is firmly established with decades of research behind it. In essence, positive psychology has studied the strengths in people and how to grow them rather than just the deficits in humanity and how to correct them. This article will explain more about this branch of psychology and applied parenting practices.


How to get your kids to talk about their feelings


The transition from childhood to adulthood must include the ability to process intense feelings with words instead of just actions. An analogy I use is that adolescence is a time in our lives when our emotions—often intense—are carried in an ungainly suitcase without handles or latches. As we walk through crowded places, people inevitably bump into us destabilizing our load. Eventually we will drop the suitcase and it will bust open in front of a crowd. Helping young people grow words for their emotions (the contents of the suitcase) doesn’t make the bag any lighter, but it does make it easier to carry and allow us the ability to unlatch it in our own appropriate setting.

This Week’s Links


If You Have Trouble Taking Slow, Deep Breaths, Think Instead About Breathing ‘Softly’


An 85-year Harvard study on the key to happiness could spell trouble for introverts—unless you know these 2 tricks



A Psychologist Offers 3 Tips To De- Catastrophize Your Anxious Thoughts


Leveraging ChatGPT: Practical Ideas for Educators


17 Things Parents of Children on the Autism Spectrum Want You to Know


Dr. Randy Cale’s Terrific Parenting: Parents: Help for the child with ADD/ADHD


"Phubbing" Is Associated With Lower Social Intelligence – But There's Good News


3 Pillars of a Happy Life


Children need compassion and understanding — not punishments and judgment



Some people who have autism and Asperger's think in pictures. Kinda like Google Images.


How To Help Kids With ADHD Manage Their Feelings At School & With Friends


10 pieces of well-worn life advice you may need to hear right now



When a Loved One Is in the Grip of Despair


America Should Be in the Middle of a Schools Revolution


The neuroscience of beauty: What your brain finds beautiful – and how this shapes your thoughts


Your middle school child is the most amazing person


The Impact of ADHD on Academic Performance


6 Signs You Have Profound Emotional Trauma (And You’re Unaware Of It)


Happiness Is in Your Hormones. Ways to Naturally Boost Dopamine and Serotonin


Some Schools Are Prioritizing More Sleep for Kids. Is It Making a Difference?


New study finds immunity from Covid infection provides strong protection



To help students get jobs, faculty must learn new skills (opinion)


It's Time to Take Teenage Mental Health Seriously


What Drives Children to Choose Compassion?


3 therapist-recommended online therapy platforms for teens and tips for finding the right therapist


Do You Want to Be Right—Or Do You Want to Be Happy?


Black History, Uncensored: Nikole Hannah-Jones took GOPers to school


Ronald DeSantis Is Leading Florida to Freedom, One Ban at a Time


Chelsea Handler rips Tucker Carlson to shreds for mocking her child-free life



Positive Parenting and Children's Cognitive Development


Why College Students Are More Disengaged Than Ever


ChatGPT won’t take this job: The most in-demand skill is something only humans can do


Why U.S. teens aren't getting their driver's licenses


How We Need to Radically Rethink Conscious Awareness


Winners of the 2022 Travel Photographer of the Year Contest



How to get your kids to talk about their feelings


'Why Can't I Change?' The 16 Voices in Your Head Stopping You From Reaching Your Dreams


People with social anxiety tend to engage in restrictive “safety behaviors” that make them less likable, study finds


Kindness Starts With You: How to Show Up for Yourself


Is Oxytocin Really the Love Hormone?


Beyond Rosa and Harriet: Black History Picture Book Biographies


More Black Families Are Considering Home-Schooling — And It Shouldn't Be A Shock As To Why


The rise of ChatGPT shows why we need a clearer approach to technology in schools


Inside Our Autistic Minds review – this beautiful documentary will make you see the world differently


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