Youth Mental Health

Youth Mental Health

Year 3, Week 50 (152 total reports)



The courage to be uncertain and the danger of being an expert. El coraje de no estar seguro y el peligro de ser un experto.

This Week’s Top Links


After years of investigation and heartbreak, report detailing 'horrendous' allegations against clergy is released

This study found 40 years of abuse and even torture of children. What lies at the core of such rampant abuse? Separation, isolation and elitism. The first thing an abuser (or abusive system) does is attempt to separate their vicim. This can be done physically or psychologically through the manipulation of emotions or beliefs. Abuse occurs in our institutions when we defer to others to do our relational work for us. I’ve seen this occur in religious institutions as well as education and corrections. Leaders need to become more intent on building equitable connections between the vulnerable and the community. We also need to be wary of those who attempt to separate themselves by the self-designation of expert with a claim to preferential access to either knowledge or power. This is a clear indication that someone is setting themselves up to abuse others.


How to Love the World More: George Saunders on the Courage of Uncertainty

The opening paragraph of this review is worth reading and re-reading. It takes courage to admit you DON’T know! Deep inside our beings we have been fooled to believe that knowing = acceptance and thus not knowing = rejection. We learn that intrinsically from systems that foster falsehoods of expert know-it-alls which emphasize knowledge as accumulation. To admit that you don’t know is like saying, “I’m useless…” When we’re with children especially we need to model the attitude of “I don’t know, but let’s find out together…”


I'm A Nurse Practitioner Caring For Trans Kids. Here's What The GOP Doesn't Want You To Know.

We are damaging children, often irreparably by allowing the witch hunts of the GOP and conservative Christians to torment young people exploring their sexuality. It is obvious that the guttural response of authoritarians is coming out of an inner fear of unresolved personal sexuality that is then turned into a battlecry. While the conservatives and evangelicals focus on pelvic issues they are alienating a majority of rational people, but, in the meantime, they are leaving confusion to the point of suicide in their wake.


Tennessee's House Of Representatives Violated The First Amendment So They Wouldn't Have To Hear Complaints About Children Being Gunned Down

How far will the NRA and conservative Republicans go to prevent safety for our citizens and especially for our children in schools we force them to attend? Tennessee’s republican majority reveals again they would even break the law to protect their ideology.


Want to Be More Productive? According to Neuroscience, You Should Prioritize Having Fun

Articles like this help remind me of the power of fun and the critical importance it has in our mental health, relationships and communities. It reminds me to set “fun goals” where I build ways to have fun into my weekly plans and daily rituals. How can you apply this principle to your relationships or work with young people? “What can we do to have fun today?” “Let’s write down the top ways we have fun and make time to do them this week.”


74 Interview: Psychologist Deborah Offner on Educators as First Responders

As a coach of multiple youth sports, I really enjoyed working with children. Parents were another issue. But, I lived in a time when I didn’t have to constantly scan the crowd for people with guns. To be a first responder in addition to an educator is asking more of our teachers than is reasonably responsible (and we crossed the threshold of reasonable expectations decades ago). When we make educators first responders we re-draw the front lines of the Gun Battle to the classroom and that’s always where the most conflict exists. We need to think creatively of moving the front lines out of our classrooms and on to the politicians (like Ted Cruz, over $442,000) that accept hideous amounts of donations from the NRA.


Recovery high schools help kids heal from an addiction and build a future

I have worked with and in Recovery High Schools since they were just a concept. Most of the young people I recruited to offer community service came from these schools. One reason was because this was where the greatest need existed another was it was where the greatest opportunity dwelled. Part of that was because young people were so hungry to do meaningful work in their communities, but another part was administrators who prioritized the emotional development of the child and not just the academic development. Educators in Recovery Schools have a broader view of child development and know that coercion is not a primary tool of education. Young people often arrive at recovery schools as a result of coercive education, but they grow because of engagement.

This Week’s Links


After years of investigation and heartbreak, report detailing 'horrendous' allegations against clergy is released

New Insights on Brain Development Sequence Through Adolescence

5 Science-Backed Methods To Reduce Stress Right In The Moment


How to Love the World More: George Saunders on the Courage of Uncertainty

Covid-19 During Pregnancy Linked To Severe Brain Damage In 2 Infants


I'm A Nurse Practitioner Caring For Trans Kids. Here's What The GOP Doesn't Want You To Know.

“All About Introverts”: 89 Of The Funniest Introvert Memes

The magic of story time: Why is reading aloud to kids so important?

American IQ Scores Have Rapidly Dropped, Proving the 'Reverse Flynn Effect'

Leveraging ChatGPT: Practical Ideas for Educators

How To Find Joy In Your Everyday Life, According To Psychologists


Tennessee's House Of Representatives Violated The First Amendment So They Wouldn't Have To Hear Complaints About Children Being Gunned Down

After years of investigation and heartbreak, report detailing 'horrendous' allegations against clergy is released

Moving from Engagement to Deeper Thinking

9 easy ways to make your life a little better

Trans Youth In US Facing A Conservative Offensive

New Maps Show Where It’s Illegal To Be LGBTQ In 2023

Steve Jobs Said What Separates a Leader From a Follower Really Comes Down to This Mindset


Want to Be More Productive? According to Neuroscience, You Should Prioritize Having Fun

Sal Khan explains why GPT-4 is ready to be a tutor

These 3 Common Parenting Mistakes Hurt Kids’ Self-Esteem


74 Interview: Psychologist Deborah Offner on Educators as First Responders

Want to Be More Productive? According to Neuroscience, You Should Prioritize Having Fun

Scripted Feature Film, “No Address,” Brings Hope And Solutions To Homelessness

15 Calming Things To Say To Your Anxious Child

When you stand up for a teacher or librarian, you're standing up for democracy | Opinion

What does generational trauma look like?


Recovery high schools help kids heal from an addiction and build a future

I Became a Teacher to Inspire Kids—Not Shield Them From Bullets.

How to give unsolicited feedback that is welcomed

A psychologist’s 5-step guide for resilient leadership when everything is going wrong

Youth and Age: Kahlil Gibran on the Art of Becoming

New ‘more infectious’ Covid strain spreading in 22 countries as Brits offered booster jab


Youth Mental Health


Youth Mental Health