Youth Advocacy
Youth Advocacy
Year 3, Week 08 (162 total reports)
The power of myth to control the culture. The power of awe to change the world. How do we replace the dominant myth of the 0.01% who want to further their own insatiable greed?
This Week’s Top Links
Our Tribal Future: How to Channel Our Foundational Human Instincts into a Force for Good
This review reminds me of a favorite book of mine, “Sapiens; A Brief History of Humankind,” by Yuval Noah Harari. I have that book in both hardcover and audio form and will probably do the same with this book. It’s relevance lies in the examination of myth and myth-keeping, ritual, camps and tribes. It is especially pertinent at a time when the richest 0.01% are trying to buy a myth that supports poverty as a necessary economic policy. It is essential that we decode these myths for what they are; the root of the big businesses of war, healthcare, racism and poverty. The only thing that will change an embedded myth is an alternative one. The human race goes from myth to myth and the ones with the strongest myths control the conversation. Ask what the dominant myths are today and what would you like to see them be.
Awe can alter our sense of self and open us to new possibilities – could it help save the planet?
I’ve firmly believed and taught that “Awe” is truly what our education system should be focused on growing. Not success, not intelligence; but the heart-felt inspiration of how amazing life can be. A healthy child brings “Awe” to his/her first day of school. And—all too often—we spend years trying to quell it. Awe is, well… messy. It’s unpredictable, it has its own schedule and is difficult to assess. It is also difficult for a person, steeped in today’s education system, to teach awe. This article, written by Nanda Jarosz, the Executive Director of the University of Sydney, is an inspirational look at the power of the emotion of awe to change the world, literally, the world and our climate. Imagine schools filled with AWE: Awesome Wonder-Building Experiences. It makes me ask myself, “What can I do today to increase awe in the world around me?”
GOP Is Trying to Slash Food Aid to Kids Who Are Already Struggling to Access It
This article is a perfect example of the 0.01% buying a legal and political system to further the myth where poverty is acceptable, even preferred, as an essential tool of the economy.
9-year-old girl accused of being 'trans' at track event hopes to inspire change
(Disclaimer: I changed the sequence of these two articles to make more sense). This girl was at an athletic event in BC when an adult approached her and questioned her gender. The adult (a grandparent of another child at the event) didn’t think she looked “feminine enough” and questioned whether she should be competing as a girl. There are a variety of stories on social media about what happened after. But the essential issue becomes apparent in the next article below. The gender police are coming.
Whether you’re trans or not, the gender police are coming for you too
This article asks the question, “What if this behavior goes unchecked?” Will females have to start carrying cards to prove their identity? Some GOP governors have already floated the idea in their States (testing grounds for Federal programs) demanding that women athletes submit menstruation records to schools, government and insurance companies. As one writer has penned, “What is the word for a person who is only known by their reproductive abilities? Livestock.”
Empty seats at high-school graduations reveal toll of gun violence: “We’re losing our kids”
This was the most poignant article of the week to me. Some parents of children killed in shootings across the United States are standing in for them at graduations. Ten years after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, it is a national disgrace that no significant change in gun laws have occurred and that, rather than decreasing, deaths from guns have become the No. 1 killer of children in that country. Who continues to profit from the myth around guns and what politicians have those myth-makers bought? We need to follow the money, find the myth-makers and take away their political power. At the top of the NRA’s contributions is Senator Ted Cruz who always comes up with deceptive ways to hide the causes of gun violence.
The Right Response to Threats of Political Violence
Threats of violence swirl around the indictment of Donald Trump and there are vociferous calls for violence from political hacks like Kari Lake, Andy Biggs and Clay Higgins as well as the former toddler-in-chief himself. So far, the calls have largely been unanswered and/or defused, perhaps because those who responded to the previous calls to violence on January 6th have watched their co-conspirators go to jail while their no-show leaders were safely observing from a distance. Maybe they have realized that these pseudo-leaders charge from the back of the crowd, unlike Civil Rights leaders who led from the front of their people and often took the first blows for justice. Cadaverous leaders, like Josh Hawley, who can’t seem to stop disgracing himself (see his tweets on Juneteenth), were filmed calling for violence than literally running in the opposite direction when his minions responded.
This Week’s Links
Our Tribal Future: How to Channel Our Foundational Human Instincts into a Force for Good
Supercharge Your Emotional Intelligence by Understanding the 12 Skills That Make Up EQ
Josh Hawley Gets Holy Hell After Juneteenth Claim About Christianity And Slavery
Awe can alter our sense of self and open us to new possibilities – could it help save the planet?
Morality Is for Trump What Colors Are to the Color-Blind
GOP Is Trying to Slash Food Aid to Kids Who Are Already Struggling to Access It
The Path to Happiness Is Narrow But Easy
Whether you’re trans or not, the gender police are coming for you too
How LGBTQ+ people can protect their mental health during a traumatizing Pride season
Why the search for meaning is not a job for science — or religion
How LGBTQ+ people can protect their mental health during a traumatizing Pride season
Empty seats at high-school graduations reveal toll of gun violence: “We’re losing our kids”
Is the Bible the Most Dangerous Book Ever Written?
Get Inspired with These Quotes and Turn Your Day Around Now
9-year-old girl accused of being 'trans' at track event hopes to inspire change
Empty seats at high-school graduations reveal toll of gun violence: “We’re losing our kids”
Is the Bible the Most Dangerous Book Ever Written?
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‘Hoard evidence of your greatness’: 10 ways to be much more confident at work
The Right Response to Threats of Political Violence
The ‘Single Greatest Hindrance’ to Learning
Leadership lessons from Ted Lasso
40 Positive Affirmations To Share With Your Kids To Build Their Confidence
The Anti-Woke Crowd Is Teaching American Kids to Be Saps and Suckers
How to Proactively Defuse Tension on Your Team
Use 'Social Stories' to Help Kids Navigate Big Transitions
How Can A Simple, 2-Step Mindful Gratitude Practice Change My Life?