Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people as Harris/Walz paint a picture of hope and joy while the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago projects civil war and a bloodbath if he loses.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 37 (227 total reports)



Advocating for young people as Harris/Walz paint a picture of hope and joy while the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago projects civil war and a bloodbath if he loses.

(Friends, I know I’m posting early this week. My wife and I are getting ready for a vacation, I’ll be back at the end of September and hope you will check in then).

Songs to Enjoy

Thoughts and Prayers with Trump telling us we should “just get over it,” and JD Vance saying that school shootings are just a “fact of life.” We need to say LOUDLY that the problem is GUNS and the only thing preventing sane legistlation are the Republican Congressman deeply in the pockets of the NRA.

Past Songs

He’s a Dangerous Man don’t underestimate those around the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago. Although he is obviously losing his mental capacities, he is desperately running for one reason—to stay out of jail. Those around him are supporting him because they want a tool for their ends in the White House.

There’s an Orange Clown in Mar-A-Lago Don’t say his name, it just gives the media more hits on his counter.

It’s Just Donny A song for all the complicit racists that support the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago

We’re the GOP and Proud For those who’ve given up their dignity to follow  the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago

They’re Weird and Creepy What makes the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago and his current running mate, so weird and creepy? Have a listen and a good laugh.

Sakes Alive, It’s Project 2025 These people want to take away your thoughts, their plan is for a White, Christian, Fascist, Nation. Don’t underestimate them.

White Evangelination If you’re not white, Christian or unwilling to give up the rights to the female body, you won’t belong in this group’s nation.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

How to Feel Joy During Life’s Unexpected Challenges


This is an excellent book for any of us who experience challenges in life, which is, all of us. Unexpected challenges, the author points out, don’t have to sidetrack our joy, in fact, with the proper mindset, they can become a source of joy. The adept mind has to find a way to hold both suffering and joy in balance for a life of well-being. Like so many other cognitive steps in life, it is a learned response, this book presents a roadmap for learning (and teaching) the components of a joyful response to the unexpected challenges of life.

Best Links of The Week


'This pig': Observers erupt as ex-president caught 'threatening the voters' at his rally


We all know that the closer we get to the election and the more it looks like the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago is going to lose, the more desperate he will become and the worse his diatribes will sound. At this point, he is threatening a civil war and blood bath if he is not put into office. That shouldn’t surprise us as he is the only President in US history who has tried to disrupt a peaceful transition of power. The Orange Monster is facing prison if not elected, he’s not going to go quietly. The only way to stop him is to make sure he loses resoundingly. So soundly that no one can question results of either the popular election (which he’s lost before, two times) or the electoral college (rigged to magnify white votes).


A New Level of Incoherence From Trump


When asked a fundamental campaign question about financing childcare, no one could understand the word salad that came from the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago’s mouth. He meandered about tariffs and China, occasionally saying the word “childcare” as if his cobwebbed mind intermittently remembered that he was asked a question. Of course, the Orange Elephant in the room quaintly calls these lapses, “The Weave,” and—he says—no one does it better than him. Only Fox News says that his answers make sense, but Fox News long ago gave up being news when it had to settle the $1.6 billion dollar lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems.  Fox doesn’t report the news, it makes far right commentaries and then reports on its own commentaries. The Old Orange Man is derelict. Not just hateful and spiteful, but also mentally incompetent for office. Thank you, The Atlantic, for finally reporting what the rest of us have been seeing for months.


Kamala Harris is showing that joy can be a strategy


We’ve already seen that hate and alienation can be a campaign strategy. Among the many contrasts this election will reveal is whether hope and joy can be as effective. I hope so. Many people I know are also tired of hearing how immigrants are rapists and murderers, how women are too irresponsible to control their own bodies, how transexuals are a greater threat to our school children than guns, that we need to ban books to prevent our children from being WOKE (ie. aware of their country’s honest history). The constant name-calling, the frequent lewdness, the misogynist and racist rhetoric. Let’s move forward. This is the contract that the Harris/Walz ticket offers instead of what we’ve been constantly fed by the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago and his Orange Cult-Aides for almost a decade now. Let’s go forward, not back. Let’s silence these weirdos and tell them their playbook is old and tired. In a landslide, let’s show them it won’t work anymore.


Finally: Top Journo Erupts at Media for Ignoring Trump’s Mental State


Finally a well-known journalist is addressing the “Orange Elephant in the GOP Room.” After months (maybe years) of racist and misogynist remarks, and now the months of gibberish coming out of his mouth during interviews and speeches, a well-known journalist is using the same litmus test on DonOLD as was used on Joe Biden when he was a candidate. Some of us wondered if the Orange Elephant ever had the mental capacity to be given the nuclear codes, but his behavior of late has begun to reveal that he’s not just a hateful, lying, spiteful, felon, and sexual predator, but he looks well into cognitive decline as well. What will it take for his GOP hardliners to realize how decrepit he is? Fortunately, more lifelong Republicans are putting their country’s interest ahead of their party on a daily basis. This week, heavyweights like Jon McCain’s son (Jimmy) and Liz Cheney, pledged their support to the Harris/Walz campaign. When are the rest going to admit to the “Orange Elephant in the Room?”


What Trump Doesn’t Understand About the Military


Understanding the military is impossible for the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago because he doesn’t understand service or sacrifice. There is not a thought in his brain that isn’t focused on his own ends and what others can do for him. Every relationship in the Orange Blob’s life is transactional—including those in his own family. He was raised to be self-focused and mentored to believe that is life’s true purpose. His recent antics at ANC (Arlington National Cemetary) but also previous statements he has made about veterans and active duty members highlight what kind of relationships he will forge with America’s military, they will serve his agenda of revenge and making America white-er. He will need the military to carry out Project 2025’s plan of arresting tens of thousands of immigrants, putting them into concentration camps, and deporting them. As well as rounding up all the people that (in the Orange Clown’s mind) harassed him. The Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago will need the military, but he won’t understand the military. It will be a toy of his degenerating mind; his dangerous mind. The Orange Clown is a dangerous man surrounded by very dangerous people who will not act as guardrails against his worst instincts. Orange Donny is losing in the polls, but winning in the electoral college. US Voters need to realize that is how Republicans have won the presidency in multiple elections—including all of DonOLD’s elections. The Orange Clown has to lose by a landslide. Harris/Walz and everyone down ballot can’t run for a slight majority win. they have to dominate the upcoming election.

This Week’s Links


'This pig': Observers erupt as ex-president caught 'threatening the voters' at his rally


Trump threatens lawyers, donors and election officials with prison for 'unscrupulous behavior'


'I lied.' A teacher describes protecting her students during Apalachee HS shooting


Tim Walz Stings GOP With Blunt 'Fact of Life' After JD Vance's School Shooting Remarks


How the GOP Got From Reagan to Trump


Does Hopefulness Outshine Mindfulness? New Study Says Yes



A New Level of Incoherence From Trump


The Electoral College bias has returned with a vengeance


The Fairest Way to Keep Cognitively Declining People From Being Elected


Liz Cheney says Dick Cheney will vote for Kamala Harris


WATCH: Vance says school shootings are ‘the reality we live in’ at campaign rally in Phoenix


Florida Goes Full Police State Over Abortion Ballot Initiative


The Cases Against Trump: A Guide


How to Feel Joy During Life’s Unexpected Challenges



Kamala Harris is showing that joy can be a strategy


Colin Gray, father of US school shooting suspect, charged with murder


Robert Reich: What Will Kamala Harris Do About America’s Soaring Inequality And Shameful Tax System? – OpEd


The End of Democracy Has Already Begun


The Paradox of "Trump Derangement Syndrome"



Finally: Top Journo Erupts at Media for Ignoring Trump’s Mental State


U.S. accuses Russia of sophisticated influence campaigns against U.S. voters


Former Rep. Liz Cheney crosses party lines to endorse Kamala Harris, who is 'proud' to have her vote



What Trump Doesn’t Understand About the Military


The GOP Is Actually Better Off if Kamala Harris Wins


Donald Trump’s Incredible ‘Transgender Thing’


Republicans pushing Christianity into public schools are hitting resistance — even in red states


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people as two very different campaigns define gender roles in our society.

Year 3, Week 36 (226 total reports)



Advocating for young people as two very different campaigns define gender roles in our society.

Songs to Enjoy

He’s a Dangerous Man don’t underestimate those around the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago. Although he is obviously losing his mental capacities, he is desperately running for one reason—to stay out of jail. Those around him are supporting him because they want a tool for their ends in the White House.

Past Songs

There’s an Orange Clown in Mar-A-Lago Don’t say his name, it just gives the media more hits on his counter.

It’s Just Donny A song for all the complicit racists that support the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago

We’re the GOP and Proud For those who’ve given up their dignity to follow  the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago

They’re Weird and Creepy What makes the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago and his current running mate, so weird and creepy? Have a listen and a good laugh.

Sakes Alive, It’s Project 2025 These people want to take away your thoughts, their plan is for a White, Christian, Fascist, Nation. Don’t underestimate them.

White Evangelination If you’re not white, Christian or unwilling to give up the rights to the female body, you won’t belong in this group’s nation.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

Where do different ideas of masculinity fit into the presidential election?


This read articulates important distinctions in ideas of masculinity between the Harris/Walz ticket and the Trump/Vance ticket. One of the phrases I especially appreciated in this Steve Inskeep/Christopher Thomas interview was the quote about Melinda French Gates’ billion dollar donation to causes supporting women and girls; “What she's come to realize is that a world of floundering men is not likely to be a world of flourishing women…” I understand the concept of “floundering men” and hope that we have many more conversations like this before the election. Policies of the Far Right will set women (and men) back for decades—perhaps centuries. Kudos to Kamala Harris and her slogan “We are NOT going back…”

Best Links of The Week


When Gus Walz cried at the DNC, his tears helped free us all from toxic gender roles - LGBTQ Nation


As true to their character, the far right (and particularly Anne Coulter), took to mocking the neurodiverse son of Tim Walz, following his intense show of love at the DNC. Because of the way Gus Walz’s brain is formed, he has a hard time with regulating his emotions in public. While the right, finds this fodder for snarky humor, everyone—who is not weird—sees this as a sign of a son’s adoration of his father. Perhaps that’s what the Far Right truly hates, true emotional attachment based upon deep familial bonds. As with many articles this week, it reveals the toxicity of the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago and his Far Right Orange-aids when it comes to gender roles. It is past time to put the weirdness of the Orange Clown and his Female-Hating accomplice aside and—as a political party—grow up. There are multiple articles below of former Republicans who are choosing democracy over party. Like so many others, they have tired of the Mar-A-Lago Monster’s creepy antics. If you’re still stuck supporting these escapades, then either you’re choosing to be blind or choosing to support White, Fascist, Misogynist, Racists.


Republicans’ misogynistic attacks on Kamala Harris aren’t even the worst part


Thanks to MSNBC and Molly Jong-Fast for this overview of misogynist attacks by the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago. It’s deeper than just the Orange Clown, but his Orange-Aides are involved in this too. Ms. Jong-Fast lays out their sexist attacks back to the Mar-A-Lago Monster’s first public appearances, and none of his cultic followers have the least desire to rein him in; in fact, just the opposite, they encourage and join him in his attacks. Why would the sadly demented man of Mar-A-Lago stop when he’s getting so much support from his closest advisors and admirers—in short, he won’t. Signs are it is just going to get uglier the closer we get to the election and today (Labor Day), traditionally begins the last sprint to the finish line. Expect more wackiness, weirdness, and women’s attacks from the Right and their Orange Cultic DemiGod. In one word: “Yuck.”


The Women Trump Is Winning


This is such an anomaly to me, how a woman can vote for the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago—or in this case—ask him to be a keynote speaker at their annual event. But then, read the deets. These women are for abolishing women’s rights to their own bodies, they want to ban books about racism, diversity, gender development, and yes, support misogynist men who will take over their lives. External control is always preferred when one lacks internal boundaries. For some reason, these women lack internal boundaries and prefer to live in a land controlled by men like Mike Johnson, J.D. Vance, and the Orange Clown. Yet… even in the environment where they invited the Make-Up Monster to keynote their convention, they kept him on a lease and at a distance. They limited his talking time and responses to questions asked by the host. It was not one of the OrangeMan’s typical rambling speeches. It was a question/limited answer event,  eventually cutoff by the interviewer when the time limit had been reached. The very man they want controlling their bodies and the bodies of other women and children; they tried themselves to control.


Six Degrees of Trump and Bacon


After giving him a pass for far too long, the media that brutally attacked Biden for his age and embarrassing debate performance is finally turning their sights on the other “Old Guy” in the presidential runoff, the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago. For months, if not years, Orangmeister has been mentally declining. But now that he is in the final stretch of this campaign (and starting to lose in the polls), his imbecility is becoming even more clear. The last week has been a real circus for his aides and him; Orange’s use of sexual slurs to attack both Harris and Hillary, his aimless speeches—like the one above—about bacon and wind power, his waffling on core Republican issues like abortion and IVF (any lie to get a vote), and his campaign’s despicable desecration of Arlington National Cemetary—giving a “Thumbs Up” at the graveside of a soldier. If you’re still voting for this guy, there can only be one reason… you are trapped in your cognitive mindset defending him and are too embarrassed to admit how wrong you have been. Embrace the truth, be like the 100’s of former aides and other Republicans who have bravely chosen to embrace democracy over party. This guy is mentally unstable and should not be anywhere near the nuclear codes.


6 takeaways from Harris' interview on CNN


My wife and I support NPR as we have found it to be the most balanced news feed globally. It regularly avoids “gutter reporting” and, instead of personal commentaries by partisan, biased reporters, you get a fair and accurate assessment of the daily news. This review of the Harris interview by Dana Bash on CNN is no exception. It’s important to remember that CNN itself is not an unbiased source and like many other news sources, it is owned by a Republican billionaire. Remember, when you find an ongoing problem in politics, always follow the money and find out who benefits from the way policies currently stand. Who owns the Republicans? Who owns Trump? Who owns the NRA? Who owns Netanyahu? Who owns immigration issues? Go down the list of global problems and find the “ownership” of those issues. All that said, if you want to know the highlights of the Harris/Walz interview from an unbiased source—have a read of this review.


Donald Trump went on a fascist posting spree on Truth Social after receiving news of his latest indictment.


As the election nears and the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago continues to sink in the polls while facing huge hurdles over the next few weeks (a debate with Kamala Harris, his sentencing in the illegal use of campaign funds trial, plus the recent news of Jack Smith’s superseding investigation addressing the Orange Man’s Supreme Court “immunity”), the meltdowns will only worsen. This week’s antics, including a potentially illegal foray into Arlington Cemetary for a photoshoot in a restricted area, and wishing Jesus would return and count votes in the upcoming election, this Truth Social tirade by Trump is nothing short of lewd. There’s no way I can repeat his thoughts in my blog. Suffice it to say, that whatever guardrails his staff have tried to set up to keep him from revealing just how far his cognitive abilities have diminished—is not working. Once again, Republicans are asking that his phone be taken away (how long have we heard that request)? The question is similar to the “mute issue” his staff is arguing about for the upcoming debate. Harris and her staff want the mute off—so they can hear his mutterings live, his staff wants the mute on so people don’t see how deranged and incompetent he really is. I lean towards; “The more he talks, the more he loses.”


Jack Smith Isn’t Backing Down


I’m so thankful for people like Jack Smith whose commitment to the constitution results in his tireless prosecution of a man who thinks he should be king and the SCOTUS (Supreme Court of Trump US) who would shield him for personal power and gain. Who has the most to lose here? Well, the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago for sure, but the Court (under Justice”?” Roberts) has garnered quite a bit of sovereignty for themselves. They have already set themselves up to supersede all branches of government and decide who will be the US’s future presidents. There’s no doubt that if the Orange One loses, they will also lose power and have ethical guardrails put on their positions. Of course, the Orange Toddler is melting down over this—and so is the far right. In the last couple of days, Orange-y’s entourage has fought their way into a photo op at the Arlington Cemetery, he’s declared that if Jesus were to return he would be a vote-counter and declare the Orange Wonder winner in all 50 states. Simultaneously, the Republicans are actively trying to steal the election in Georgia—even before its been held—and Ken Paxton, AG of Texas, is arresting Hispanic voting activists who are unlikely to support the Far Right’s agenda. Do not expect the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago to win a fair election, but also do not expect him to bow out gracefully. There is only one way this election needs to go; a landslide for Harris/Walz. It is the only way the US Democracy will survive.

This Week’s Links


When Gus Walz cried at the DNC, his tears helped free us all from toxic gender roles - LGBTQ Nation


Questions surrounding Trump's mental acuity are a real 2024 story


I Have A Real Problem With Trump's Arlington Visit


Ex-MAGA Fans Reveal What Finally Made Them Dump 'Disgusting' Trump In Damning Ads


A restoration of the rule of law: Kamala Harris’ “freedom” campaign is coming for Trumpism


Verifying Facts in the Age of AI – Librarians Offer 5 Strategies



Republicans’ misogynistic attacks on Kamala Harris aren’t even the worst part


Robert Reich: Trump’s Cemeterygate – OpEd


Critics Call Hilarious BS On Donald Trump's New Brag About His Speeches



The Women Trump Is Winning


'Extremely American' explores the Christian theocracy movement in the U.S.


Texas Newspaper Accuses Greg Abbott of 'Hurting Our Democracy'


Project 2025’s Anti-Trans Agenda Would Endanger Families Across the US


Things That Will Happen If Trump Is Not Elected, According To Him



Six Degrees of Trump and Bacon


Where Are Harris’s Policies? Trapped in the Supreme Court


The GOP is making false claims about noncitizens voting. It’s affecting real voters


'There Is No Limit': Trump Resorts To Gross Sexual Slurs As Harris Rises In The Polls


The misogynistic motormouth of JD Vance is the gift that keeps on giving


Gwen Walz Uses Her ‘Teacher Voice’ For Spectacular JD Vance Takedown


Grieving the dead is complicated. Here's how you can help someone experiencing loss



6 takeaways from Harris' interview on CNN


Trump Botches IVF Policy Roll Out With Extremely Weird Speech


Why Trump’s Arlington Debacle Is So Serious


Donald Trump is warning the Meta founder to help him ahead of November’s election—or else.


LULAC Asks DOJ to Protect Latino Voters from Texas Attorney General


I’m a childfree teacher. JD Vance thinks that means I’m ‘brainwashing’ students.


Major publishers sue Florida over ‘unconstitutional’ book ban law


Where do different ideas of masculinity fit into the presidential election?



Donald Trump went on a fascist posting spree on Truth Social after receiving news of his latest indictment.


Arlington National Cemetery’s Section 60 is a focus of controversy. What is the area?


Trump Begs For Jesus: Says He Would Win Even California If Jesus Was Counting Votes In Nov.


JD Vance, Obsessed With Strangers’ Reproductive Decisions, Said Childless Teachers “Disturb” Him


JD Vance Says Kamala Harris 'Can Go To Hell'


Jack Smith Is Back with a New Trump Indictment, and This One Side-Elbows the Supreme Court


Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson calls out immunity ruling as contrary to a system that 'treated everyone the same'


What a 100-Year-Old Trial Reveals About America



Jack Smith Isn’t Backing Down


Last week in Texas, Attorney General Ken Paxton unleashed police raids of the homes of Hispanic voting activists. Get ready for more of this.


Critics Give Trump Holy Hell After Utterly Bonkers Claim About Jesus


Trump campaign staff had altercation with official at Arlington National Cemetery


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people as the Harris/Walz ticket presents a critical vision of a hopeful, joyful, diverse, USA.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 35 (225 total reports)



Advocating for young people as the Harris/Walz ticket presents a critical vision of a hopeful, joyful, diverse, USA.

Songs to Enjoy

There’s an Orange Clown in Mar-A-Lago Don’t say his name, it just gives the media more hits on his counter.

Past Songs

It’s Just Donny A song for all the complicit racists that support the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago

We’re the GOP and Proud For those who’ve given up their dignity to follow  the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago

They’re Weird and Creepy What makes the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago and his current running mate, so weird and creepy? Have a listen and a good laugh.

Sakes Alive, It’s Project 2025 These people want to take away your thoughts, their plan is for a White, Christian, Fascist, Nation. Don’t underestimate them.

White Evangelination If you’re not white, Christian or unwilling to give up the rights to the female body, you won’t belong in this group’s nation.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

What the Freshman Class Needs to Read


This refreshing article is about a vision for education that doesn’t include book-burning or limiting learning to a small, history-fearing, Christian—indeed fascist—viewpoint. It’s about teaching classical literature and honest history including all the blots and smudges of our global colonial past. There’s a wealth of reading in this article including books and ideas that—if you haven’t read—it might be time to consider.

Best Links of The Week


Tim Walz’s DNC Speech Was a Masculinity-Themed Populist Pep Talk


This is a refreshing article by Ms. Magazine, one of the few magazines with the best rights to define positive masculinity (given their decades of advocacy for women). If you’re concerned about women’s rights in the upcoming election (and we all must be), this is a great article to review that counteracts the ongoing misogyny of the far right’s stance on fake masculinity portrayed by their felon, sex offender leader, the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago. While you’re at it, please take a moment to review this extremely important recent ad by The Lincoln Project.


Finally, the Democrats Have Found Trump’s Achilles Heel: Ridicule Him


The Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago, is eating away at himself. So much so that his staff is trying to get him out from behind his Big Screen TV and golf course and onto the campaign trail. This article points out that the well-deserved ridicule thrown at Trump by nearly every speaker at the DNC is having a profound impact. It is driving the Orange Clown nuts—and a “nuts” Orange Clown says and does increasingly nutty things (like embracing even nuttier RFK, jr.).


There Is Only One Good Scenario Left — Trump Must Be Routed


This article reveals an important truth for the upcoming election, it is not enough to edge out Trump, he must be routed out. A blue wave up and down the ballot must be attained to tell anti-democratic groups that their way of thinking is a vast minority in this country. The constitution was written to protect minorities and the GOP has been taking advantage of this in every election they have lost by popular vote since George H.W. Bush. Yesterday, a Trump judge gave the go ahead on protecting machine guns and we mustn’t forget the Republican’s stance on de-funding families and children, their attempts to undermine health care, social security and their blatant lies about protecting Roe v. Wade. Project 2025 (no matter how much Trump lies to distance himself from this abhorrent plan) is a brain child of his administration and would gut protection to women, minorities, and the LGBTQ+ community. They’re hostile towards immigrants—not just hostile—but willing to tear apart families with little or no care about children and infants. Harris cannot “edge” Trump out, she must “trounce Trump” at the polls.


DNC Day 4: The Democrats Are No Longer Afraid of Themselves


“Guided by optimism and faith…” Those are the words of Kamala Harris. “You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians," those are the words of Donald Trump. Both are running for president, one wants to appeal to all people—even Trump supporters—to help us pursue our greatest ambitions as a nation together. The other wants to take away our voting rights and become Christian nationalists—even though he is not a Christian himself (and like many other things, only plays one to garner votes). Finally, even a minuscule number of Evangelicals are calling him the antichrist. This article talks about the recent DNC representing a turning point for Democrats. A time to shift from apologizing for themselves, to boldly projecting the optimistic vision they have for the future. I’m with them, I hope you are too. We’ll need a resounding majority to tell the Trump’s and the GOP that their dark and weird vision for America and the world is unacceptable. We embrace democracy and the constitution and are tired of their antics. Let’s tell them on November 5 (or before if you’re mailing in a ballot).


5 takeaways from Kamala Harris’ historic acceptance speech


I have chosen to cover the brilliant hope-filled speech of Kamala Harris, rather than the disgusting antics of Hard-liners like Ann Coulter and Mike Lindell. There is nothing more that people like this—and their Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago—would like to distract us with than their hatred and weird lunacy. Harris reveals the stark choices we have to make, between the darkness of Donald Trump’s vision (and his Orange Evangelists), and the hope and joy of her campaign’s view of the future. This is not a choice between Democrats and Republicans, this is a choice between Democracy and a Dictator. The momentum is shifting to Harris and that will make the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago miserable. His minions (Orangites) will become increasingly desperate as the days to the election tick off. They’ve already shown there is no bottom to their indecency and no boundaries to their use of fake AI (though Trump is distancing himself from both Project 2025 and the fake AI pictures of Taylor Swift). Expect deception, expect indecency; they are beginning to see how wretched their circumstances are and some of the most hideous players in the world (dictators, oil barrons, tech barrons, Christian Fascists, and more) want the Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago as their Dictator-for-Life.


WATCH: ‘Dump Trump’ says Georgia Republican Geoff Duncan at 2024 Democratic National Convention


The Orange Clown of Mar-A-Lago and his Orange parade are called out in this wonderful speech by Republican Geoff Duncan who was targeted by the Clown and his hordes for standing by his values. The Orange Parade surrounded his personal residence and threatened his entire family with violence. This is the inevitable result of All-Things-Orange. A criminal darkness that leads to violence—if he doesn’t get his way. He will use anyone “else” to fight his fights while he licks his bone spurs and imaginary wounds in the basement bathroom of his Florida hideaway. Send this weirdo, Orange Menace packing!


The Obamas Are Ready to Fight


Michelle Obama was definitely the star of the show last night at the DNC in Chicago. Barack Obama had one of the best laughs (when he talked about the Orange Clown of Mar O Lago and his fixation on crowd size). This article points out that there has been a transition from Michelle’s “When they go low, we go high.” I don’t think we really know what that transition is going to look like, but it is clear that the Obama’s are concerned enough about democracy in the United States that they are not going to sit this election out on the sidelines.

This Week’s Links


Tim Walz’s DNC Speech Was a Masculinity-Themed Populist Pep Talk


The Traitorous Trump


Why this writer says her son deserves a champion like Tim Walz


Taunting Trump: Harris campaign's sneer tactics


Why Harris wants to unmute Trump


Former national security adviser paints picture of a chaotic Trump White House and an insecure president in new book


The Conservatives Who Sold Their Souls for Trump


Who The Hell Let Trump Into Arlington National Cemetery?



Finally, the Democrats Have Found Trump’s Achilles Heel: Ridicule Him


‘Elected by no one’: ‘Reaganland’ author on how the Heritage Foundation wields power


France's arrest of Telegram's CEO feels like a warm-up for a much bigger target: Elon Musk


Young Adults Are in Crisis



There Is Only One Good Scenario Left — Trump Must Be Routed


Trump judge greenlights machine guns under Second Amendment


US Economy Is Doing Better Than Americans Think


21 Minutes in the Buttigieg Bubble


5 Personality Traits That Suggest You Were Raised In A Predominately Negative Home, According To Family Therapists



DNC Day 4: The Democrats Are No Longer Afraid of Themselves


Harris and Walz Should Make America a Global 'Good Neighbor' Again


Kamala Harris Fuels a Beautifully Heretical View of the World


RFK Jr. Was My Drug Dealer


This socialist just became an establishment favorite


What the Freshman Class Needs to Read


5 Ways Anxiety Crushes Teens and How to Ease the Burden


You Really Want To Understand People? Try Forensic Listening



5 takeaways from Kamala Harris’ historic acceptance speech


Sudden attention for Tim Walz’s son brings focus to challenges of people with learning disabilities


Republicans Are Being Weird to Kids at the 2024 DNC


At the DNC, the Democrats Are Finally Fighting


Former Republican lawmaker offers a blistering assessment of Trump in DNC speech


How Tim Walz redefines masculinity for modern America


WATCH: How to pronounce Kamala Harris, according to her nieces | 2024 DNC Day 4


Central Park Five members condemn Trump at DNC for calling for their execution


6 Thunderous Trump Takedowns That Got Some Serious Love From DNC Crowd



WATCH: ‘Dump Trump’ says Georgia Republican Geoff Duncan at 2024 Democratic National Convention


Tim Walz Just Showed Why Kamala Harris Picked Him


The Republican attack on Tim Walz over Tiananmen Square is almost unbelievable


What anxious parents of neurodivergent children can learn from Tim and Gwen Walz


Republicans’ New, Dangerous Attempt to Break the Election


Barack Obama’s speech for Kamala Harris shows just how much things have changed


Economists Are Wrong About Price Gouging



The Obamas Are Ready to Fight


How price gouging bans really work


Donald Trump Accused of Committing 'Massive Crime' With Reported Phone Call


“Do Something!” Michelle Obama’s Big-Hearted, Urgent, Barn-Burner of a Convention Speech


The Democrats Hone Their Trump Narrative


Harris hits 'freedom' theme in rally at the site of Trump's convention


Trump's AI Deepfake Post Enrages Swifties, May Have Broken the Law


Sen. Durbin pushes for bipartisan ethics reform of the Supreme Court


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people as the US Election reveals two opposing viewpoints of the country’s future; one grim and full of despair, the other joyful and full of hope.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 34 (224 total reports)



Advocating for young people as the US Election reveals two opposing viewpoints of the country’s future; one grim and full of despair, the other joyful and full of hope.

Songs to Enjoy

Sakes Alive It’s Project 2025

Two things Fascists hate: being called weird and being laughed at. This song is written to continue the laughter at the weird policies of Project 2025.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

A Compliment That Really Means Something


The most effective way to grow a person or a team is proven to be specific compliments, not a compliment, but a high ratio of compliments tied to the behavior you are seeking to grow. This works just as much for raising teens, as enhancing the quality of your marriage, or increasing the effectiveness of your work team. The exact ratio is identified in this article by Arthur Brooks (a favorite writer of mine) as well as how to make your compliments effective. Brooks also points out that poorly planned compliments are not just ineffective, but can be demotivating and backfire.

Best Links of The Week


The Mistake That Could Cost Trump the Election


Trump continues to want to hide Project 2025, but no more than Project 2025 wants to hide itself. It is hard for the Trump/Vance ticket to distance themselves from this document when Vance wrote the forward to the Heritage Foundation President’s (Kevin Roberts) new book; “Dawn’s Early Light.” While the DNC was busy laying a foundation for an America full of hope and meaning last night, Trump and his campaign continued unraveling with false claims and despicable lies. Everything from a fake ID picture of Taylor Swift endorsing the convicted felon to Trump accusing Harris of using sexual favors to make her way to the top. We haven’t seen the worst from Donald Trump, remember—as George Conway points out—this guy isn’t running FOR president, he’s running FROM prison.


Trump’s Medal of Dishonor


Donald can’t help himself, he can’t make it day to day without finding someone to insult, this time taking on Medal of Honor Veterans. With Harris pulling ahead in the polls and Trump unable to stay on message, those who want their patsy, Donald Trump, in office are pulling out all the stops to do the campaigning he seems incapable of doing himself. The list includes Putin, the GOP, and Elon Musk. Putin’s Russia Information Machine is spewing disinformation on a scale not seen since Hilary Clinton ran for office. The GOP is harassing Harris and Walz with a bevy of nonsensical investigations (in the meantime, James Comey and his farcical investigative squad, seems to have forgotten about Hunter and Joe Biden—it’s almost as though those investigations were purely political. Elon Musk is supporting a bevy of false AI-generated imagines on his political platform, X, including a deepfake image of Taylor Swift appearing to support Trump. As the election gets closer and their convicted carny (Donald Trump) continues to mentally devolve, expect these attacks to worsen. Remember Fascists can’t stand being called “weird” and being made fun of—so keep it up. Keep laughing at their attempts as you support others lining up to flood the voting box this fall.


Why Kamala Harris' New Politics of Joy Is the Best Way to Fight Fascism


Research has shown that two of the greatest weapons against fascism are Joy and Mocking. The Harris/Walz ticket are using those valuable weapons to pursue their campaign for President/Vice President. Polls show they are being very effective. While Donald Trump and J.D. Vance continue to make fools of themselves, the Harris/Walz campaign offers policies and laughter… and it is driving the GOP crazy. Trump can’t seem to focus on anything but personal attacks and Vance is busy alienating himself from women while the entire GOP seems determined to run as far as possible from it’s own platform, designed by a major funder, the Heritage Foundation. Dressing Project 2025 up as anything but what it is, merely puts makeup on a pig. No matter how they try to paint this, Trump and Vance are theirs and Project 2025 is their brainchild. In the meantime, keep on laughing, it’s driving them crazy.


X’s chatbot can now generate AI images. A lack of guardrails raises election concerns


X is rolling out a very dangerous tool and it is in the hands of a very dangerous person, Elon Musk. Musk is a well-known Trump backer and promised Trump $45 million a month (which he later backed out of), but that doesn’t keep Musk from using his power and fortune to support Trump and the GOP in all ways possible. This article highlights another reason why rational people should “check their sources” when they see something that doesn’t seem right. As the TSA has been telling us for years, “If you see something, say something.” The images (and articles) that are being generated by AI are deeply realistic and have included using an AI Voice of Joe Biden telling voters to stay home in New Hampshire. Contrary to our intuition, we need to start with a basis of distrust when we see images, read articles, but even when we hear recordings or watch videos. People like Musk have no ethical boundaries to guide their behavior and the people he supports (like Trump and the GOP) have no qualms about lying in any form available to them.


Trump’s Strike-Busting Comments Could Come Back to Haunt Him


This story highlights Trump’s meandering pandering to Elon Musk as they both laughed about busting unions. As this, The Atlantic, author, Lora Kelley, points out, Trump’s rambling conversation with Elon Musk was a serpentine diatribe about many fatuous things, during which—as Kelley points out, “Trump complimented Musk on his ‘fertile mind,’ celebrated the prospect of climate change creating more oceanfront property, and said that Vice President Kamala Harris resembled his own wife on a recent Time cover. But the moment when Trump praised the idea of firing workers on strike could be the one he comes to regret this election season.” It’s difficult to tell which incident Trump was referring to as Musk has illegally let go of so many employees. Union workers are a strong voting block in many swing states and Harris is pro-union, while Tim Walz himself was a member of a union and recently started his first solo campaign appearances with Union Members in California. Trump continues to offer such tidbits of banality to his opposition and his campaign managers (and many other Republican leaders down-ballot from Trump) are asking him to reign in his gibberish. It hasn’t worked so far. In an interview yesterday at Trump’s Golf Course in New Jersey, campaign aids laid out an array of breakfast foods so Trump would be reminded to speak about food prices and the economy. Instead, Trump rambled aimlessly for an hour, before mentioning the food next to him for about five minutes, and then returned to more of his sad, twenty-year-old “poor me” routine. Trump can’t seem to get beyond that Biden stepped aside and he is running (“unfairly” according to him) against Kamala Harris. Watching Trump dissolve cognitively is pathetic. Most pundits think that he will come completely apart at the upcoming debate with former prosecutor, Kamala Harris, who will not let up about Trump’s long history of misdeeds, felonies, and sexual assaults. This is “old turf” for Harris—used to prosecuting criminals and sexual offenders, but it sure will be new for Donald, used to softball interviews from the likes of Musk.


Of Course Trump Is Going to Claim the Election Was Stolen If Harris Wins: Ex-Trump Official


Donald Trump is falling steadily in the polls and even his own staff can’t help him. His campaign staff is trying to put him in front of smaller crowds with one message at a time (for example, at a rally on August 14, he was only supposed to speak for an hour about the economy), but he couldn’t help himself. The penultimate carnival barker, he had to play to the crowd and his crowd doesn’t cheer when he speaks about policy. However, they go nuts when he speaks about race, immigration, or making fun of his opponent, so the campaign strategy went out the door and his talk devolved into the regular Trump fascist diatribe. George Conway has pointed out that Trump is not so much running FOR the presidency as FROM prison. So, as this article points out, what do we expect Trump to do the day after he loses? Will he congratulate Kamala Harris on her win and quietly accept the outcome? Of course not. This article analyzes what needs to be done ahead of time for when Trump does NOT accept the results. I would also like to add that this is not the time for complacency, polls are not votes and every vote is needed to send the GOP and Trump a clear message about their politics and agenda.


'Republicans for Harris' want conservatives to vote Democrat in 2024 to topple Trump


Thank you to these brave Republicans who have decided to put nation before party. As the GOP Party enters it’s “Please Shut Up” phase (see article below), some Republicans are realizing that Trump and Project 2025, don’t want to just win an election, they want to dismantle the constitution. These Republicans are taking their oath of office seriously and pointing out they did not take an oath to a cult leader—or even a party—but to the Constitution of the United States and that is exactly what is at risk if Trump wins in the November election.

This Week’s Links


The Mistake That Could Cost Trump the Election


Policy Isn’t Going to Win This Election


DNC: Biden passes torch to Harris in convention speech


Here’s why VP Harris wants price gouging banned


'Evangelicals For Harris' Ad Denounces Trump As False Prophet


Rep. Crockett at DNC: 'Kamala Harris has a résumé; Donald Trump has a rap sheet'


Trump Is Raking in Millions From Foreign Business Partners


After Falsely Accusing Kamala Harris of Using AI, Donald Trump Posts AI Slop About Her on Twitter


The Simple Reason Trump Can’t Run a Campaign About Policy


Trump Accuses Kamala Harris Of Using Sexual Favors To Earn Nomination


The White House plan to stop companies from wasting our time



Trump’s Medal of Dishonor


Donald Trump uses fake AI image of Taylor Swift to try and win support


Pro-Russia 'News' Sites Spew Incendiary US Election Falsehoods


Scoop: Harris-Walz probes ignite House GOP divisions


Without Using Trump's Name, Kamala Harris Calls Out 'Coward' Leaders



Why Kamala Harris' New Politics of Joy Is the Best Way to Fight Fascism


George Conway's Donald Trump Prediction Takes Off Online


Kamala Harris learned a lesson about the border early in her career. It’s paying off now.


Trump Has Turned Over an Old Leaf


Donald Trump Mocked for Saying He's 'Better Looking' Than Kamala Harris


The DNC starts Monday. Here’s what you need to know



X’s chatbot can now generate AI images. A lack of guardrails raises election concerns


Supreme Court keeps new rules about sex discrimination in education on hold in half the country


Kamala Harris Rolled Out An Ambitious Economic Plan. Here’s What’s In It


Brooks and Capehart on Harris’ economic policy proposals


All the Artists Who Don't Want Donald Trump Using Their Music


Lt. Col. Vindman: Trump ‘Absolutely’ at Fault for Russia’s Ukraine Invasion


Republicans Have No Idea What to Do About Trump and Project 2025


What Kierkegaard Can Teach Us about the Meaning of Life



Trump’s Strike-Busting Comments Could Come Back to Haunt Him


Learning to Live By What You Want, Not What You Should Want



Of Course Trump Is Going to Claim the Election Was Stolen If Harris Wins: Ex-Trump Official


Trump’s New Campaign Strategy Just Went Up in Flames


The Trump Campaign Endorses a Racist Theory


A Compliment That Really Means Something



'Republicans for Harris' want conservatives to vote Democrat in 2024 to topple Trump


The Trump Campaign’s ‘Please Shut Up’ Phase


Inside Project 2025’s Secret Training Videos


Trump Suggests He’ll Flee to Venezuela If Harris Wins the Election


The Power of Purpose


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people as hope rises in the form of a joyful Harris/Walz ticket while the Far Right doubles down on controlling Beliefs and Bodies.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 33 (223 total reports)



Advocating for young people as hope rises in the form of a joyful Harris/Walz ticket while the Far Right doubles down on controlling Beliefs and Bodies.

Songs to Enjoy

They’re Weird and Creepy

Satirical song for those who think that Trump, Vance, and the GOP are weird and creepy.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

Journalist David Brooks reveals the essential questions to deepen any relationship


You may have heard me promote the book that David Brooks wrote about deepening our ability to have meaningful relationships, “How to Know a Person; The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen.” This book is a life-enhancer. My wife and I are both listening to it on Audible and I invested in a hard-copy so I could follow along and underline the parts that stood out to me. Brooks’ style is humorous—without ever being deprecating—it is folksy, yet profound. If I haven’t already convinced you to buy this book (or stock it for your co-workers), let me try again. Your relationships and your life will be the better for it.

Best Links of The Week


The Economic Mind of Tim Walz


As Governor, Tim Walz focused on a budget that would support children and families. The result is an example of a booming, sustainable, economy that occurs when families and children are put before the wealthy and corporations. This is an excellent read on how to grow the US economy in opposition to the spend on corporations and tax middle income family policies of Republican Administrations. It gives concrete evidence of the falsehoods behind “Trickle Down” economics.


Vance’s “Cat Ladies” Remarks Reflect Broader GOP Effort to Weaponize “Family”


Under Vance’s strategy, women with children would get more votes than women without. All of this weird nonsense has one focus; weaponizing families. Project 2025, the framework designed by Trump and Vance’s largest funder and think tank—the Heritage Foundation—wants to take over your bedroom and decide what reproductive choices you make.


Students and Educators Are Joining Forces to Fight Book Bans Across the US


It can be done and these students and educators are showing how to do it? How do you stop the conservative, white, christian, nationalists from achieving their fascist agenda in schools across the United States? This article reveals a working plan that groups have been successfully applying. It’s not normal to ban books that make you feel uncomfortable, it’s all part of the fascist’s weird agenda.


JD Vance’s Racist Populism


“I’m not a racist, but…” how many racist comments begin with that phrase? Here’s a new one, “I’m not a racist, but I’m voting for Trump/Vance.” If you support them, you are a racist. You are a racist by supporting two of the most bigoted, chauvinistic, people who have run for the highest office in the United States since the Civil War, and make no mistake, these two wouldn’t care less if they started another Civil War to achieve their own ends. You could declare that “You’re not racist, but…” that would only mean you have not read your party’s platform and the text (or even overviews) of Project 2025. If you are voting for Trump and Vance in November, you are a racist, no ifs, ands, or buts.


Playbook: Trump's 'reset' that wasn't


The expectations (among the GOP) were high yesterday as their deranged demigod, Donald Trump, called for a press conference at his fortress hideaway in Florida (Mar-A-Lago). Yet, once again their hopes were dashed. Expecting somewhat of a reset to a campaign that’s floundering, they were hoping for a number of things: 1) withdrawing J.D. Vance from the ticket, 2) policies for challenging their democratic rivals, 3) perhaps even Trump’s withdrawal from the race. Instead, they got more of the same… the barely decipherable ramblings of an elderly man whose brain is deteriorating with age as well as years of lies and revenge-based hatred. With little left to offer, Trump and the GOP’s only hope is to fix the election, and again, refuse to accept the result. The Biden administration, and others, have already said they are preparing for this strong possibility (inevitability). Once again, we are reminded our strongest chance to defeat the lunacy and weirdness of the Trump platform is a resounding defeat at the polls in November. In other news this morning, far right Republicans are already challenging thousands of votes in States. It wouldn’t hurt to double-down and make sure your vote will count and not be challenged when you go to the polls or mail-in your ballot. Trump does not want to go back to court and he certainly, does not want to go to prison. The Heritage Foundation, Putin, and his US Lackeys (the GOP), do not want to lose their best shot at destroying Western Democracy. Before you vote, check your ballot and make sure it will count.


The GOP Is a Messy Soap Opera Right Now


Tom Nichols, author of this commentary, is well-positioned to comment on national and international events. To quote his bio, “He is a professor emeritus of national-security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College, where he taught for 25 years, and an instructor at the Harvard Extension School. He has served as a legislative aide in the Massachusetts House and the U.S. Senate.” When a person of this caliber says, “someone should take J.D. Vance’s phone away,” and that, “Trump is a deeply unwell person who is not fit to be the commander in chief, and that should he return to office, other Republican officials cannot be counted on to protect the nation—especially Vance, who reveals himself daily as every bit the intellectual lightweight and political fraud his critics believe he is,” it should shake the opinions of Trump’s followers. As Nichols points out, it does appear to have shaken Kellyanne Conway, who is almost openly calling for J.D. Vance to be replaced. Conway, who served as Trump’s Senior Counselor and spokesperson, was once photographed lounging on the Oval Office couch as if it was her personal bed away from home (one can only fear what J.D. Vance is going to do with—to—that couch), is as addicted to the Trump cult as humanly possible. She lied for him and explained his lies as, “Alternative Facts…” Of course, it won’t shake the opinions of Trump’s followers, because nothing about their opinion is based upon substance or fact. They are based on a cultic personality, a convicted, sexual offender, game-show host, who feeds a need for control in people who are frightened by the state of a world that the GOP fear-mongering machine has been conjuring up since Ronald Reagan ran for office. It feeds a desire by white, Christians, to return to a world where women did not vote, black people were silenced, and gender roles were strictly defined (if indeed, not practiced behind locked doors). Harris and Walz offer an alternative to this weird lunacy, this creepiness. Walz provided free breakfasts and lunches for every child in his State so that they were sitting in class prepared to learn. He made sure every female in his schools had access to sanitary products, he stood by LGBTQ students in the school where he taught while knowing the power it would have for a State-Championship winning football coach to take such a controversial role. We have a chance, this November, to demand a return to normalcy, a return to kindness, a return to compassion. We need a resounding majority of votes so the likes of Trump and Vance are silenced. As Harris told a crowd chanting, “Lock Him Up!” last night, “We're gonna let the courts handle that. Our job is to beat him in November.”


Happy warriors Harris and Walz propose an antidote to Trump’s American carnage


Aren’t you tired of the party of hatred and revenge? Hasn’t it gotten old (like its primary candidate, Donald Trump)? It is evident to everyone—except his cult followers—that he’s running to stay ahead of more convictions, to exact revenge on those his fragile ego feels offended by, and to maximize his personal fortune and power. He’s obviously a patsy for the far right, white christian, fascists that put him in office the first time. Last night’s acceptance speech by Tim Walz alongside candidate, Kamala Harris, and following Pennsylvania’s governor, Josh Shapiro, was a festival of joy and hope. I’m ready for hope to take the stage. I’m so done with the old, overweight, con-man taking all the air out of the world. The day we don’t hear a peep from him is a day the mental health of the world will breath a collective sigh. Let’s show him the door, let’s let the air out of his balloon, let’s send him to another courtroom where he can sit and fume, and perhaps reflect on the damage he has done to the Institution of American Democracy. Hope and Joy are in; weird and creepy are out.

This Week’s Links


The Economic Mind of Tim Walz


Trump Is Setting the Stage to Challenge the Election


Minnesota Became A ‘Trans Refuge’ Thanks To Tim Walz — And It Changed Lives


Get a Load of Project 2025’s Horrifying Series of “Training” Videos


Reforming the Supreme Court Should Be Commonplace


The Secret to Healing Trauma



Vance’s “Cat Ladies” Remarks Reflect Broader GOP Effort to Weaponize “Family”


In first interview since dropping out, Biden says Trump danger to US


This Guy Is Putting The 'Hell' In Helicopter Ride



Students and Educators Are Joining Forces to Fight Book Bans Across the US


Chris LaCivita sunk John Kerry's presidential campaign. Now he's trying to 'Swift-boat' Tim Walz.


Will the Government Stop Political Deepfakes Like Elon Musk's Kamala Harris Ad?


The Myth of Female Unelectability



JD Vance’s Racist Populism


That Mar-a-Lago Press Conference On Thursday Was Perhaps The Nuttiest Ever


A brief history of swift boating, from John Kerry to Tim Walz


Inside Project 2025’s Secret Training Videos


What Adam Grant Just Said About People Pleasers Is Harsh. It's Also True


She was working at McDonald's at 17 and now she's become the first Mexican-born woman in space



Playbook: Trump's 'reset' that wasn't


What to know about Minnesota first lady Gwen Walz


Right-Wing Activists Are Challenging Tens Of Thousands Of Voter Registrations


More People Should Be Talking About IVF the Way Tim Walz Is



The GOP Is a Messy Soap Opera Right Now


Having a Chance Has Changed the Democrats


'Kamabla'? Trump isn't just losing the election, he's losing his mind.


Republicans Officially Enact Their Most Extreme School Book Ban


Biden says he's "not confident at all" there will be a peaceful transfer of power if Trump loses


Why Project 2025 Leader Suddenly Delayed His Book Release


15 Educational Apps That Will Make Your Kids Smarter



Happy warriors Harris and Walz propose an antidote to Trump’s American carnage


It’s Walz


Tim Walz Joins the Anti-weirdness Ticket


Kamala Harris' Reaction to Tim Walz' JD Vance Jab Goes Viral


Watch: Trump Campaign Desperate to Avoid Kamala Debate Questions


Journalist David Brooks reveals the essential questions to deepen any relationship


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people as Old DonOLD Trump and Hillbilly Vance make themselves into memes of weird.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 32 (222 total reports)



Advocating for young people as Old DonOLD Trump and Hillbilly Vance make themselves into memes of weird.

Songs to Enjoy

It’s Just Donny

A farcical song for all the people who like to excuse the behavior of the weird, man-toddler, convicted felon, Donald Trump.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

Opinion: Some jobs should never be done by kids. Project 2025 sees things differently


Yesterday, Republicans blocked expansion of the Child Tax Credit. They are so concerned about fetuses, but—once born—children are on their own. Allowing the Child Tax Credit to continue would mean less money available to the billionaires that support Donald Trump and his GOP lackeys. This is not an isolated incident into the GOP’s propensity for child cruelty. Glance at this article to have a better understanding of the plan “Trumpettes” have for forcing children to work in dangerous situations at dangerous hours. If the Heritage Foundation and Trump’s Project 2025 have their way, children will be working late night shifts in unsafe factories, jobs too dangerous and low paying for even adults to take. The Heritage Foundation continues to make it clear they want a mudsill financial system (permanent underclass of workers) that feed their billionaire economy.

Best Links of The Week


Project 2025 Creator Has a Devious Plan for If Trump Wins


Trump has already told his followers, that 1) voting doesn’t matter, 2) if Christians vote for him, they may never have to vote again, and 3) he would be a dictator. Donald, known for lying to purport the reality he prefers, has tried to distance himself from Project 2025, even though a number of its creators were either members of his cabinet or among his main funders. Now, there are reports that the primary creator of Project 2025, Russell Vought, will be a high-ranking staff member in Trump’s White House, some even say, Chief of Staff. There is no doubt these people are fascists, they cannot be allowed access to the keys of democracy. The only way to stop them is to vote them out resoundingly and begin the long-term legal process of dismantling their influence in the US government, the courts, the House, key posts abroad, and voting precincts all over the country. Please turn out to vote so that your children and children’s children have that option available to them in the future.


Trump Brags About MAGA Takeover of Georgia Election Board


Increasingly, pundits are beginning to risk saying that Trump is going to lose the election, the GOP knows this, and some say that even Trump is beginning to realize this. This means two things: 1) Trump, Vance, and the GOP machine will get weirder. 2) Trump, his backers, the Supreme Court, and the GOP will try to turn democracy against itself. Regarding Item 1, Trump—who resorts to name-calling when he has no substance to debate—is focusing on the favorite themes of his followers, race-baiting and immigration fear-mongering. Expect this to get worse as the Harris campaign goes through the normal polling bumps that will result from naming a VP, the DNC, and whatever debates occur after Donny pulled out of the last agreed-upon one. Regarding Item 2, the US Constitution was written to protect minorities against unyielding majorities. The GOP will continue to exploit this through further manipulations of the court system, the do-nothing Republican House, undermining voting rights, and shows of force in local elections. (For a primer in this, look at the recent fixed election of Putin-Supported Madura in Venezuela) Expect more threats of violence and calls to violence as the election closes in and the polls reveal a Trump loss. The singular protection that the United States has will be a resounding defeat of Trump and the GOP on election days. A moderate defeat will not do, remember that Republicans have not won a popular vote since George W. Bush in 2004, but have still stolen the elections through the manipulation of the electoral college. The upcoming election can be no “slim defeat.” It must be a mandate. An overwhelming defeat of racism and threats of political violence all the way up and down the ballot. Only by turning out every vote possible, will llPutin, Trump, and his closet-racists/misogynists, learn that their vitriol, threats, and actual violence are not acceptable in the US.


The Broligarchs Are Trying to Have Their Way


It is important that we know what a “Broligarch” is and just who fits into that multimillionaire or billionaire category. In order to understand the attack on the poor and the middle class, we need to follow the dollar. Who benefits from poverty? Who benefits from war? Who benefits from authoritarianism? Who benefits from child labor, racism, and a permanent underclass of workers (mudsilling)? This article gives us the names as well as the beliefs behind the very small, very powerful, group of people funding the dismantling of democracy in the United States and around the world. Citing a favorite book of the Noblesse Oblige, the author points out that many of these super-rich “bros” see themselves as reincarnations of the pharaohs. They trade in politicians and justices like commodities at a Saturday Market, then use them to pass laws that will concretize their wealth and power. Take a look behind their “Wizard of Oz” veil and see them for the super-manipulators they are. There is a way to defeat them, make sure they don’t have another administration like Trump and the GOP who kowtow to their every whim and pass laws that impoverish the majority of people to serve as their serfs (economic foot soldiers). The upcoming election is not just about democracy in the United States, it is also about preventing this “Broligarchy” from permanently establishing their power.


The real reason Team Trump keeps trying to call Kamala Harris a ‘DEI hire’


What is behind the GOP’s DEI attacks on Kamala Harris? In a commentary for MSNBC, Natalie S. Burke, the president and CEO of CommonHealth ACTION, tells us, “These false racist and sexist attacks seek to reinforce beliefs that the best, and potentially only, people qualified to lead America are white men.” Convicted felon and sexual predator, Donald Trump, is a racist and those who support him are supporting his racism as well as his misogyny. Something dark and malevolent is being affirmed when people choose to support such a blatantly weird, angry, racist, man. It says something about the supporters need for control—and therefore their repressed fear. It is not historically unusual for religious people to want to control others that don’t share their beliefs. It is certainly not new to the Republican playbook to exploit immigrants and people who are diverse. The thinking that “those who don’t look like us, don’t think like us,” works as well in fear-based politics as it does on the playground. Such beliefs belong to a two-year-old brain, locked in a “mine, Mine, MINE,” mentality. Attacking someone’s racial diversity is a cheap shot. It is what happens when you have no substance to debate. Trump—and his followers—have run out of substance (did they ever really have any)? So they are forced to attack the fact that Kamala is biracial and female. They don’t want to be reminded she was a Prosecuting Attorney, the Attorney General of California, and a Senator for California from 2017-2021, before becoming President Biden’s pick for Vice-President. In short, Trump and the GOP are bereft. They continue to be a rudderless boat, tied only to Trump’s desire for more power and revenge. Recent reports that Trump received $10 million illegally from the Government of Egypt are further examples of his willingness to sell the presidency to the highest bidder. Supporting Donald Trump is not a substance-based decision, it is a control-based decision.


Trump Is Running Scared


Felon and Sexual Predator, Donald Trump, is falling apart and it “Ain’t Pretty.” Trump, difficult to comprehend in his most lucid moments, has run out of terms to vilify his opponent so he is resorting to an old page in his verbal abuse book, demeaning her heritage. Trump used this on Obama with his birther lies, it bought him a few points then and undermined Obama’s credibility among Trump’s cult followers. Omarosa, a former Trump staffer, tells us that this ploy is close to Trump’s own heritage as his German grandfather, Frederich, used to say he was “Swedish,” so he could rent more low-cost housing units to Jewish survivors of WWII. If it is part of the Democratic strategy to “let Donald speak…” it’s working. The more Donald talks, the more he reveals how mentally unstable (weird), he truly is. Congratulations to the NABJ for having the courage to invite Trump onto their platform and ask him the hard questions Trump normally avoids.


In forthcoming book, Heritage president rails against birth control, IVF, abortion, childlessness, and dog parks


A quick read of this review of Kevin Robert’s (President of Heritage Foundation) new book, forwarded by J.D. Vance, will give you an insight into just how this group wants to “Make America Gilead Again.” In case you were wondering, Gilead is the fantasy nation in Margaret Atwood’s book, “The Handmaid’s Tale.” Robert’s explains how Trump’s Project 2025 plan for America includes monitoring women’s menstrual cycles, travel, and overseeing birth control. In one section, Robert’s decries birth control because, “it makes having a child look optional…” This book, Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington To Save America, lays the Heritage Foundation’s warped, misogynistic, white, Christian Nationalist agenda out in the open. It is Mein Kampf for english-speaking GOP cult followers.

This Week’s Links


Project 2025 Creator Has a Devious Plan for If Trump Wins


A Field Guide to the Flags of the Far Right


Why Joe Biden Passing the Torch to Kamala Harris Matters for Women in the Workplace


Venting Doesn't Reduce Anger, But Something Else Does, Study Says



Trump Brags About MAGA Takeover of Georgia Election Board


The Real Reason Why Trump Praises Putin’s Prisoner Swap


We spoke to 5 people who knew Kamala Harris before she was VP. Here's what we learned



The Broligarchs Are Trying to Have Their Way


Jimmy Carter, 99, is holding out to vote for Kamala Harris, his grandson says


Scholars on the 'divide and conquer' strategy behind Trump's false claim that Harris ‘turned Black’


Trump says he's agreed to Fox debate while Harris sticks with ABC plan



The real reason Team Trump keeps trying to call Kamala Harris a ‘DEI hire’


The 2024 U.S. Presidential Race: A Cheat Sheet


Biden has a good idea for fixing the Supreme Court. This is an even better one.


Why it's time for a vice president who happens to be gay (and maybe because of it)



Trump Is Running Scared


Omarosa Exposes How Trump Pathetically Lied About His Ethnicity


White man tells Black journalists his Black opponent is not Black - LGBTQ Nation



In forthcoming book, Heritage president rails against birth control, IVF, abortion, childlessness, and dog parks


Project 2025’s Impact on Education, Books, & Reading


Donald Trump Questions Whether Kamala Harris Is Really Black


Trump Goes on Truly Deranged Rant About “Black Jobs” as Crowd Boos Him


Speaking to Black journalists, Trump reminded everyone how racist he can be


'The American People Deserve Better': Harris Responds to Trump's Racist Rant


Chuck Schumer rolls out 'No Kings Act' to eliminate presidential immunity


Trump proposed bombing Mexico and it somehow wasn’t a big story


The Mexican women aiding migrants on their perilous journey to the US


Opinion: Some jobs should never be done by kids. Project 2025 sees things differently


The Real Reason People Aren’t Having Kids


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people as one older candidate bravely steps aside and the other digs in.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 31 (221 total reports)



Advocating for young people as one older candidate bravely steps aside and the other digs in.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

Leonard Cohen on the Antidote to Anger and the Meaning of Resistance


This book review by Maria Popova of Leonard’s Cohen’s writings offering “an antidote to anger and the meaning of resistance,” is perfectly timed for our current situation. Popover gently reminds us that (like children) we run to our parent(s) when the world around us feels chaotic and threatening. Though this is touching in children, in adults, we use this impulse to give our personal will away to authoritarians in times of societal stress. The commentator looks at this from Leonard Cohen’s perspective, revealing the depth of his reflections on the sense of helplessness many people have felt throughout history and how often that has led to the justification of violence and oppression. Cohen offers the antidote to anger and helplessness as meaningful relationships and a discovery of personal meaning. What could be a greater gift for us to offer young people today than a deeply affirming relationship based in purpose and belief that one’s life has meaning?

Best Links of The Week


Suddenly Trump Looks Older and More Deranged


Now that President Biden has made the heroic choice to step aside and endorse Kamala Harris for President, the media is finally focusing on Trump’s age and failing mental capabilities (Older and More Deranged). His mental lapses and meandering, often violent, diatribes are nothing new, the only thing that has changed is the focus of the major news networks. Trump has been disintegrating mentally for months (perhaps years), but now the focus is on him. Many Republicans have already come out and stated that the GOP cannot win with him on the ticket and, of course, Trump is already backing out of a debate with the prosecutor who—as she has said—“has worked with his kind before.” Biden’s debate performance was abysmal and he has stepped aside appropriately, largely because of it. Will Trump step aside? Of course not. He’ll just circumvent debates and fall back on name-calling. Trump needs this election to gain more power, avoid his debts, and avoid his many court cases. Without the presidency, Trump will dry up like the old pervert and degenerate criminal he is. The GOP won’t stop supporting him because, they are in-too-deep. They need a patsy like Trump who will blank stamp their authoritarian agenda and continue to undermine the courts (Project 2025 and Putin’s Global Agenda). There is a new energy among the Democrats that will only grow as they continue through the VP pick and National Convention. Biden will join a cadre of impressive statesmen and past presidents, he will be remembered for his legislative prowess, service to his country, and for stepping aside when his country needed him to.


A Candidate, Not a Cult Leader


President Joe Biden made the biggest choice of his career (and perhaps the hardest) yesterday. He decided that he was not the best candidate to lead the Nation in a victory against the Authoritarian Right. This act of courage and heroism will be the defining act of his career, perhaps even of politics this century. His timing couldn’t have been better. Following the clown show at the RNC and the demigod worship of their felon, sexual abuser, candidate, Donald Trump. The GOP had no wind left in its sails to detract from Biden’s statesmanly transition to Kamala Harris. Now, it will be prosecutor vs. felon and the Trump team is heretofore running scared. The GOP is already looking for ways to block Biden’s decision. This Atlantic article draws out that this is the difference between a real candidate (Joe Biden) and a cult leader (Donald Trump). One can never imagine Donald Trump stepping aside for the good of the country. One cannot imagine Donald Trump ever doing anything that wasn’t in his own best interest. People who admire that quality will continue to adore Donald Trump and it reveals a great deal about their internal character.


What the Democrats’ Divisions Could Mean for the Election


(When I wrote this piece, Biden had not stepped aside, but I’ve decided to leave it in anyway). By all the numbers, the Biden administration has been a huge success for the middle class and the impoverished in the United States—except, of course, where a belligerent and incompetent Republican-led House has blocked him. A second Biden term would definitely provide more wins for the middle and lower economic classes of the United States, it would increase pressure for tax reform, for climate health, immigration reform, reform of the Supreme Court, and for empowering voting rights. It would lead to courts being allowed to justly prosecute Trump for his crimes and insurrectionists for their attempts to overthrow the US government. Mostly, a resounding win would tell the GOP and Trump that their authoritarian, white Christian nationalist movement has no place in the United States. Imagine the country being able to return to its democratic roots. If Biden steps down, none of these goals change, but the choice is Biden’s to make. He earned it and he beat Trump before. He needs our support to do it again.


A Searing Reminder That Trump Is Unwell


To quote, Tom Nichols, the author of this article, "Trump is a vengeful autocrat with obvious mental deficits who has surrounded himself with a crew of vicious goons.”

All Trump had to do was stick to the teleprompter, but his self-serving ego wouldn’t even allow him to do that. Like a bad comedian at a garden party, Trump’s bellicose manner stole all the air from the room to focus the attention on himself. Also like an attention hog at a, evening social, he told the same jokes getting louder with each one. Smugly, smiling at his own self-perceived wisdom while showing the rest of the world (except for his cult followers) that he is indeed, “unwell.” People who back Trump don’t do so because of his intelligence (he’s the dumbest man to ever hold the office of President), certainly not for his ethics (he has none), and definitely not for his policies (they will harm the majority of his own constituents). They follow him because he appears to be what they are not—a strong, unbending, personality in the midst of a chaotic world. They think he will stand up to “whatever bad guys” the GOP concocts this week; immigrants, other races, people with dissimilar sexual preferences, people who are not White Christians. They want a “White Chrisitan” takeover of the US and they want everyone forced to believe exactly like they believe. Everyone else is a threat to them and they believe that Donald is the demigod that will rid them of those threats. Imagine a world without his hatred. Imagine a world without his daily whining diatribes. Imagine a world where his imaginary friend, Hannibal Lector, is not vaunted as a role model. That world, is achievable with a heavy vote turnout. It doesn’t matter who the Democrats run, they just need to beat Trump and his “goons;” Project 2025, the Supreme Court of Donald Trump, and the White Christian Nationalist takeover of the United States.


Why the Christian Right Believes Donald Trump Is “Anointed by God”


I’ve been trying to understand the fascination any self-proclaiming Christian would have with the felon, sex offender, Donald Trump. This article identifies it as a fixation on ideology rather than theology. The other factor, I believe, is simply about control. A lack of feeling in control of your own personal life always leads to a desire (often compulsion) to control the lives of others. Modern Christian Nationalism is no different than Islamic Sharia Law with the exception of what version of God they want to force on others. It is amazing to me that the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life has become a rallying cry for the far right that he is “ordained by God” to be the next leader of the government. I suppose that flies in the face of Revelations 13:3, “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.” But what is Religious fanaticism if not picking only the sacred writings that support your opinion (or in this case, ideology)?


We the People Are on Our Own


A convicted felon and serial sexual assaulter, Donald Trump, is accepting the nomination of the Republican party tonight. Meanwhile, elderly statesman, Joe Biden is sidelined from campaigning by COVID with an increasing number of his own party members calling for him to step down. Trump is supposed to call for unity, but the only unity his party has been pushing in the last three nights of the Republican National Convention is unity around letting Trump not face the consequences of his actions. They would like all of us to put aside our differences and support his authoritarian bid for president. The author of this article, Shannon A. Mullen, wants to tell us that neither presidential candidate offers unity to America at this point, but her viewpoint is that this can be a plus for all of us—IF in the process we rediscover our own “agency.” Agency, according to psychologists is the sense of control that you feel in your life, your capacity to influence your own thoughts and behavior, and have faith in your ability to handle a wide range of tasks and situations. Your sense of agency helps you to be psychologically stable, yet flexible in the face of conflict or change. Ms. Mullen wants us to remember that—in a time when politicians and the media are playing up our helplessness—we need to remember that we OWN the democratic process. Our ability to unite as a community and express our vote will decide our future. Our ability to engage each other in CIVIL discourse is our most important (and I don’t use this word lightly) weapon. Find civil ways to voice your opinion, be open to the opinion of others, don’t allow politicians and pundits to force us into camps of “us vs. them.” Encourage discourse in the face of violence. Your voice and your vote are still your ticket to agency. Rise above helplessness and turn out for the vote this November. Your voice is needed and your voice still counts.


The 22 Scariest Lines We Found in Project 2025’s 900-Page ‘Mandate for Leadership’


Who better to do an overview of a plot to overthrow women’s rights to their own bodies (as well as the constitution), than the people at Ms. Magazine? Long a bastion of journalistic integrity and support for women’s rights all over the world. This magazine is unflinching in its review of what the GOP is planning on implementing during a Trump Takeover of the government of the United States. If you haven’t read through Project 2025, this is your chance to do a solid overview. Please read this and pass onto friends. Trump and the GOP Have to lose in ROE-vember.

This Week’s Links


Suddenly Trump Looks Older and More Deranged


Democrats target GOP’s Project 2025 in Milwaukee amid Republican National Convention


The Changing Odds of a Great Conflict in America


GOP Lawmakers Now Blame Women for Trump’s Assassination Attempt


As Harris launches her presidential run, the veepstakes is on. Here's who to watch


Kamala Harris Kicks Off Her Campaign With Major Snub to Netanyahu



A Candidate, Not a Cult Leader


6 political takeaways from Biden's decision to step aside


World leaders show respect and support as Biden quits race


The Staggering Nihilism of the GOP’s Climate Policy Was on Display This Week


The results of the biggest study on guaranteed income programs are finally in


Individuals Who Grew Up as 'People-Pleasers' Usually Develop These 12 Traits as Adults, Psychologists Say



What the Democrats’ Divisions Could Mean for the Election


The Country’s Most Conservative Court Just Reinstated a Jim Crow-Era Voter Suppression Law


The Trump Campaign Has Peaked Too Soon



A Searing Reminder That Trump Is Unwell


This Crew Is Totally Beatable


Plans Are Afoot In Trumpland To Call The Election A Win, No Matter What


At the Republican National Convention, a ‘Darker, Gloomier’ GOP


Video provides chilling look at Project 2025's Christian Nationalist effect on public schools - LGBTQ Nation


People are going wild for a possible Kamala Harris/Pete Buttigieg 2024 ticket - LGBTQ Nation


Your brain wants you to be curious, not anxious



Why the Christian Right Believes Donald Trump Is “Anointed by God”


RNC Celebrates Trump’s Horrific Campaign Promise With Sinister Signs


Fact check: Trump makes more than 20 false claims in RNC acceptance speech


The One Statistic about America’s Racial Wealth Gap that Says It All


Are We Finally Letting Go of Our Learned-Helplessness Syndrome Around the Supreme Court?


Leonard Cohen on the Antidote to Anger and the Meaning of Resistance



We the People Are on Our Own


Why Some Americans Really Do Want an Authoritarian in Charge


Make America Hungary Again


Logotherapy: Finding Meaning in the Face of Extreme Distress



The 22 Scariest Lines We Found in Project 2025’s 900-Page ‘Mandate for Leadership’


The Gathering Conspiracy Against Freedom


Fighting Talk From Republicans


Is Donald Trump the victim of stochastic terrorism?


Judge Cannon Slammed for “Erratic” and “Dangerous” Behavior


Widow of Trump Rally Attendee Killed in Shooting Said Biden Called Her but Trump Didn't?


RFK Jr.'s Embarrassing Phone Call Scandal With Trump Has Everyone Shouting The Same Thing


Why the far right is surging all over the world


Covid-19’s back. Should you be worried?


12 books that people say are life-changing reads


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people as the US’s addiction to guns causes more havoc.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 30 (220 total reports)



Advocating for young people as the US’s addiction to guns causes more havoc.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

Adverse Childhood Experiences: Who Stumbles and Who Thrives?


This article is a  review of the book, “The Kite that Couldn’t Fly: And Other May Avenue Stories,” by Michael Menard. Mr. Menard’s books reflects on his personal experience of being raised in an impoverished family of 14 with an alcoholic father but loving mom. It examines why some children were able to overcome ACE’s (Adverse Childhood Experiences) while other siblings were emotionally crippled. It is a heart-rending peek into an inspirational life and both the article and the book are worth your time.

Best Links of The Week


‘What the Heck Just Happened?’


Perhaps my favorite quote in this morning’s news feed was by Charles Pierce of Esquire. In his opinion column, he states the primary two things he has gleaned from the Trump assassination attempt are: Too many nuts, too many guns.

The man who shot Trump was young, white, a registered Republican, and an avid Trump supporter. We have no real leads as to what his motives were and everything else is conjecture, so Pierce’s commentary is down to the facts and straightforward. It sticks to what we actually know, “Too many nuts, too many guns.”

In other news, Trump picked J.D. Vance as his running mate. This is the same J.D. Vance that said that Trump is cultural heroine, and that his followers are duped by his demagoguery. But first, let’s remember why Trump is picking a new Vice Presidential candidate? Do we remember the gallows outside the capital and the chants of, “Hang Mike Pence?” Why, because Pence followed the constitution instead of Trump and the GOP in admitting who won the fairest, most observed, election in US history. Why pick Vance? Because Vance has already stated that he would choose Trump over the constitution in a similar situation.


Biden addresses Trump rally shooting in Oval Office address: "Politics must never be a literal battlefield"


As we would expect from a seasoned statesman, President Biden’s response to the shooting of Donald Trump is reasoned, compassionate, and contextual. That should be compared with the statements of leading Republicans (see below), who are already pointing fingers at Joe Biden and the Democrats. This is not the time that responsible leaders should start issuing more calls for revenge and violence. But, then, the Republican Hacks spouting conspiracy theories are not leaders. They are attention-hogs with histrionic personality disorders looking for the longest news cycle they can attain, a chance at working for Fox news, or—the coveted prize—a thumbs up from their felon/nominee. We need to remember what rhetoric brought us to the point that an individual (in this case, white, Republican, and a gun enthusiast) believed it was his right—for whatever reason—to decide the election for all of us with one act of violence. Who fomented the belief that democracy is optional if you don’t get what you want? Who started pushing the political strategy that force was justifiable if your party did not win? Who encouraged people to riot and try to prevent the democratic process underwritten by the constitution if your candidate was a loser?


A Moment to Seek Our Better Angels


Nothing is clear about the motives behind the shooting of Donald Trump, so no conjecture should be spoken or promoted. The only thing that should be attended to is that violence is unacceptable, without exception. Falling back to the words of President Abraham Lincoln, this article resurrects his phrase, “Better Angels.” To quote Lincoln’s first inaugural address, “The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely, they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”

This article chooses to focus on another statement by the former president that he made in response to the hideous Dred Scott decision, “To give the victory to the right, not bloody bullets, but peaceful ballots only, are necessary.”

This is not a moment for humor or conjecture, this is a moment of grave concern for a nation whose penchant for “expressing your opinion through violence” has become acceptable. We need to resoundingly say it is NOT!


Shocker Poll Suggests Trump’s Lying May Be Huge Weakness for Him


Shocker: No one votes for Donald Trump because they trust him. People don’t trust him and they can’t trust him. He is a compulsive liar who fears the truth about his own insincerity, inner ugliness, incompetence, and how history will finally judge him. He has to cover up all of that with bullying and belligerence. The older he gets and the more his feebleness shows, the more he falls back to his modus operandi of lying and sidestepping pertinent issues. People vote for Donald Trump because he lets them vent the worst of themselves. The part of themselves that wants to bully others into believing their viewpoint, their religion, or their racism. He captures their fear, anger and desire for revenge—against whatever made-up enemy the GOP is conjuring up this week. Donald Trump gives free rein to people’s worst desires. For some reason, people don’t realize that his lies apply to them as well and that, unless they are among the US’s richest rich people, his policies will undercut their own lives and economy. One truth that Donald Trump has told this year, “I don’t care about you, I just want your vote.”


We Still Don’t Know What to Do With the Endless Stream of Trump Lies


Most people would prefer to tell the truth if they were able, but the more we learn about convicted felon and sex offender, Donald Trump, the more we learn that he would prefer a lie—even when it’s obvious he is telling one. It’s not just habitual with Trump, it’s compulsive—even addictive. It continues to be exacerbated as his mental decline becomes increasingly obvious. At the root of this is a man deeply flawed and grossly insecure in the undermining knowledge that he is an imposter, a poser, a loser.


Project 2025 Continues The Historic Racist, Fascist Project – OpEd


This article points out that Project 2025 (the contemporary version of Mein Kampf according to one author below) isn’t anything new in US politics. It continues a whites-only playbook used by Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell (The Powell Memo) and then by Newt Gingrich (Contract with America). Wanting to make America a safe haven for fascist, White and Wealthy Theocrats is sadly a mindset, that people seeking fairness and justice have had to confront since the development of the Constitution—indeed, it was the reason for the constitution.


It’s our democracy, America! A second Trump presidency would be nothing like the first


As Pro-Trumpers become more violent and find support for their tyrannical outbursts, we need to become increasingly aware, vocal, and alarmed. There is no sidelines on this issue. This week, pro-life, MAGA Republican nominee for North Carolina Governor, Mark Robinson, remarked,  “Some folks need killing!” he said to a church audience in White Lake, a small town in the state’s southeastern corner.  He went on to tell the congregation, “It’s not a matter of vengeance,” he emphasized. “It’s a matter of necessity!” Killing people who disagree with you in a Democracy is a NECESSITY?!! How did this become even remotely acceptable to say and still remain a viable candidate for office. It’s part of the slow-slide to acceptable violence that Donald Trump has led his followers, a part that most of his supporters not only condone, but encourage. These are NOT the values of the United States, this is not how candidates for office should be given credence to speak. There is NO excuse for this type of behavior. Imagine a 2025 where such people have been voted into the dust, a 2025 where such people find no platform, a 2025 where it is acceptable to voice your opinion without the threat of violence to you or your loved ones. It is time to stop this ever-increasing slide into fascism—and that’s exactly what this is.

This Week’s Links


‘What the Heck Just Happened?’


MAGA World’s Reckless Point-Scoring


Stop Pretending You Know How This Will End


One Sure Thing About the Trump Assassination Attempt


Trump’s Ugly New Post-Shooting Rant Instantly Wrecks His “Unity” Pivot


An Astonishing Ruling in Trump’s Classified-Documents Case


7 ways to avoid becoming a misinformation superspreader when the news is shocking


J.D. Vance's horrendous record of homophobia and transphobia


School Vouchers Were Supposed to Save Taxpayer Money. Instead They Blew a Massive Hole in Arizona’s Budget.


Benefits of Parent Education in Raising Children With ADHD



Biden addresses Trump rally shooting in Oval Office address: "Politics must never be a literal battlefield"


The Republican response to Trump’s shooting is beyond irresponsible


The Trump Shooting Conspiracies Outpaced Reality


Five Questions for the Secret Service


SCOTUS Says Cruelty Is a Solution to Homelessness



A Moment to Seek Our Better Angels


How to Save Democracy When You Don’t Know Where to Start


A Terrible New Era of Political Violence in America


Biden Digs In


White supremacy with a law degree: How do we escape "The Originalism Trap"?


Robert Reich: Debunking Myth #7: America Is Socialist – OpEd


These are America's 10 worst states for quality of life in 2024


Greg Abbott Hightailed It Out Of Texas Just In Time For Hurricane Beryl



Shocker Poll Suggests Trump’s Lying May Be Huge Weakness for Him


Project 2025 Is the Rare Policy Tome to Go Viral


GOP’s 2024 platform mirrors extremist Project 2025 as threat to women, LGBTQ+ people, and minorities


Republican Rep. Goes on Unhinged Rant About Women “Emasculating Men”


Media Literacy Is an Essential Skill. Schools Should Teach It That Way (Opinion)


Houston Is on a Path to an All-Out Power Crisis


Why Hurricane Beryl was more than Houston could handle


Frustration mounts into threats for Texas power crews as 1 million still in dark after Beryl


This is exactly how to hone your personal leadership style


The One Unexpected Thing Infectious Disease Experts Are Begging You to Stop Doing If You Don't Want to Get COVID This Summer



We Still Don’t Know What to Do With the Endless Stream of Trump Lies


The Trump National Convention


Trump’s Sleazy New Project 2025 Disavowal Scam Blows Up in His Face


The deep and enduring history of universal basic income


Five takeaways from Biden’s pivotal press conference



Project 2025 Continues The Historic Racist, Fascist Project – OpEd


The Rebellion Against Biden Is Over


Project 2025 is the American, modified Mein Kampf


Stop Soft-Pedaling the GOP’s Extreme Positions


Oklahoma is having right-wing media figures rewrite its social studies curriculum. Here’s what you need to know about them.


The 2016 Election Reshaped the Supreme Court. So Will 2024.


The ACLU has a blueprint to constrain Trump in a second presidential term


Adverse Childhood Experiences: Who Stumbles and Who Thrives?


Persuasion expert shares how one word makes people 30% more likely to change their minds



It’s our democracy, America! A second Trump presidency would be nothing like the first


Trump is just a con man from New York


Senator Josh Hawley is proudly revealing the truth about the Republican agenda.


Greg Abbott Feels the Heat Over Texas Power Outage Failure


Biden blames Texas officials for delayed federal response to Hurricane Beryl


The Supreme Court curbed federal oversight of schools. It's a big deal.


Humorous Comics By Tom Gauld For All The Book And Science Lovers Out There (35 New Pics)


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people as Chief John Roberts seeks to trade democracy for power.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 29 (219 total reports)



Advocating for young people as Chief John Roberts seeks to trade democracy for power.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

When Law Brings Liberation


This article is especially important during a month when SCOTUS (Supreme Court of Trump—US) is undermining civil rights and democracy in the United States. It reminds us of what could happen if the court acted to support civil rights and grow democracy. It reminds us how that translates into education and rights—especially for minorities and diverse groups. This article is inspirational and a reminder of what can happen if we take back our courts in 2025.

Best Links of The Week


The alarming new power Trump will claim in a second term


Imagine waking up and not having to hear about Trump’s latest rant, his latest crime, his latest sexual assault. The one thing Trump is best at, is sucking all the positive air out of the world and replacing it with rants about revenge, rants about how he is a victim, rants about how he is best at… well, everything. I look forward to that day. I know the majority of people in the US—and the world—do too. Only by turning out in crushing numbers at ALL levels of politics will this be possible. This ROE-Vember, let’s do it!


The Roberts Court has checkmated the other branches


The Power grab by SCOTUS (Supreme Court of Trump-US), may not be everything even Trump wanted. It takes power away, not just from Congress, but also the President, and gives the power solely to itself. Only the Court will decide if a President is immune from criminal prosecution. It makes this group-supposedly above politics—the most sovereign political entity in the country. With their coup, the future of the country will not be decided by voters but by the appointed justices of the Court. Justices who have exhibited no ethical boundaries or affiliation other than to the highest bidder. This is a dangerous precedent set by the Robert’s Court and can only be checked by a surge in voters that elects a congress and president that will halt this blatant power grab.


Robert Reich: The Pile-On – OpEd


Robert Reich is one of my favorite writers and currently the Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley, he was formerly the Secretary of Labor, under President Clinton, and responsible for implementing many of the policies that made the Clinton Administration an economic powerhouse following the failures of Regan’s Supply-Side Economics disaster. I appreciate that Reich continues to speak truth to power and this article, which chastises the “pile-on” occurring post-Biden Debate Debacle, is well worth the read. Biden is the nominee and will be at the Democratic Convention August 19-22 in Chicago. It is ridiculous to think Biden could be adequately replaced and another candidate funded in that short of a period and it plays into the hands of Putin, Roberts, Trump, and the GOP. Reich also points out that the media has largely been completely ignoring the primary stories here: Donald Trump’s indecencies, incompetencies, his age and cognitive decline, as well as Project 2025’s agenda (they are trying to rename themselves now that people are actually reading the horrors they are considering inflecting as they CONTINUE to undermine democracy).


Former Trump Staffer Shares Texts Revealing Secret Payoffs


What will a second Biden term look like? Unlike a second term with convicted sex offender and criminal, Donald Trump. Every day’s news won’t be another revelation about the man’s indecencies. Now, we are seeing more revelations about hush money cases as a routine part of the Trump campaign, hiring a law company aptly named, “Red Curves,” to hide his sexual perversities. Also, in Trump World today, more news about his links to Jeffrey Epstien and the use of underage girls for sexual purposes. Won’t it be nice to put this man behind us or even behind bars and held accountable for multiple cases of breaking the law and predatory sexual behavior?


Putin Says Takes Trump's Comments on Ending Ukraine War 'Seriously'


Putin normally likes to throw his shade at the US clandestinely, but when it comes to his puppet, con artist and indicted conman, Donald Trump, Putin is going all in. He knows that if Trump wins, he wins. He wins in the Ukraine, he wins in Europe, he wins across the globe in installing totalitarian regimes like his own. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for Putin. Most of the GOP is fine with that. They want a far right Christian Theocracy that gives them tyrannical power. Though Putin is not Christian, he is well aware of the power of religion to manipulate people and is not ashamed to use it along with many of the other tools in his Machiavellian bag.


Project 2025 Leader Promises 'Second American Revolution'


Biden’s debate performance was horrible and I have no idea if he will decide to step down, but I do know (we all CAN know), what the Republicans have planned if they are allowed anywhere near the Oval Office again. Pure and simple, they want to dismantle democracy and install an authoritarian, religious (Christian only), government (theocracy—a Christian Sharia). Peaceful transition of power? The leader of Project 2025 has already said “no!” if they don’t win. These are malevolent people and the decision by the Supreme Court to grant a president presumed immunity for his actions completely undermines the basics of our constitution. Four more years of Trump, will never be four more years (unless he dies in office) and even if he continues to show mental incompetence. The Far Right wants a forever takeover, with Trump as their current frontman. Trump is monocausal, he realizes his followers can never chew more than one bone at a time. It is imperative that the Democrats realize they have one cause as well. Preventing Project 2025 from becoming a reality. No more debating about policy and subtlety. Reveal these people for what they are and what they plan to do. With or without Biden, they have to hold the Democrat vote together and get people to turn out against the Far Christian Right.


When Assessing Presidential Fitness, Consider Racism


Convicted felon and sex offender Donald Trump’s dimwitted and racist comments about “Black Jobs” (and “Hispanic Jobs”), plays into the GOP’s Project 2025 plan to create a permanent underclass of workers (mudsilling) that are unskilled and uneducated. It reveals their desire to undercut public education and replace it with religious indoctrination or a private school voucher system. All of this plays into Trump and the Far Right’s monocausal attack on immigrants and desires for revenge politics. This has been further elaborated upon by Trump’s wild musings yesterday about locking up Liz Cheney. Trump has a proclivity to lock up women he 1) cannot control, or 2) oppose him and trigger his misogynist insecurities.

This Week’s Links


The alarming new power Trump will claim in a second term


The Double Standard in Trump-Biden Coverage


Dan Rather Torches Donald Trump With Blistering ‘Gobbledegook’ Comparison



The Roberts Court has checkmated the other branches


French voters reject the far-right


What Trump doesn't want you to know about Project 2025


How the Supreme Court's immunity decision affects Trump's legal cases



Robert Reich: The Pile-On – OpEd


What the Supreme Court’s Trump-Immunity Ruling Means for 2024


U.S. Allies Are Already Worried About Another Round of Trump


How a second Trump term could put military officers in a dangerous bind


Environmental Unpredictability


The Supreme Court's immunity ruling complicates all the cases against Trump : Trump's Trials


10 Proven Tips to Help Your Child Resist Peer Pressure


OCD and Oppositional Behaviors: Realistic Support With Love


A school replaced detention with meditation. The results are stunning.



Former Trump Staffer Shares Texts Revealing Secret Payoffs


Trump World ‘panicking’ as Project 2025 gets on the radar of voters


A Happiness Expert’s Frank Advice for Joe Biden


Bills to enhance religion in schools spur fights between faiths


We’re lonelier than ever — and there’s one big reason



Putin Says Takes Trump's Comments on Ending Ukraine War 'Seriously'


How Project 2025 darkens democracy on July 4, 2025


John Roberts pulled an impeachment bait and switch in his immunity ruling


What the Chevron ruling means for the next US president


Trump Throws 4th Of July Fit In 'Disgraceful' New Holiday Tantrum


Britain's Labour Party projected to win huge majority, ending Conservatives' 14-year rule, exit poll suggests


When Law Brings Liberation



Project 2025 Leader Promises 'Second American Revolution'


Richard Nixon Would Have Loved the Court’s Immunity Decision


Time to Roll the Dice


Liberal Patriotism Is Not About Flag-Waving


House Democrat is proposing a constitutional amendment to reverse Supreme Court's immunity decision


Loving a Narcissist Can Be Detrimental to Your Health



When Assessing Presidential Fitness, Consider Racism


Something Has Gone Deeply Wrong at the Supreme Court


Hubris of Biblical Proportions


Trump Hush-Money Judge Ominously Warns a Sentence May Never Come


Trump’s Rage At Liz Cheney Suddenly Veers In an Alarming New Direction


'Originalism is a dead letter': Supreme Court majority accused of abandoning legal principles in Trump immunity ruling


New presidential immunity ruling goes against what founders intended, scholar says


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people as SCOTUS (Supreme Court of Trump—US) votes to grant him rights as the US’s next King.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 28 (218 total reports)



Advocating for young people as SCOTUS (Supreme Court of Trump—US) votes to grant him rights as the US’s next King.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

You Might be a Late Bloomer


If you occasionally glance at my blog (thank you) you already know how much I admire David Brooks and articles in The Atlantic magazine. This commentary by Mr. Brooks, looks at America’s misguided love affair with early bloomers and calls it dysfunctional. Brooks presents substantial evidence that the majority of patents are filed by people in mid-to-late life. We push young people to make lifelong decisions for careers for which many of them have no passion, then we think less of them when they drift to other opportunities after only a few years of dissatisfaction. Mr. Brooks points out that this is not a healthy or sustainable model. Young people are entering adolescence at earlier and earlier ages, but it is taking increasingly longer for them to have the tools to live a meaningful life. We need to realize the psychological stress this causes and how it contributes to adolescent and young adult anxiety. Many foster systems end care at 18, while few young people are ready to hold a career at the time in their life. What’s left for legal income? The service industry. Instead of encouraging young people to make false choices at impossible ages, we need to review our expectations against the psychological and physiological realities of maturation and adolescence.

Best Links of The Week


The Supreme Court Puts Trump Above the Law


If you didn’t have enough reasons to vote against Trump and the GOP this coming November, add six more. That’s how many justices voted to give Felon and Sexual Assaulter, Donald Trump, “Presumptive Immunity.” As Adam Serwer, points out in this article, six conservative members of SCOTUS stated that, “The president is not above the law,” then Justice Roberts immediately wrote the opinion that he was. Together, as Serwer points out, “the justices have essentially legalized a losing president refusing to step down” In further analysis, the author stated, “Chief Justice John Roberts often sounds more like Trump’s lawyer than the impartial judge he presents himself as.” Here is Sotomoyer’s dissenting opinion; ““If the president orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.” Sotomayer goes on to state, “‘In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.’” How do we get past this? We vote out Trump and the GOP in a landslide. They are enemies of the State doing all they can to undermine the constitution and rule authoritatively.


Donald Trump’s Theory of Everything


The author of this The Atlantic magazine piece, Gilad Edelman, speaks eloquently about Trump’s, “monocausal theory of every problem America faces.” Whether personal or political, it is the Convicted Felon’s modus operandi to blame someone else for all the problems either he or the US faces. Edelman points out that in Trump’s last campaign he had a larger swath of bogeymen he blamed for the ills of the US, but apparently, someone in his campaign (or Trump himself—ever the slick conman) realized that his audience was not sophisticated enough to deal with multiple villains. The other truth behind Trump’s methods is focusing only on what’s wrong, that’s not unusual for a candidate, what is unusual for THIS candidate is that his solutions are always funded by tax increases to the middle class, highly illegal, and typically unethical. If Project 2025 has its way, large groups of immigrants will be put into concentration camps, as well as politicians and journalists who have hurt his toddler-like fragile ego. Retribution, Incrimination, and Revenge, the three buzzwords of the monocausal Trump campaign.


Trump’s debate was even worse than you remember


Basic forensics in high school teaches students some important rules about debating, among them; 1) be respectful of others—including the judges, 2) don’t lie, and, 3) answer the questions you are asked. Is it any wonder that convicted felon, Donald Trump, does not either know or care about any of these rules? Penalized Sexual Assaulter, Donald Trump, prides himself in breaking rules and, if given a choice between the truth and a lie, he compulsively (addictively) consistently chooses the lie. High school moderators would not allow students to disregard the three basic rules above, it’s too bad that CNN did. Trump did NOT debate better than Biden—although President Biden admits he did horrible—Trump lied and evaded the questions the entire time.


Lawrence: We live in a country where most commentators declared the liar the debate winner


The debate left me very sad. Biden acknowledges that he did a horrible job. Yet, Lawrence O’Donnell made a point that won me over last night (as did the PBS analysis by Boston Globe columnist Kimberly Atkins Stohr). As O’Donnell said, “Most commentators woke up yesterday ready to concede the debate to a liar.” One commentator called Trump’s part in the debate, a “Fact-Free” debate. President Joe Biden is NOT going to step aside, to replace him now would involve a fight that the GOP would cherish. The closest debate example we have to Tuesday night is Ronald Reagan’s debate failure to Walter Mondale in 1984. During that debate, Reagan, then 73, looked old and tired and Mondale ran circles around him. In later debates, Reagan recovered his form and won the election. Let’s hope President Biden will also recover, and let’s further hope the next debate has moderators that demand 1) the truth, and 2) that candidates answer the questions they are asked.


Oklahoma’s top education official orders schools to incorporate Christian Bible into teaching


In another insane attack on religious freedom, Oklahoma’s Republican State Superintendent, Ryan Walters, has declared that teachers must begin using the Bible in classes for all 5th through 12th grade students. Yesterday, he went further to say that teachers who don’t comply will be fired. Emulating the Taliban will not improve the US Education system, instead, this will just drive qualified teachers from his State (as is occurring in other Christian Taliban states like Florida and Texas). Most sane people realize that Religious Freedom does NOT mean the freedom to force your beliefs on those who don’t believe similarly. The Superintendent of Schools in Oklahoma is an elected official. That position goes to vote in off-years, his next election date is 2026. We need to make sure that the GOP-Taliban is not elected to office in 2024 and then defeat ideologues like Walters in 2026. Sadly, meanwhile many children will sit in Oklahoma classrooms being brainwashed by those who comply with this Theocrats small-minded beliefs.


What Kind of ‘Psycho’ Calls Dead Americans ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’?


Adrienne LaFrance reminds of the many times that Trump denigrated people who have served in the US Armed Forces. Trump is on the campaign trail now denying he ever said any such thing. But this is Typical-Trump; make outrageous statements to get media attention, then walk it backwards if it doesn’t play well. The man is not only a felon but is addicted to lying. LaFrance reminds us about Trump’s comments regarding John McCain, the Gold Star parents, Khzir and Ghazala Khan, at the grave of Robert Kelly, when he turned to the young man’s father (Chief of Staff, General John Kelly) and said, ‘I don’t get it. What was in it for them?’” Trump simply cannot “GET” anything that is not of personal benefit. This is the father of the family disallowed from ever doing charity work again in New York after taking money from a children’s cancer charity and spending it on themselves—a CHILDREN’S CANCER CHARITY!! There is no end to the deprivation of this man and his family. Remember when he would not visit the graves at Arlington because it was raining and might mess up his fake hairdo? Similarly, at Normandy. And yet, this man—who avoided the draft because of bone spurs—is floating a plan to reinitiate the draft. Why? He will need a military to carry out his plans of a Civil War and to arrest and hold immigrants, journalists, and others who have disagreed with him or—in some imagined way—bruised his toddlerish ego. Let’s have an overwhelming show at the polls in November and hand Trump and the GOP and massive defeat.


The Coming Great Conflict


Ray Dalio is an investor and author of “Principles: Life and Work, Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order, and Principles for Navigating for Big Debt Crises.” He brings a historic view of civil wars to his readers and investors. In this in-depth article he looks at the growing possibility of a Civil War (though not necessarily violent) coming to the United States, a well-founded view given recent statements by ultra-conservatives such as Justice Samuel Alito. As people retreat into far-right or far-left camps and believe that the traditional mechanisms of government don’t represent them, they will want to create other apparatus to assure their voices are heard. It is clear that the far-right will not accept the vote if Biden is re-elected and probably less clear (but nevertheless possible) that the far-left will not accept Trump’s election. Dalio’s civil war refers to people fleeing to states that represent them (as the government loses Federal control and that power transfers to states). Some people may also choose to leave the US and immigrants will select other countries to migrate to (both actions fraying the US economy). Dalio places the possibility of some form of civil war as higher than 50 percent. He also addresses the rise of populism (which we are seeing around the world—and, in the US, with Trump). This article doesn’t offer formulaic responses, but presents hard truths for examining trends other countries have experienced dating back as far as the Dutch Revolt of 1566. Dalio’s ultimate advice? “You will have to choose between picking a side and fighting for it, keeping your head down, or fleeing.”

This Week’s Links


The Supreme Court Puts Trump Above the Law


Oklahoma Schools Chief: Bible in Classrooms Order Inspired by Trump


The Coming Labor Shortage Is Not Good News


How to Validate Yourself Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy



Donald Trump’s Theory of Everything


Behind the Curtain: Biden's salvation plan


Barack Obama, Your Party and Country Need You to Lead Here


The World Is Realigning


What to know about Louisiana's new surgical castration law


Move over, remote jobs. CEOs say borderless talent is the future of tech work



Trump’s debate was even worse than you remember


Surgeon general declares gun violence a public health crisis


How Women’s Health Has Changed Two Years After the Fall of Roe v. Wade


The Childcare Question Was Infuriatingly Ignored in the Debate — & Moms Deserve Better


AI is No Match for This Ancient Skill-Building Strategy



Lawrence: We live in a country where most commentators declared the liar the debate winner


Brooks and Atkins Stohr on the debate shaking up the race for the White House


Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose license


The Supreme Court says cities can punish people for sleeping in public places


Can Biden come back from a bad debate the way Reagan did in 1984?


Elena Kagan Torches Supreme Court for Overturning Chevron


The Supreme Court’s January 6 Decision Is Utterly Baffling


The Government Needs to Act Fast to Protect the Election


The big five traits that kids develop in the first 10 years of their life - psychotherapist reveals the most powerful thing that impacts their personality as they grow up



Oklahoma’s top education official orders schools to incorporate Christian Bible into teaching


Time to Go, Joe


A Disaster for Joe Biden


Joe Biden Is Facing the Biggest Decision of His Political Career


These Are The Likely Democratic Presidential Candidates If Biden Drops Out—As Rough Debate Prompts Calls To Stand Down


26 Books That Are So Powerful, Everyone Should Read Them Before They're 30


The Psychology of Silence


Star psychologist Adam Grant explains why we need to do away with 'the compliment sandwich'



What Kind of ‘Psycho’ Calls Dead Americans ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’?


You Might be a Late Bloomer


Farm Bill proposal would cut SNAP food assistance by $30 billion


The First National Data on Birth Control Post-Dobbs Is Here, and the News Is Not Good


Parents, here’s what you need to know if your child is being bullied.



The Coming Great Conflict


Robert Reich: Why I’m Scared About The Thursday Debate – OpEd


A Second Trump Term Would Double Down on Erasing Trans Rights. Here’s How Advocates Are Preparing.


From Trump’s immunity to abortion, the Supreme Court’s most controversial decisions this term are about to drop


Texas’s “Pro-Life” Abortion Law Has Literally Led to More Infant Deaths


Mapped: Median Income by State in 2024


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people as Christian Nationalism reveals it’s craving to undermine the US Constitution.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 27 (217 total reports)



Advocating for young people as Christian Nationalism reveals it’s craving to undermine the US Constitution.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

‘They Came for the Schools’ details how GOP targeted race and identity in classrooms


This is the type of in-depth reporting one can expect from Laura Barron-Lopez and the team at PBS. I’m so thankful for their nightly news hour and especially their Friday commentary with David Brooks and Jonathon Capehart. In this article, Barron-Lopez interviews Mike Hixenbaugh, Author of, "They Came for the Schools: One Town's Fight Over Race and Identity, and the New War for America's Classrooms.” As we watch the Christian Right spread their indoctrination agenda to schools across the United States, this should remind us, “Why are these far right radicals focusing on religious indoctrination instead of education? What are their plans for when these young people leave their school system? Will they will go forth unable to compete in a multicultural world where other education systems have focused on mathematics, science, and technology, as well as civics and the arts, like Finland, Norway, and Sweden? Will they only be able to go “toe-to-toe” with countries like Iran, Iraq, and other nations that focus primarily on religious indoctrination or countries like South Korea and Russia, that focus on adulation for their authoritarian leaders.

Best Links of The Week


It’s Unfortunately Time to Get to Know the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025”


Charles P Pierce is a regular commentator for Esquire and I always enjoy his pieces. In this insightful article, he reviews an interview with Project 2025 funder and president of the Heritage Foundation, Kevin Roberts. The interviewer, Symone Sanders-Townsend of MSNBC, does a great job at allowing Roberts the latitude to hang himself on issues of women’s rights, abortion, and Trumpism. This interview would be laughable, if Roberts, Project 2025, and the Heritage Foundation weren’t so dangerous to the democratic future of the United States and, in particular, to the freedom and rights of women. Please take a moment (that’s all it takes) to read this man’s words and see just how insane they are at the Heritage Foundation. Pass it on to others who might need a little extra emphasis to turn up at the voting booth this ROvember.


Axios Explains: Christian nationalism on the march


A big thank you to Russell Contreras, the author, for this article in Axios. If you haven’t been following this topic (and I hope you have) Chrisitan Nationalists under the Trump banner and supported by the GOP are seeking to establish a fundamentalist Christian government in the United States. Not just seeking to, but already started in many red states. Louisiana’s law mandatorily putting the 10 commandments in every classroom is only a tip of the iceberg for what Project 2025 has in store for abandoning the constitution’s fundamental dictum of “Separation of Church and State.” In many States, that are failing in the Basics of Education, forcing religion on children would hardly seem like an educational priority—and yet  it is. Just like legally turning women into livestock, creating internment camps for immigrants and people who disagree with Trump, and even threatening the lives of people who identify as LGBTQ+. The truth is obvious, the people who support these policies and politicians are not going to be dissuaded. They have put aside their reasoning abilities and chosen to follow a cult. Let’s hope their leaders can be voted out. The US needs an incomparable turnout at the polls this November to send a message that won’t be possible to misread. We will NOT be taken back to the middle ages by religious zealots who are closer to the Taliban than they are to Americans.


The Dark Reality of Poverty as a Big Business in America


Anne Kim, the author of “Poverty for Profit: How Corporations Get Rich off America’s Poor,” takes a deep dive into who benefits from poverty and the history of the policies that support it. She reveals the practices of what she terms as, “Poverty Inc,” and the predatory practices that target low-income people and neighborhoods across the United States. She doesn’t turn a blind eye to government policies that promote poverty either. This is a worthy read for anyone who works with the impoverished or in impoverished areas. To influence poverty, we must understand that it is rooted deeply in our political and economic system and we need to “follow the money,” to where poverty is a for-profit enterprise. As with almost all social ills, it is imperative we ask the question, “Who benefits from this?” Kim, asks that question and presents compelling answers—and solutions.


Open the Door Wider for Refugees


Ilhan Omar has a unique perspective on refugee issues, she is one herself. The Somalian refugee and now Minnesotan congresswoman, passionately loves the country she has made her own, and—despite near-impossible odds—she has thrived in her new country. Donald Trump seems to have forgotten that his latest wife is also a refugee (or perhaps he prefers not to be reminded), of course this is not the only hypocritical stance that Trump and his flunkeys have taken since the convicted felon, ex-president, said immigrants are “animals.” The beauty of Omar’s article lies in her historical—as well as personal—perspective of immigration. She points to the unprecedented displacement our world is seeing because of wars, but also a climate crisis leading to severe droughts. Congresswoman Omar indicates that the number of people seeking refugee status reveals a key factor—people are trying to come to the US legally. She enjoins us to remember that immigration is a moral right and a global reality. There is no stemming this tide and since that is true, it would be better to get ahead of it and create more legal pathways for people to enter the US. That moral mandate is especially true since (unless one is Native American) our families were also immigrants.


Why the posting of the Ten Commandments is wrong


Jeffrey Salkin, who penned this article, has an in-depth (and somewhat tongue-in-cheek) analysis of why posting sacred texts of Judaism in every Louisiana classroom might not result in the developments this state is seeking. Not mentioned in the article is the fact that this State ranks 49th in the US for education. Perhaps religious nationalism shouldn’t be the top priority of this Governor. But, Governor Jeff Landry showed his true empathy for children around him as a girl right behind the governor fainted while the man was extolling the virtues of this new bill and he didn’t even stop to offer assistance. That is so representative of what this bill signifies; “Focus on our religious agenda, the hell with children.” As Salkin points out, why choose this sacred text? Why not choose a more appropriate text for Christ followers, like Leviticus 19 (the Holiness Code)? I enjoyed Salkin’s satirical ending, “What would Moses do?”


The Most Dangerous Bias in Today’s America


David Frum, the author of this article, points out that our minds take time to catch up to the changes around us—especially when it comes to good news, like the economy. It doesn’t help to be surrounded by people who are intentionally setting out to deceive us, like Convicted Felon Donald Trump alongside his many stooges. They love to latch on to age-old recitations of problems (like how bad crime, immigration, or the economy was) and expand on those myths, even while they are concealing that those issues were at their worst under his presidency or other Republican administrations. This misdirection keeps most people from seeing the truth and develops a bias for dangerous falsehoods that can lead people to embrace the fear and lies of Trump and his handlers.


What to Read to Understand How People Get Tricked


The author of this piece, Vanessa Armstrong, is married to a magician, which gives her a leg up into the tricks that prestidigitators use to manipulate (and sometimes, entertain) us. In the con person’s favor is the fact that we are genetically predisposed to WANT to trust people. This is the manipulator’s greatest edge. Armstrong’s piece is important as we confront so many deep-fakes from a growing myriad of sources that present themselves as trusting and factual—even beneficial to humanity (if not just selfishly to ourselves). Her list of books and their summaries is very interesting and I will add a few to my audible list. I’m particularly interested in “The Confidence Men,” how two POW’s escaped a Turkish prison in WWI, by convincing the guards they were masters at the Ouija Board and could find them buried treasure. I would add the common manipulation by the wealthiest 0.01% in making the middle income and poor think they can become like them and that has historically been used to support wealth and corporate tax breaks. As Project 2025 and the Republicans under Trump continually seek to take away public education, health care, and Social Security to fund the expanding wealth of a billionaire class, we need to become increasingly adept at recognizing when we are being tricked.

This Week’s Links


It’s Unfortunately Time to Get to Know the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025”


Once Again, Originalism’s Hollow Core Is Revealed


'This is America?' Migrants keep arriving at the border, despite tougher asylum rules


7 in 10 Americans Want SCOTUS to Be Subject to Investigation Over Ethics Issues


US Surgeon General Murthy declares gun violence 'public health crisis' in America


Will Trump chicken out of the presidential debate? Probably. He's a Grade-A coward.


Scoop: 16 Nobel economists see a Trump inflation bomb


Clergy, parents file suit against Louisiana Ten Commandments law


Heritage Foundation President calls Project 2025 the “second American Revolution” intended “for the next century in the United States”


The Surprising Social Costs of American Highways



Axios Explains: Christian nationalism on the march


The trouble with political Christianity


“The Dire Threat of Trump’s Ongoing Assault on Women’s Fundamental Freedoms”


Don the Con Keeps Faking Out the Media


The 3 laws of shutting up that every leader needs for staying out of trouble


The Problem With ‘In Demand’ Jobs


The Future of Jobs in an AI World


How Arizona aims to reduce the number of teens aging out of foster care



The Dark Reality of Poverty as a Big Business in America


What is neurotargeting? How a data-fueled technique threatens democracy


Trump backs Louisiana law requiring Ten Commandments in schools in address to influential evangelicals


There's a clear connection between Nazism & anti-abortion, anti-gay conservatism - LGBTQ Nation



Open the Door Wider for Refugees


Brooks and Capehart on Biden’s immigration order and Trump’s mixed message


Trump Just Revealed How He’ll Attack Biden at Debate—and It’s Vile


Is This the End of the Clarence Thomas Court?


Robert Morris warned sex abuse accuser she could be prosecuted for seeking compensation, emails show


Ron "Don't Say Gay" DeSantis' shady behavior sends him back to court with another scandal looming - Queerty


The No. 1 regret people have when they die, from an ex-hospice worker—and how to get ahead of it


AI Is Coming for the Kids


Study: Childhood trauma leads to lasting brain network changes


7 Signs You Grew Up With Emotionally Immature Parents, According To Therapists


Your Religious Beliefs Might Not Make You Happy


3 Steps to Overcoming Organizational Fear of Change



Why the posting of the Ten Commandments is wrong


‘They Came for the Schools’ details how GOP targeted race and identity in classrooms


We face a second insurrection in this country today, and most people have no idea how closely it’s modeled on the first one.


The Flimsiness of Trumponomics


MAGA, the Next Generation


Louisiana’s Ten Commandments Law Couldn’t Have Happened Without Trump


Trump campaign gets $50m boost from single donor


Why Is Trump Doing So Well? This Democrat Blames the Democrats.


7 traits found in adults lacking affection as kids revealed (and #2 is heartbreaking)


12 Subtle Behaviors That Make People Like You Almost Immediately


How to train your brain to embrace change



The Most Dangerous Bias in Today’s America


Supreme Court gets ready to drop its bombshells


Cheapfakes get an indefensible boost from powerful GOP partisans


Witness tells House Ethics Committee that Gaetz paid her for sex: Sources


U.S. home prices have far outpaced paychecks. See what it looks like where you live


Fauci on his fraught relationship with Trump and the attacks he has faced



What to Read to Understand How People Get Tricked


Marjorie Taylor Greene Falls for Clearly Fake Trump Video


Mapped: From the Emancipation Proclamation to Juneteenth


The American Climate Corps officially kicks off


Dr. Anthony Fauci blames Fox News’ Laura Ingraham for Trump's obsession with COVID “miracle cures like hydroxychloroquine”


Trump’s Campaign Has Lost Whatever Substance It Once Had


Trump Just Made His Most Extreme Threat Yet for If He Loses Election


Miami Is Entering a State of Unreality


These are the companies paying to advertise on RNC co-chair Lara Trump's podcast


Donald Trump’s Wild ‘Apprentice’ Behavior: Meltdowns on Set, a Shocking Nickname for an NBC Exec, an ‘Obsession’ with Debra Messing and More


Author Who Interviewed Trump 6 Times Offers Damning Examples Of Cognitive Struggles


Project 2025 leader The Heritage Foundation calls for Social Security cuts


A message to my fellow Christians: I hope you're having a super uncomfortable Pride month


Achieving Balance: Mastering the Five Life Rhythms


Growing Up with a Seriously Mentally Ill Parent: 4 Themes


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people as the leading Republican Candidate shows signs of mental decline and increases calls for “Revenge Politics.”

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 26 (216 total reports)



Advocating for young people as the leading Republican Candidate shows signs of mental decline and increases calls for “Revenge Politics.”

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

Why Imperfect Is Better Than Perfect


There is an article below this week about the effects of consistent childhood criticism, one of those effects is perfectionism. As an individual suffering from this mental holding cell, I found the above article on Imperfection, well… liberating. I’m slowly beginning to apply it to my daily life, despite my senior years. This article would encourage us to make “imperfection” not only a trait, but also a goal. I’m learning to strive for imperfection especially in tasks I do repetitively. My new goal is, “Passion, not Perfection.” It reminds me that doing things with focus and consistency are far more important than doing things perfectly (or not doing them at all because you can’t do them perfectly). Please consider this before you criticize those around you (especially young people), and please reflect upon this in your own self-talk. Personal wellness cannot occur without conquering this internal demon.

Best Links of The Week


The Ancient Greek Meaning of the Word “Idiot”


This article about the origin of the word, “Idiot,” hits two of my favorite hobbies: I love reading about ancient cultures and studying etymology. To understand etymology, the study of Greek and Latin are very helpful, since so many of our concepts come from those languages. Idiot is just such a word. As this article explains, idiocy was not initially applied to people who were just plain “stupid.” It had a deeper meaning relevant to abdicating the privilege of being involved in political life. Ancient Greece was the birthplace of democracy, not the system that we have today, but a forerunner of this system. It is no wonder that many of the writers of the US Constitution had their skills honed on the writings of Greek philosophers and not just their contemporary thinkers like Charles Montesquieu, John Locke, Edward Coke and William Blackstone (Mid 1500’s to Mid 1700’s). The “Classics” were standard faire in all Universities and (for those who could afford it) many private libraries. Debating the ideas of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. These were the “shoulders of giants” from which our US Democracy found its conception. As Republicans seek to defund public education and channel money into private schools, these concepts will not be readily shared. The upcoming US Election will be the most important in US History, please don’t be an “idiot” and sit on the sidelines.


The First Three Months


This is one of the most important articles I have read this year. In it, Dr. Fauci provides a clinical diagnosis of what happened during the COVID crisis and the role that Trump played in exacerbating it. It also looks at the role of misinformation played by Fox News and their conspiracy machine; in particular, Laura Ingraham, who lies at the heart of the hydroxychloroquine debacle (which Trump suggested we inject along with bleach suppositories). In my mind, Dr. Fauci is the modern day, Galileo, and the Republican party, led by Marjorie Taylor Greene is the modern equivalent of the 17th century (circa 1610) Pope Urban VII. Certainly, that dark age of unquestioned, religious authority is where the GOP would like to lead America today. Please read this article, or better yet, get Fauci’s new book, “On Call.” In it, you’ll find one of the finest minds of this century, as he examines conspiracy theories, civility, and the role of science as it evolves with facts.


'They're not human beings, they're animals': Trump blasts immigrants for taking jobs


The sole purpose of the Republican party has become to raise fears and increase national divide along religious, class, and racial lines. Playing to that theme, Felon Donald Trump went on another tirade yesterday seeking to dehumanize immigrants. Autocrats and dictators throughout history have learned that if you can dehumanize a group, you can treat them in any manner you desire. Think of Hitler and the Jewish people. It’s exactly the same in Trump’s case. Hitler’s dehumanization of Jews led to the concentration camps that were scattered throughout the land he stole from others. Trump has already said that he would put immigrants, journalists, and politicians (who weren’t loyal to him) into “camps,” while his revenge system (formally the Justice system) prosecutes—and even executes—them. It is all plainly clear in his interviews, speeches, and the words of Project 2025. The only thing that calling others inhuman (animals) proves is that you have sacrificed your humanity yourself.


CEOs at Trump meeting: Ex-president ‘meandering’ and ‘doesn't know what he's talking about’


The CEO’s discussed in this article were Trump-Leaning voters going in to a fund-raising event  with him, but not so much coming out. Unlike the Republican Lackeys who returned the treasonous, molester, to the site of his insurrection and wildly cheered him on at every opportunity, the author of this article said that Trump was never applauded by the CEO’s—even once. Trump meandered without themes and had no plan to back his empty promises. The more Trump speaks, the more people will see how demented, vengeful, and vacuous he is.


The One Constant


While Donald Trump’s rants continue to mark his growing mental instability, yesterday he attacked Milwaukee (the host city where the Republicans are supposed to have their National Convention next month) and told minions that he might plan to lose the first debate to President Biden (just to keep the real President in the race) Atlantic names the one true issue that Trump displays no matter how off-the-rails he becomes: a foundational opposition to democracy itself. The author, Quinta Jurecic, follows this thread throughout Trump’s political life. It’s well worth the read and to be reminded of just how dangerous Trump—and his supporters—are to the American Democratic process.


Let’s Talk About Trump’s Gibberish


George Conway thinks that Trump has been enjoying positive polling in the press because his criminal trials have largely kept him silent, but now that he is back campaigning, rational people will remember just how dangerous he is. He has been appearing on stage with a man, Charlie Kirk, one of the leading hate-spewers who founded Turning Point USA, who declares that gay people should be stoned to death. Trump is in cognitive decline and the press and others, need to start paying more attention to this man—who can hardly put a whole sentence together—that will have access to the nuclear codes. This man who supports Putin and wants to tear apart NATO. This man who is a convicted felon and sex offender. This man is as dangerous as he is demented.


Opinion | How long will feckless Joe Biden ignore the grave threat of sharks and electric boats?


Donald Trump lost his teleprompter in Nevada last week, so he riffed. He kept the people in his audience interminably long, and many began to simply walk out. In response, Trump said, “I don’t care about you, I just want your vote.” Is this the first truth Donald has told in months? As well as saying that, he began to talk about Sharks and Electric Boats; ““What would happen if the boat sank from its weight, and you’re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there?” Clearly both presidential candidates are elderly, but only one is showing increasing signs of mental illness. Sean Hannity has already suggested that Trump skip the first debate and wait until he has secured the Republican Nomination. The more Donald Trump speaks without a teleprompter, the more apparent his cognitive decline. Not only is he a convicted sexual predator and felon, he is mentally unstable.

This Week’s Links


The Ancient Greek Meaning of the Word “Idiot”


Trump’s Ominous Reaction to Report He Wanted to Execute People


Steve Bannon Exposes Trump’s Chilling Top Revenge List


Trump World Seems Worried


Pastor in Trump's "spiritual advisory" council admits to molesting 12-year-old girl - LGBTQ Nation


'If You Can Keep It': The Objectives of Project 2025 : 1A


The Oily Truth About This Supreme Court


What Does Dystopian Film “Civil War” Say About the Current Reality in the US?


Putin Came To Power Because Russian Reformers Of 1990s Focused On Privatizing Economy Rather Than On Creating New Political System – OpEd


10 surprising things you never knew about Pete Buttigieg - LGBTQ Nation



The First Three Months


Krugman: Trump’s Mental State Is Visibly Getting Much More Alarming


The effort to 'turn this country into a theocratic state' is being mainstreamed by the GOP


Trump World Reportedly Flirts With a Return to Mandatory Military Service


Biden campaign calls Trump a "convicted felon" in new ad about former president's legal cases


New poll finds strong majority opposes gender-affirming care bans for trans minors - LGBTQ Nation


A Christian writer attacked Dolly Parton for being pro-LGBTQ+. It didn't end well for the writer. - LGBTQ Nation


People Who Felt Constantly Criticized as Children Usually Develop These 13 Traits as Adults, Psychologists Say


These apps track your driving habits and sell that information to insurance companies



'They're not human beings, they're animals': Trump blasts immigrants for taking jobs


Voters must dive into murky legal waters around 'contempt of Congress' fracas


The Overlooked (But Real) Possibility of a Big Democratic Win


When Are Trump Supporters Complicit?


What happens when you give a low-income family $26,000 in their child's first year? We think we've found out


The salary a single person needs to make ends meet in every U.S. state


The 10,000-Hour Rule to Master Any Skill Goes to Waste Without This Key Element


Why Imperfect Is Better Than Perfect



CEOs at Trump meeting: Ex-president ‘meandering’ and ‘doesn't know what he's talking about’


Fauci Exposes Trump’s Unhinged Behavior Amid Covid Crisis


These Are The Billionaires Supporting Trump’s Campaign


Texas’ ‘Death Star Bill’ tramples democracy in the name of corporate power


Florida has unraveled climate goals for years. DeSantis struck the latest blow.


Brooks and Dionne on Supreme Court rulings and controversies surrounding the justices


Labor Unions Are Getting Stronger. What Does That Mean for the U.S. Economy?


What the bump stock ban could mean for guns in the U.S.


Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito star in "Oh, Clarence!"


US Catholic Bishops formally apologizes for ‘trauma’ inflicted on Native American communities


A study has been following 'gifted' kids for 45 years. Here's what we've learned.


9 Things Not to Say to Someone With ADHD



The One Constant


Fauci Exposes Trump’s Unhinged Behavior Amid Covid Crisis


Donald Trump’s Message to Milwaukee


Donald Trump's Wild New Debate Claim Has People Saying, Hmm OK


Pete Buttigieg just read Martha Ann-Alito to filth for her Pride flag rant - Queerty


The bloody history behind the $38 million Chiquita verdict


Republicans want a weaponized justice system after all


Universal Basic Income Could Double World's GDP And Slash Emissions



Let’s Talk About Trump’s Gibberish


Trump Rants About Sharks, and Everyone Just Pretends It’s Normal


Donald Trump shares stage with rightwing activist who's discussing stoning gay people to death - LGBTQ Nation


George Conway Predicts Exactly When, Where And Why Support For Trump Will Start To Drop


Pete Buttigieg calls out Alitos’ ‘insurrectionist symbology’ after complaint over Pride flags


‘Vote for Abortion’ Bus Tour and Rally Show the Power of Grassroots Organizing


Need to Get People's Attention? Say Their Favorite Word



Opinion | How long will feckless Joe Biden ignore the grave threat of sharks and electric boats?


Robert Reich: Alito’s Admission – OpEd


Is Israel Guilty of Perfidy?


Federal court permanently blocks Florida's law against trans health care


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people as Republican Theocrats seek to control reproductive rights and women’s bodies.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 24 (214 total reports)



Advocating for young people as Republican Theocrats seek to control reproductive rights and women’s bodies.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

Bill Gates calls this book a 'must read'—here are its top 3 takeaways


This excellent book by one of my favorite authors, David Brooks, speaks about Illuminators and Diminishers. The three prominent themes are: Curiosity, Empathy, and Self-Awareness. Use this book as a staff read and create a blueprint about how you can increase your Illuminator quotient and pass those traits on to those around you. My wife and I are thoroughly enjoying this book on Audio, Brooks is not only insightful, but he has an engaging wit and narrates the book himself.

Best Links of The Week


59 Years Ago SCOTUS Guaranteed Access to Birth Control. Now, That and Much More Is Under Threat.


SCOTUS (the Supreme Court of Trump-US) is blatantly pushing a White, Christian, Nationalist Agenda and not even trying to hide it any longer. Alito’s flagrant support of January 6, the Proud Boys, Donald Trump, and Fascism are only exceeded in unethical behavior by Clarence Thomas’ hiding of bribes that amount to millions of dollars. Part of the Racist, Theocratic, Nationalist agenda is relegating females to property and owning/dictating their reproductive freedom. This could not be clearer in actions they are already taking and actions they have promised to take if their cult leader, Convicted Felon and Sexual Predator, Donald Trump, comes to power again. It is time to resoundingly throw out the misogynist racists in this government and rebuild the House and Supreme Court. This is not a question of what will happen, women ARE suffering because of decisions the far right is making; even against public opinion. VOTE THEM OUT! Remember ROEvember.


Universal basic income can double global GDP while combatting climate change


Universal Basic Income (UBI) has proven itself to be a successful economic policy in many places where it has been implemented. This article points out that it is a “Trickle-Up Policy” and not only good for the economy, but also for combatting climate change. A couple weeks ago, I wrote about a Republican economic policy dating back to the Civil War called Mudsilling. The concept revolves around forming a permanent underclass by underfunding public education and social programs so that the rich and corporations always have a population of low income workers available to them. UBI does the exact opposite. It would recognize the value of people who are caregivers, who are underemployed, or want to continue their education but are unable to afford the cost. Today, as a former president and frontrunner candidate for the Republican party has his first meeting with his probation officer, it is an important time to examine the effectiveness or such Republican fallacies as Trickle Down Economics, Citizens United, and tax cuts to both the wealthy and corporations.


Republicans want to control women so much they voted against protecting contraception


What is behind this devious and historic compulsion of Republicans to control women’s bodies? What drives their fear? In countries that are rampant with misogyny, one central component looms: Religious indoctrination. Jewish, Muslim, Christian; religions steeped in monotheism with a bias towards a male-God, all seem absorbed with controlling women as if they were the property of men. The result, repeated cyclically throughout history, is creating laws and norms that make women less-than-human with a fear-based desire to control them.


Republicans Say Access to Birth Control Is Protected. They’re Lying.


The Republicans let slip their true colors this week and—suffice it to say—they are not a rainbow of hues. They want to control women’s bodies from conception (child marriage) to birth. Then, they want nothing to do with the child, until the female child reaches child-bearing years. It’s ugly, but as Ms. Magazine points out, it’s true, despite endless attempts to disguise their motives. Ms. takes a historical perspective on how the Republican party has been trying to control women from conception to birth for decades—it is nothing new. This is their “Handmaids Tale” playbook.


Carl Sagan's future 'celebration of ignorance' prediction from 1995 was spookily spot on


Carl Sagan brought science and a passion for research to millions of people in the early 80’s. I can remember watching Cosmos and being intrigued not only about his scientific revelations, but also his insights into human consciousness. This excerpt from an article he wrote in 1995, warns about the dangers of not only television, but also pre-dates and predicts many of the issues we face with our spiraling attention spans. Sagan and Canadian philosopher, Marshall McLuhan, as well as important futurists like Margaret Atwood, E.F. Schumacher, and Alvin Toffler, brought us important wisdom worth recollecting. As the US faces a significant threat of becoming a Theocracy, we need to pay attention to such critical warnings. Another futurist whose words have only become more focused and true over time is George Orwell. In my links below, there is an article about the significance of Orwell’s book, 1984, as frighteningly relevant now, in 2024, and it is well worth the short read. I particularly like the phrase, “Make Orwell Fiction Again.” A hat with this on it would match my hat that says, “Make Lying Wrong Again.”.


Be afraid: MAGA wants a Christian theocracy


The vote against contraception rights by Republicans proves they want to take over reproductive rights for all US Citizens. One thing the vote did with clarity is force these fascists into the open. Take a look at who wants to take over your bodies and tell you what to do with them. This will only become worse if Trump gets a second term and is able to appoint more minions to SCOTUS (Supreme Court of Trump-US). Those who believe in religious freedom and bodily autonomy need to win by a landslide. Make this coming election an undeniable mandate for human rights and religious freedom.


Why is the "Right to Contraception Act" considered necessary?


Without a doubt, the biggest threat to democracy has become a right-wing group of Christian theocrats trying to use loopholes in the constitution to force their beliefs upon others. This is not new in the history of religion. What is the issue with religious fanatics that their faith is so insecure they can’t allow for any non-believers? Freedom of any right (guns or religion) comes with a responsibility of upholding those rights for others. The responsibility of those wanting gun rights is to make sure others are protected from their irresponsible (or illegal) use. No one should be more fanatic about gun safety than gun owners. The responsibility of a religious liberty is to make sure that others are free to worship as they choose (or not worship at all). No one should be more fanatic about the freedom to worship (or not) than religious believers. As the congress in Louisiana seeks to make Mifepristone and Misoprostol into “dangerous drugs” and Zombie Comstock acts are brought back to life in states like Arizona, the right to bodily autonomy—and even the right to a woman’s emergency medical care or right to travel in the US—is being challenged across that country. This is only a Christian version of Sharia Law and should be revealed for the antidemocratic fascism it is. Protecting contraceptive choices would ensure federally what was never codified under Roe v Wade. If this bill comes before congress, it will make sure to reveal the true character of those seeking to undermine contraceptive choice in the US.

This Week’s Links


59 Years Ago SCOTUS Guaranteed Access to Birth Control. Now, That and Much More Is Under Threat.


Once a Convict


Trump Is Lying to the U.S. Military


What America Owes the Planet


The U.N. Security Council endorses U.S. cease-fire plan to end the war in Gaza


Canada’s Big Worry: A US Civil War


Do We Ever Fully Heal From Trauma?


Why Being Comfortable with Silence Is a Superpower



Universal basic income can double global GDP while combatting climate change


America’s Loneliness Has a Concrete Explanation


The U.S. Economy Is Absolutely Fantastic


Charted: the uneven landscape of abortion laws


Trump probation interview set for Monday after hush money conviction


Marjorie Taylor Greene Compares Trump To Jesus And All Hell Breaks Loose


Biden visits a military cemetery that Trump reportedly said was 'filled with losers'


Trump Is a Misogynist’s Ideal Feminist


Republican governor candidate says abortions are for women who can’t ‘keep your skirt down’


High School Teacher Stresses Her Impatience With The 'Learned Helplessness' Of Her Students — 'I Didn't Think It Could Get Any Worse'



Republicans want to control women so much they voted against protecting contraception


The Right’s Truly Incredible Argument for Weakening Consumer Safety


Sextortion warning: In 6 hours, my son was dead


The amygdala: A small part of your brain’s biggest abilities


Short eye-opening video shows the world through the eyes of a kid with autism



Republicans Say Access to Birth Control Is Protected. They’re Lying.


Tom Hanks shades Vladimir Putin at D-Day memorial: 'Funny how often it comes out of the ego of one human being'


Biden in Normandy delivers a wake-up call address to Americans


Charles Schulz's 1970 letter to a schoolchild describes the fake patriotism of today's MAGA movement


Why Politics Get Nasty


Wow! I Wonder Why So Many People Have Offered Clarence Thomas Such Expensive Gifts!


The Deepfake Crisis That Didn’t Happen


Trump’s Bizarre Moments With Dr. Phil and Hannity Should Alarm Us All


3 Ways to Master the Art of Constructive Disagreement


Bill Gates-backed startup creates Lego-like brick that can store air pollution for centuries: 'A milestone for affordably removing carbon dioxide from the air'


Every Parent's Biggest Regret


Why Leaders Who Are Mentored Outperform Those Who Aren’t



Carl Sagan's future 'celebration of ignorance' prediction from 1995 was spookily spot on


What Does George Orwell's '1984' Mean in 2024?


Trump Warns He Has “Every Right” to Attack His Enemies


Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz Put on a Clown Show in the United States Congress—Again


Report Exposes Christian Nationalist “Threats” to Democracy in the US


Trump: "If you don't have heaven, what's the reason? Why do I have to be good?"


A Bad Week for Backers of the Big Lie


Clarence Thomas Is Hiding Even More Money Than We Knew


How Ronan Farrow's reporting on Weinstein led to the criminal case against Trump


Sarah Huckabee Sanders' extreme "anti-woke" agenda was just dealt another blow by a judge. Happy Pride! - Queerty


Christian families sue for the right to mistreat LGBTQ+ foster children - LGBTQ Nation


Professor and Entrepreneur Scott Galloway on Why Young Men Are Struggling, Education System Is ‘Biased Against Boys'


Do Students Need Facts or Stories?


A school assignment asked for 3 benefits of slavery. This kid gave the only good answer.



Be afraid: MAGA wants a Christian theocracy


Republicans Proudly Declare They’re Against Making Contraception a Federal Right


Fact check: Trump falsely claims he didn’t call to lock up Hillary Clinton


CNN asks Tom Hanks if he is worried about another Trump presidency. Hear his response


A different kind of youth activist: Meet the high schoolers who invented a microplastics solution


Bill Gates calls this book a 'must read'—here are its top 3 takeaways



Why is the "Right to Contraception Act" considered necessary?


The Real Reason for Louisiana’s New Mifepristone Law


Multiple Trump Witnesses Have Received Significant Financial Benefits From His Businesses, Campaign


The GOP’s Single-Message Machine


Alarming Report Warns Of ‘Greatest Threat To American Democracy You’ve Never Heard Of’


'It's very possible': Trump floats imprisoning his political opponents


Donald Trump's 'Nonsensical' Jab At Rising Sea Levels Is Hit By Wave Of Mockery


Striking New Polls on Trump Verdict Wreck One of MAGA’s Dumbest Scams


A Second Coming?


ACEs Affect Nearly Two-Thirds Of Americans — So Why Aren’t We Talking About It?


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people as the US Legal system attempts to build boundaries (guardrails) around it’s most publicized infantile tyrant.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 24 (214 total reports)



Advocating for young people as the US Legal system attempts to build boundaries (guardrails) around it’s most publicized infantile tyrant.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

People's last words are often these 4 phrases: What they teach us about living happy, meaningful lives, from an oncologist


Love and forgiveness, this is a moving article about what we hunger for the most at the end of our lives. I’m grateful for reading this story and eager to pass it on. The older I get (and I’m pretty old), the more these words ring true. Please read, and please share.

Best Links of The Week


New poll finds nearly half of Americans think Trump should end campaign after conviction


While Marjorie Taylor Green (MTG) is calling for Speaker Johnson to shut down the government over Trump’s conviction, an ABC/Ipsos Poll found that 49% of Americans think Donald Trump should end his campaign after his conviction. Of course, the man who denies he said, “Lock her up!” (which he did) and that a president under indictment would “cripple the operations of our government,” he would never step aside without coercion (as witnessed by his election loss in 2020). It may be the right thing to do, but Trump has never done “the right thing” if it wasn’t “right for him.” Trump is really running—not for the presidency—but to avoid further prosecution and to try and roll back convictions he has already faced.


Watch Jon Stewart respond to frustrated young voter in 'Daily Show' BTS


Stewart’s response is so important because it focuses on three things; 1)  the helplessness felt by many young adults, 2) the target this age group has become, and, 3) the cruel intentionality of making this age group feel despondent. If you are someone in this age group or know anyone in this age group, please lead them towards this message or share the importance of it with them. The voice of young voters has always been important, but perhaps never more so than in the upcoming US election. It might be two elderly men running, but the results that both parties are declaring will affect the rights of young people for generations.


Trump, Defeated


What do you do when a two-year-old throws a fit in the toy section of a crowded department store? You take them out to the car (away from an audience) and let their anger dissipate before talking with them about proper behavior and guardrails (boundaries). This is called co-regulation; meeting a child where their pre-cognitive brain resides and inviting them to a more mature behavior. For the 2-year-old brain of Donald Trump—which apparently has never known any guardrails—that responsibility has fallen to the legal system and landed squarely on the shoulders of people like E. Jean Carroll, Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, a 12-person jury of Trump’s peers, as well as Judges Engoron and Merchan, indeed, almost all of the world has had to accommodate Donald Trump’s interminable childish behavior. Perhaps, some guardrails are beginning to work and he is realizing that his toddler-like behavior is less entertaining to people. Maybe Baby-Donald is beginning to recognize that whiny childish tantrums are somewhat tiring to others. The costs of Trump’s infantile behavior are staggering, some in terms that can’t be measured (Human Lives—as in his criminally inept COVID response and call to riot on January 6), but just consider the impact (as Robert Reich recounts) of 34 felony convictions, 54 pending criminal charges, 2 impeachments, 2 popular vote losses, $88 million to E. Jean Carroll, $450 million for civil fraud, $8 trillion added to National Debt, 2.9 million lost jobs. Hasn’t this guy sucked enough oxygen out of the world? Chances are I’m wrong about guardrails finally working, there are still plenty of people feeding his narcissistic ego, from his “Red-Tie” brigade of VP, Cabinet, and Fox Commentator hopefuls, to the bought-and-paid-for producers and commentators at Fox News and the SCOTUS judges that he choreographs.


Brooks and Capehart on Trump’s guilty verdict and what’s next for American politics


This is my top site today because of a quote from David Brooks, “if private virtue falls apart, the public order collapses. And we shouldn't forget the fact this case was about a president, a former president, paying hush money to a porn star.” Both Jonathon Capehart and David Brooks saw the events of this week as “solemn.” I admit to celebrating the American Justice System while feeling dispirited about the current state of politics in the United States, and indeed, throughout the world. It is important for each of us to measure David Brook’s statement from a personal standpoint.


Wrong Case, Right Verdict


The Atlantic’s “temperate” response to the Trump election fraud case in Manhattan, is measured and accurate. First, we owe a debt of gratitude to the jurors, Alvin Bragg and his team, and Judge Merchon for their pursuit of justice in the face of violent threats and harsh treatment. Despite all the vitriol of Donald Trump and his “red tie squad,” a jury of his peers unanimously convicted Trump on all 34 counts. We learned two things, 1) even an ex-president is not above the law, and 2) it is not going to make any significant difference with Trump voters. Indeed, if Trump’s past behavior did not make a difference; the Access Hollywood tapes, the mocking of a journalist with cerebral palsy, the death-causing lack of leadership during COVID, and (how much more could be mentioned?) if none of those things did not deter the followers of Donald J. Trump, then neither will this verdict. We’ve already watched his Republican Lackeys coalesce and create new lies to explain Trump’s lack of character and egregious behavior. There is but one course available, VOTE THEM OUT. All of them; the MTG’s, the Boebert’s, the Goetz’s, give the US a new chance to build a non-fascist Supreme Court and congress. VOTE IN NOVEMBER!


Trump is now trying to downplay Project 2025


If you haven’t read Project 2025 yet, then let this be a plea to get your hands on it (there is a link to it in this article). Trump is trying to downplay it for the obvious reason that it is so horrendous that—if people actually read it—they would never want his slow motion coup to continue. It truly is a step-by-step plan for a White Christian Nationalist takeover of the US Government. Roe v. Wade was just a start of the attack on bodily autonomy, in this draft, it will be the government who decides what birth control methods couples can (or cannot) use. Brown v. Board of Education is also on the chopping block as equality and fairness would be moved back to a pre-civil war era. If you think I’m being melodramatic, you haven’t seen the Republican’s playbook resurrection of the Comstock Act (the 1873 Chastity Act used to prevent the dissemination of contraceptives via the postal service and most recently resurrected in Arizona to prohibit abortions at any time and for any reason). Part of Project 2025 is being pushed by Rep. Katie Britt as she attempts to enact period-tracking laws to stalk women who are pregnant and prevent interstate travel. It is also Project 2025 that would enable Trump to dissolve the Department of Justice and instead create a “Department of Revenge” carrying out his deranged wishes for retribution against judges, political opponents, and journalists who have ruffled his hypersensitive feathers. This blueprint (funded by the Heritage Foundation) is alarming and needs to be read by everyone who cares about the direction of the United States in the next election.


Trump makes sweeping promises to donors on audacious fundraising tour


It’s a pattern of Donald Trump to make promises he cannot keep—nor does he care if he can’t keep them. Nothing should surprise us about Donald Trump, he has no redeeming character traits and his entire life is transactional (“What have you done for me lately?”) Again, he is making promises with America’s resources to fund both his court fines and his re-election bid. Nothing new for Trump here, it borders on illegal, but Trump likes to take illegal acts in the short run that he knows will have to be reviewed in courts in the long run (“the wheels of justice grind slow, but grind fine”—Sun Tzu). As with other crimes Trump has committed, he hopes he can make it to office and circumvent the charges before he has to face the consequences. However, there are immediate consequences; the people, corporations, and nations to whom he is making promises will also pour money into his campaign and ongoing legal costs, tilting the election in their favor. It is important to follow the money so we can see where the disinformation in our elections will come from.

This Week’s Links


New poll finds nearly half of Americans think Trump should end campaign after conviction


Billions in taxpayer dollars now go to religious schools via vouchers


Robert Reich: What Will Trump’s Conviction Really Mean? – OpEd


Trump’s Most Audacious Lie Yet


Fauci fends off GOP attacks on Covid origins


‘Washington Post’: Madame Alito Can Fly Her Flag…Because She’s Fun at Parties


Biden weighs in on Trump verdict: ‘Folks’…. We’re in ‘uncharted territory’


DeSantis' plot to do away with rainbow lights during Pride thwarted by gays armed with flashlights - Queerty


New Orleans valedictorian lived in a homeless shelter as he rose to the top of his class


How to Be Mentally and Emotionally Flexible



Watch Jon Stewart respond to frustrated young voter in 'Daily Show' BTS


Lara Trump Torpedoes GOP Bid to Retake Senate to Appease Felonious Father-in-Law


Eric Swalwell Swiftly Exposes GOP 'Hypocrisy' On Supreme Court Treatment


Will the Senate vote to protect contraception access? Lawmakers expected to take up bill this week


America’s Most Powerful Pollster Has Some Doubts


The Meaning of Mexico’s First Female President


Local meteorologist condemns top state politician on air after passing of major anti-climate bill: 'The entire world is looking'


If You Regularly Use These 3 Words, You're A Smarter Leader than You Think



Trump, Defeated


Trump’s Purposeless Fury


How Biden Can Win the Debate


Mike Johnson reveals his sweeping plan for a second Trump term


LGBTQ+ Pride Month is starting to show its colors around the world. What to know


How to train your brain to be more optimistic



Brooks and Capehart on Trump’s guilty verdict and what’s next for American politics


People's last words are often these 4 phrases: What they teach us about living happy, meaningful lives, from an oncologist


Meet America’s new robber barons


War on Women Report: Trump’s Mistreatment of Women Is His Downfall; Louisiana Labels Abortion Medication a Dangerous Substance; Mississippi’s Anti-Trans Bathroom Law


Project 2025 plans to dismantle the federal agency that tracks hurricanes


The MAGA Internet Calls for War


The Texas GOP’s new platform is a terrifying preview of MAGA’s future


The World Sees Trump’s Conviction as a Mystifying Historic First


After catastrophic floods, Vermont becomes first state to enact law requiring oil companies to pay for damage from climate change


12 predictions for the future of technology



Wrong Case, Right Verdict


In a historic verdict, Trump found guilty on 34 felony counts in "hush money" trial : Consider This from NPR


What Donald Trump Can No Longer Do as a Convicted Felon


Time Magazine Literally Brings The Gavel Down On Donald Trump In Brutal New Cover


Racist Trump’s Shocking Apprentice Secrets Exposed


Republican lawmakers react with fury to Trump verdict and rally to his defense


Nikki Haley's moral compass


Florida Is Keeping Its “Slavery Was a Good Thing” Social Studies Curriculum


Letitia James Sets Sights on Greg Abbott


All US states given LGBTQ+ safety ratings – and the worst ones won’t surprise you


Idaho high school grad refuses to shake superintendent’s hand, drops banned book at his feet during ceremony


Neurodivergent Kids Flourish When They’re Taught How Their Brains Work



Trump is now trying to downplay Project 2025


Trump Compares Himself To Mother Teresa And Hilarity Ensues


Alito says the Supreme Court’s fake ethics code allows him to be unethical


Americans Are Thinking About Immigration All Wrong


Brave doctor dies days after refusing to abandon his patients in the face of heavy bombing



Trump makes sweeping promises to donors on audacious fundraising tour


Trump Has a New Plan to Deal With Campus Protests


A Chilling Effect of Louisiana’s Abortion Law


Is America Ready for ‘Degrowth Communism’?


The Christian nationalists are flying their flag from the seats of government - LGBTQ Nation


4 Reasons The Unhappiest Person In A Relationship Has The Most Power


My son was diagnosed with autism at age 5. I spent decades hoping he'd change — but now I accept him as he is.


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people as a self-proclaimed Reich attempts to turn children into a permanent subclass of workers (Mudsill Economics).

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 23 (213 total reports)



Advocating for young people as a self-proclaimed Reich attempts to turn children into a permanent subclass of workers (Mudsill Economics).

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

In a 10-Minute Commencement Speech, Neil deGrasse Tyson Tells Everyone That Grades Don't Matter. These 3 Things Do


This isn’t an article by Dr. deGrasse Tyson, it is a review of a commencement address he gave. To begin with, reflect on your own experience, personally, I can’t remember anyone asking me what my grades were in high school, college or post-graduate education. Sometimes, I wish they would because I worked very hard to keep them high. Over time, I also realized how arbitrary grading was and it was as much a reflection of the teacher’s disposition as it was of the student’s ability. Dr. deGrasse Tyson reminds us what employers really want are three essential qualities, recounted by the articles’ author, Nick Hobson; 1) solving problems, 2) doing good work, and 3) being a good person. I would add that the emphasis of this article is on employee-ship and more needs to be done about fostering entrepreneurship. Please, if you work or live with children, or have influence over how their lives are measured, read this article. At a time when Red States, the GOP, and the Trump Reich are attempting to dismantle education to form a permanent underclass, this article is pivotal.

Best Links of The Week


Brown v. Board of Education is on Thin Ice With This Supreme Court


Everyone thought that precedence was behind Roe v. Wade and the Democrats became comfortable believing that it couldn’t be touched—but then it was. One wouldn’t think the decision to integrate public education would be up for grabs—but now it is. Now, the Christian Right Nationalists appointed by the Far Right GOP are musing about undermining Brown v. Board of Education and the loudest musings are coming from none other than bought-and-paid-for “Justice” Clarence Thomas. If Trump is re-elected he has promised to appoint more young, far right justices (like Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett) during his term and that could be as many as four more justices. Like the current conservative court, they wouldn’t be picked for their legal acuity—and certainly not for their fairness—but for their political agenda. Keep in mind that all the recent conservatives (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett) appointed by the GOP swore to congress they would not change precedence (stare decisis—“it’s the law of the land”) on bodily autonomy law, but then they did.


‘Everybody has not won’: trickle-down economics was an idiotic idea. How do we fix the inequality it causes?


The World Bank declared 2023 the “Year of Inequality.” We should stand up and listen (or heed and vote). This historic overview of the damages brought on by “Trickle Down Economics” is vital to our understanding of what has caused this inequality in our world. Interestingly enough, the term was coined by Will Rogers referring to the policies of Herbert Hoover which led to the Great Depression. This article does a good job at pointing out the “idiotic” use of the policy—especially in the US—and the damage it continues to cause. It also presents suggestions for alternative economic possibilities.


Trump’s Money Problems Are Becoming a Crisis for the Entire Country


When Donald Trump owes money, anyone—but him—is going to pay it back. Now the draft-dodging, tax-evading, debt-deadbeat, wants the US to pay off his legal fees and penalties. He has proven that he will sell secrets, undermine his family, and close friends, auction off the climate, and public land to pay off his mounting legal fees and criminal debt. This is not just a “future problem” as Trump’s enticements create a cast of miscreants that are willing to spread propaganda and falsehood to fix elections so they can cash in on his enticements. As witnessed at his most recent trial, everything in Trump’s life is transactional. That’s why Trump’s money problems are the world’s money problems.


Why Republicans Want and Need a Permanent Economic Underclass


I never heard of the important concept of “Mudsill” before I read this article, and now I’m really intrigued by its historical importance dating back pre-civil war. Even the Republican presidential candidate, Abraham Lincoln, spoke out against it. A mudsill was a flooring put on top of the concrete foundation of a house that kept moisture from getting to the rest of the structure. In economic terms, it was a concept promoted by slave owning states to justify the need for a permanent underclass of workers. Red States are now manipulating child labor laws so that children can work instead of attend school while also diverting funds from public education to a private voucher system to create a permanent underclass (mudsill) of workers in their states. It is very interesting to view their policies and the policies of Trump’s new “reich” in these terms.


Trump’s Assassination Fantasy Has a Darker Purpose


This is classic textbook technique that Donald Trump learned from his mentor, Roy Cohn. Cohn, who was Joe McCarthy’s top advisor during the Senator’s red-baiting era, always advised Trump to “Deflect and distract, never give in, never admit fault, lie and attack, publicity no matter what, win no matter what…” Like his protégée, Donald Trump, Cohn was a “user of other users,” according to late biographer, Wayne Barrett. Also, like Cohn, he was a tax dodger and renowned for not paying his debts—while bragging about both choices. Trump is following Cohn’s lead trying to dodge public focus on the revelation that more Top Secret files have been revealed in his bedroom at Mar A Lago. To distract, Trump has concocted a story that is blatantly false, but something his minions will eat up; that he is being targeted by the DOJ for assassination. Of course, this is part of a larger ploy by Trump so that, if he is reelected, he can dismantle the DOJ and remake it in his image, a personal tool that facilitates his dark fantasies of revenge.


Mapped: The Income a Family Needs to Live Comfortably in Every U.S. State


There is a massive disconnect in the US right now between what a family must earn to live comfortably and what a family is able to earn. Progressive Republican administrations have cut taxes to the wealthy for decades. Taxes for the wealthy were cut by Reagan, both Bush presidencies, and Trump. At the same time, funding for the military was increased under Reagan (35%) and both Bush administrations (48.6% under George W.). Squeezed in between were both the middle class and the poor. In most of the States where one has to earn more than $230,000 a year for a comfortable living, people can work full-time and still live below the poverty line. In 2022, 12.4 percent of the US population or 40.9 million were among the “working poor.” Everyone who works full-time in the US for the average minimum wage is well below the poverty line. Meanwhile, compensation to CEO’s between 2023 to 2024 increased 9.3% in nearly every industry in the US. The next Administration must tax corporations and the wealthy and take away their tax loopholes.


The Difference Between Polls and Public Opinion


One of my favorite commentators (and writers) is David Brooks. Almost every Friday night his comments are available on the PBS News Hour as the conservative counterpart to a liberal commentator (usually Jonathon Capehart). In one commentary, Brooks stated, “Americans frequently use polls to vent, not to vote…” This article uses research to confirm Brook’s intuition. It helps, when you are concerned about what polls are indicating to remember Brook’s adage. Don’t give up hope and please make sure you vote! 40 million registered Democrats didn’t think their vote would count in 2016. Don’t let negative polls prevent you from showing up in ROEvember! As one pundit put it, “Vote Left or Reich.”

This Week’s Links


Brown v. Board of Education is on Thin Ice With This Supreme Court


Liberal Justice Sotomayor Says Some Decisions by Her Conservative Colleagues on the Supreme Court Left Her in Tears


A Missouri fifth grader raised enough money to pay off his entire school’s meal debt


EXCLUSIVE: Florida educators trained to teach students Christian nationalism


Study shows relatively low number of superspreaders responsible for large portion of misinformation on Twitter


The State Of Affairs For American Children And School Gun Violence


Surprising study finds there are actually four distinct subtypes of autism



‘Everybody has not won’: trickle-down economics was an idiotic idea. How do we fix the inequality it causes?


What Does Fascism Really Mean? - What Is Fascism? | CFR Education


Eric Trump Slammed For ‘Particularly Disgusting’ Memorial Day Weekend Post


How to ask questions that get people to open up


'The Hamilton Scheme: An Epic Tale of Money and Power in the American Founding'


Greg Abbott Gets Scathing Rebuke From Texas Newspaper


Therapist Shares 10 Things Adult Children Desperately Want To Hear From Their Parents



Trump’s Money Problems Are Becoming a Crisis for the Entire Country


Planned Parenthood CEO: 'Shame on Louisiana' for abortion pill bill


America's critical shortage of school counselors


Harvard psychologists have been studying what it takes to raise 'good' kids. Here are 6 tips.



Why Republicans Want and Need a Permanent Economic Underclass


Louisiana poised to become 1st state to make abortion pills a controlled substance


Benito Mussolini: This Was the Life of Il Duce


Robert Reich: The Supreme Court’s Republican Partisan Hacks – OpEd


Uvalde families sue Meta and 'Call of Duty' publisher over alleged links to gun violence


Big Oil May Pay Billions for Climate Pollution under New Legislation


Early-Life Trauma, Adult Relationships, and Sexual Behavior


8 Key Techniques to Empower Self-Empathy



Trump’s Assassination Fantasy Has a Darker Purpose


Anti-abortion hardliners want restrictions to go farther. It could cost Republicans : Consider This from NPR


Bipartisan border deal fails again in Senate


First-of-its-kind medical school in Cherokee Nation graduates inaugural class of doctors


Adam Grant Says the Key to Lifelong Learning Comes Down to This 1 Thing. You Might Not Like It



Mapped: The Income a Family Needs to Live Comfortably in Every U.S. State


In a 10-Minute Commencement Speech, Neil deGrasse Tyson Tells Everyone That Grades Don't Matter. These 3 Things Do


Are You Serious?! Samuel Alito Flew Yet Another January 6 Flag


Here’s What Trump and the GOP Really Think About the Working Class


ADHD diagnoses are rising. 1 in 9 U.S. kids have gotten one, new study finds


People Who Excel at Conversation Follow 4 Simple Rules, According to Bill Gates



The Difference Between Polls and Public Opinion


The right’s fascism problem


Wisconsin Senate Candidate Says Old People Shouldn't Get To Vote Because They're Almost Dead


A new book argues most white US Christians worship a religion of whiteness


Exactly How Bad Is Justice Samuel Alito at His Job?


Sarah Huckabee Sanders is doing an exceptional job at driving her state further & further into the ground - Queerty


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people as a group of fascists seeks to end bodily autonomy in the US.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 22 (211 total reports)



Advocating for young people as a group of fascists seeks to end bodily autonomy in the US.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

Bill Gates: 'You need to read' this new book about AI and education


The book recommended by Bill Gates written by the brilliant founder of Kahn Academy, Sal Kahn, “Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education (And Why That’s a Good Thing).” In my past work with Education, Social Services, and Youth Corrections, I referred many young people who were falling behind in education to the incredible learning opportunities available through the Kahn Academy. Kahn continues to innovate, now providing free AI mentoring to students worldwide through an app called Khanmigo.

Best Links of The Week


The Funding Crisis Behind Teacher Layoffs


The GNP and Stock Market are misleading ways to measure the financial vigor of a country, more indicative is whether you can educate your children, feed them, house them, and clothe them. The US is a financially healthy country for the wealthy, but the signs laid out in this article show children there are suffering and going to suffer more. The backbone of teaching is not technology, it is not curriculum, it is teachers. There is perhaps no greater investment in the future of a country than its investment in educators, not education… but educators. Equipping them, training them, hiring them, and paying them. Budgets show priorities, they reveal values, what does it say about a nation that “can’t afford” to educate, provide health care, and food security to its own children? Budget projections by the GOP show they want to produce children, they just don’t want to take care of them. Donald Trump has spoken frequently about “post-birth abortions,” but the real post-birth abortions occur between the average age of five and 18, when children go to underfunded schools or have no food programs in place. The US is in grave danger of becoming one of the least educated countries in the world, and not just least educated, but MIS-educated. Educating children in religious and/or political ideology creates a close-minded, fearful population and will ensure eventual economic collapse.


Pope Francis says U.S. conservatives have a "suicidal attitude"


Pope Francis is a world influencer that is both loved and hated by billions around the world. That’s why his words on US conservatism and his definition of conservatism is so important. He defines conservatism as "one who clings to something and does not want to see beyond that." Using that definition, perhaps we all need to examine what things we cling to and do not want to see beyond? This matches closely with yesterday’s deeper concept of loneliness by Ms. Hannah Arendt. It would be a great conversation to put both ideas together and discuss their influence on our lives, our relationships, and our politics.


Is Loneliness Making Us More Totalitarian?


German philosopher, Ms. Hannah Arendt, whose writings were the basis for this article, has an important definition of loneliness that includes being closed-off both emotionally and mentally. When one occurs, so does the other, resulting in a deeper isolation that most people identify. This deeper isolation also makes one susceptible to a longing for totalitarianism and, as Ms. Arendt explains, a broader leaning towards authoritarianism.


Interstate travel becomes a target for the anti-abortion movement with Texas filing


Currently, four states will not allow a woman who is pregnant to divorce their husband, which has led to an increase in peripartum homicide, child marriage is legal in 38 states and the GOP is pressing for more, and now many GOP legislators are attempting to block women from interstate travel during pregnancy. This can only be done if States track women’s menstrual cycles—which Senator Katie Britt (yes, of the Republican’s creepy response to the State of the Union address) is attempting to legalize. These are but a some of the draconian attempts to end bodily autonomy being introduced by fascists in the GOP.


Yes, That’s Right: American Fascism


This article was helpful to me personally as I believe the greatest threat to our young people’s future right now is the rise of authoritarianism. For this reason, i have re-focused most of my writing on that subject. Sometimes I receive comments like, “What does this have to do with Youth Advocacy?” This article helped me with that change of focus, it debates whether the global rise in authoritarianism can be labeled fascism and points out that, rather than debate if the label is correct, it is more important to raise an alarm about the dangerous trend occurring globally.


The 2024 Ranking of America’s Most Racist States


Atheists Take Up More Than Half the Population in These 15 States


It’s rare that I post two “Best Links of the Day” but these two links illustrate something very important when viewed together. The most racist states in the US are also the least educated, with the highest poverty, and the most reliance on the Federal Government for social assistance. Take a look at the article to view other signs of government failure in these states. Alternatively, the least religious states are also the states performing best the key scales where racist states are failing. You can draw your own conclusions from these articles, but it makes me even more wary of the White, Christian, Nationalist, Nation that Trump, the Heritage Foundation, and the GOP want to create.


To Defend Democracy, We Must Protect Bodily Autonomy


Ms. Magazine names this issue quite accurately, it is not abortion that the GOP is attacking, it is bodily autonomy—in all forms that disagree with their White, Christian, Nationalist, viewpoint. It includes those who decide to make personal choices about sexual preferences (and yet, the GOP seems extremely lenient about child marriage and rape). House Speaker Mike Johnson showing up to defend serial sex offender, Donald Trump, at his fraud trial reveals the height of their hypocrisy.

This Week’s Links


The Funding Crisis Behind Teacher Layoffs


Trump Allies’ Horrifying Plan to Undo Democracy for Good



Pope Francis says U.S. conservatives have a "suicidal attitude"


At Morehouse, Biden says dissent should be heard because democracy is 'still the way'


After yet another far-right controversy, how do we trust the Supreme Court with our rights?


4 Tips for Talking So People Will Listen



Is Loneliness Making Us More Totalitarian?


Bill Gates: 'You need to read' this new book about AI and education


Decline of Decorum - 21 Manners Today's Parents Fail to Teach Their Children


Trump’s most important legal team isn’t in court. It’s on Fox News.


‘How do you get hypothermia in a prison?’ Records show hospitalizations among Virginia inmates


No one should think that Trump’s ‘surrogates’ are mere ‘members of the public’



Interstate travel becomes a target for the anti-abortion movement with Texas filing


Not Sure Why I'm Surprised That Greg Abbott Pardoned A Racist Murderer


Youth detention facilities face increased scrutiny amid a wave of abuse lawsuits


This wholesome banger from a group of Irish kids is the spark you need



Yes, That’s Right: American Fascism


7 Books for Better Mental Health


Winners of the GDT Nature Photographer of the Year 2024



The 2024 Ranking of America’s Most Racist States


Atheists Take Up More Than Half the Population in These 15 States


Trump's "God Bless the USA" Bible deletes women's voting rights and slavery amendments


The “Day One” Dictatorship


The End of Civic Compassion


The Heritage Foundation is gunning for your Social Security


US prisoners are being assigned dangerous jobs. But what happens if they are hurt or killed?


Psychologist Adam Grant Says Your Overall Success at Work Comes Down to Three Familiar Words



To Defend Democracy, We Must Protect Bodily Autonomy


8,000 women a month got abortion pills despite their states’ bans or restrictions, survey finds


New model suggests envy fuels the radicalization process and distorts perceptions


Trump’s War on Government Will Take Public Health Back a Century


Florida outdoor workers vow to continue heat protection fight after DeSantis ban


Donald Trump, Who Is Banned From Buying Firearms, To Address NRA


'They should all be executed.' How Trump's attacks on judges are fueling calls for violence


Trump Brought His Little Gang of Weird Buddies to Court During Michael Cohen’s Testimony


Devout Christian Mike Johnson Shows Up to Hush Money Trial to Defend a Guy Accused of Cheating on His Wife With a Porn Star


Winning isn’t enough for Thomas and Alito. They want praise for their destruction.


The most bipartisan members of the U.S. Senate


Don't focus on time management, try energy management instead


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people in a time when some global leaders are sowing divisiveness to fuel anger and hopelessness.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 20 (210 total reports)



Advocating for young people in a time when some global leaders are sowing divisiveness to fuel anger and hopelessness.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

The Case for Curiosity


The greatest asset that children bring us when they first come to school is curiosity, indeed, in healthy children, curiosity borders on wonder. It should be the penultimate goal of education to graduate children with a greater sense of wonder than they first brought us when they initially walked through our door. We must ask ourselves, as we sift through our curriculum and lesson plans, “How will what I’m teaching deepen the level of curiosity of the children with whom I’m entrusted?”

Best Links of The Week


The Toxic Relationship Almost Everyone Is in: With Ourselves


How many of us are on cordial terms with ourselves? Do we treat our friends better than we treat ourselves? The anger that we often feel towards the world around us usually begins with the conversations that we are having inside us. This well-written article examines the difference between self-criticism and self-awareness. One will help us grow and the other will immobilize us. Can you model the right internal conversation to those around you—especially young people? Please remember that the way we talk to our children (and the children around us) is the groundwork for their internal conversations.


‘Civil War’ sends a message that’s more dangerous than the violence it depicts onscreen


One primary reason I am featuring this article today is that it begins with a reflection from one of my favorite authors, Yuval Noah Harari, recalling Harari’s thoughts on Zelensky’s response to Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine. The author, John Blake, reminds us that—as a culture—we are a compilation of the myths we tell. He paints a recent historic perspective comparing the myths the film genre created around WWII and the myths (stories) being told today. It is definitely an interesting read and left me examining our developing myths about the upcoming election. Democracy is in the balance, and the myths I have heard do not paint a good aftermath to this election. We need a strong turnout that will resoundingly bury racism and fascism and Trump’s myths of authoritarianism. We are faced with a stark choice in the upcoming election (only 6 months away) Biden or Authoritarianism. In this election, every vote will count!


The rage epidemic: is our modern world fueling aggression?


It affects the way we drive, the way we communicate, and who we vote for, rage is rising around the world and we need to be aware of its causes as well as how it affects us personally, socially, and politically. The GOP has been tapping into rage for years, some say, using it, others say, intentionally causing it. In Hosea 8:7, the writer tells us that God said Israel had “sown the wind and would reap a whirlwind.” We need to question, who—in our current world—benefits from “sowing the wind?”


Practical optimism can be learned. A psychiatrist explains how and why your well-being depends on it


There’s an important difference between being Pollyanish and having practical optimism. Practical Optimism is a healthy, mature response to the world around you that neither leaves you blind nor irrelevant. This article discusses how to grow that important cognitive response and how to pass it on to the young people around you.


The Decay of Our Morals: 18 Disturbing Trends in Our Society We Glorify but Shouldn't


A lot of the trends in this report have become truisms, but they are still valid and worth reviewing. Which one(s) affects you the most and which ones do you think most affects the young people around you?


“When you’re furious get curious”: How to handle emotional hijacking


This article discusses what the author, Jeff Wetzler, calls “Curiosity Killers.” These are events leading to emotions that shut down open-minded responses to the world around you. It makes sense to keep track of your own Curiosity Killers, and if you are working with young people, help them keep track as well. Then, strategize together on how to either pre-empt those experiences or respond differently when they occur.


7 Reasons We Are So Angry All the Time


Waiting in line, stuck in traffic, checking out at the grocery store; Gallup Polls tells us anger is at an all time high around the globe. This article takes a deeper dive into where that anger comes from and reminding us, we can’t deal with what we can’t name. The issues at the heart of this article not only affect you, but also those around you. This is a great discussion starter for your family or those with whom you work.

This Week’s Links


The Toxic Relationship Almost Everyone Is in: With Ourselves


It's Not Just You – This Is Why Everyone Is So Much Angrier These Days


The New York Trump Case Is Kind of Perfect


DOJ: Democracy and those who protect it "under attack like never before"


Jesuit scientist who bridged faith and science recounted in PBS documentary



‘Civil War’ sends a message that’s more dangerous than the violence it depicts onscreen


The 9 worst court decisions since Trump remade the federal judiciary


These Are the Stories We Tell Ourselves


Economists Criticize Trump Plan To Deport Longtime Immigrant Workers


Bakery raises thousands for LGBTQ+ youth after “concerned citizen” rages over its Pride flag


Moral Teaching: Why Kant's Ideas On Education Are More Valid Than Ever



The rage epidemic: is our modern world fueling aggression?


A Mother's Day message: Don't repeat my mistake with your LGBTQ child


Single mom perfectly explains to Congress why the U.S. poverty line needs a total rehaul


Capitalism As A Criminal Enterprise – OpEd



Practical optimism can be learned. A psychiatrist explains how and why your well-being depends on it


Katie Britt is back at it, pushing a bill to launch a pregnancy tracking federal database


Donald Trump Has Put a Literal Price on the Future of the Planet


Can Donald Trump swear on the Bible to tell the truth?


Study reveals nearly 60 companies to be responsible for half of world's plastic pollution: 'The industry likes to put the responsibility on the individual'


What did Trump say? Explaining the former president's favorite talking points



The Decay of Our Morals: 18 Disturbing Trends in Our Society We Glorify but Shouldn't


Dobbs Has Created a Health Care Apocalypse


Trump pitches a highly dubious $1 billion deal to Big Oil execs


Autocracies are pushing propaganda against democracy itself, says 'Atlantic' writer



“When you’re furious get curious”: How to handle emotional hijacking


Anger and Emotion: What's Really Setting Us Off?


The Case for Curiosity


The Cases Against Trump: A Guide


Medical residents are starting to avoid states with abortion bans, data shows


Biden Says Trump Will Not Accept 2024 Result: ‘I Promise You He Won’t’


Robert Reich: Stand Up To Trump And Bibi – OpEd


3 Ideas from Aristotle on How to Build a Good Life


The Next Big Idea Club’s August 2024 Must-Read Books



7 Reasons We Are So Angry All the Time


What we can learn from 4 schools that have reached agreements with Gaza protesters


Trump’s Latest Abortion Position Is More Radical Than It Sounds


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people in a time when capitalism is undermining democracy.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 19 (209 total reports)



Advocating for young people in a time when capitalism is undermining democracy.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

Mom creates 'how to be a person' camp for her kids that teaches real life skills all summer


Summer activities make a huge difference in lifelong learning, unfortunately they are often only affordable to middle and upper income children. It’s been shown that children can cumulatively lose up to three years of education from a lack of cognitive involvement over the summer. But, as delightfully revealed by this innovative mom, summer camps don’t have to be run by professionals, nor do they have to be expensive. Her “how to be a person” camp ideas are perfect for helping your child (children) grow over the summer. Take time to read this list and start dreaming about making your summer a vibrant learning experience for your children or the children around you.

Best Links of The Week


Neoliberal economics: The road to freedom or authoritarianism?


The quote from this article that stands out the most, “Freedom for the wolves has often meant death for the sheep.” This review encapsulates a great philosophical struggle between three of the greatest economic minds in the last century. It is well worth the read and a watershed for forming your own opinion of what lies at the core of so much current economic and political unrest.


45 Carl Jung Quotes on Life, Wisdom and Perspective


Carl Jung’s thoughts are some of the most important watershed ideas of the last century. If you haven’t read them, here’s your chance to peruse many of his gems. I would suggest printing this list with a pad of post-it notes and having the adults around you pick their favorites each week and take them home to meditate on them. Then bring them back to share the insights they’ve gained before taking another note home.


The Banana Wars: How the US Plundered Central America


I’m posting this story of US History because it fits the theme this week about how capitalism has undermined democracy in creating policy, not just for the US, but the entire world. It also, coincidently, presents a new perspective into why Cinco de Mayo is NOT a holiday in most of Mexico.


How Today’s American Capitalism Undermines Democracy


This is an historic review (in the US) of how Capitalism competes with Democracy and the advances of Capitalism—especially in the US—to the detriment of Democracy. As the article points out, it doesn’t have to be that way and there have been significant events in US history where people worked together to confront the advance of Capitalism when it undermined the rights of communities. Unchecked, Capitalism takes over the political system, the judicial system and—as we are seeing in the Trump Election Fraud trial—the media.


The Illiberalism at America’s Core


This article would be better clarified if the term “illiberalism” were “anti-liberalism” because the primary focus of the article is a historic look (in US History) about how liberalism has been rejected and even attacked, including laws to undermine it. A quote I read this morning by Dr. Adrienne Keene, sums it up by saying, “The system in what is currently known as the US isn’t ‘broken.’ It was designed by male supremacists slaveowners on stolen Indigenous land to protect their interests. It’s working as it was designed.”


“It’s A Mandatory Read”: Biden Urges Checking Out Trump Second Term Plans Revealed In Dystopian Time Magazine Q&A


Donald Trump is actually more frightening when someone helps him string together two sentences that make sense (at least from his narcissistic perspective). His interview with Time should be read by every US Citizen—and especially those who plan to vote for him. Biden’s philosophy here is to let Trump speak for himself and then call attention to what he says. Donald Trump’s scary view of an America—whether he wins or loses—is not only dystopian but borders on apocalyptic. The problems with Biden’s premise (and perhaps his campaign) is that he assumes that 1) Trump’s followers would read an entire Time article and 2) that they are making a voting decision based upon rational thought.


Finding a Way Out of America’s Cultural Blame Game


This book is rich with insights. Primarily it focuses on the shift in collective thinking to a victim mentality and no one is more helpless (and therefore miserable) than a person who sees themself as a victim. The article is a brief overview and definitely worth the read. Examine it to see if you play into the cultural myth of victimhood or if you are promoting that myth in any way to those around you. The book also looks at important steps to take to stop embracing that myth.

This Week’s Links


Neoliberal economics: The road to freedom or authoritarianism?


Why I’m Not Calling the Police on My Students’ Encampment


Women’s Rights Are Essential to Democracy. Why Do Philanthropists Treat Investments in Women as a Special Interest?


Abortion bans drive away up to half of young talent, new CNBC/Generation Lab youth survey finds


Gun incidents surge at Florida schools, research finds


Understanding 5 Famous Quotes by Descartes


The history of 'outside agitators' — from Gaza protests to Martin Luther King Jr. : Consider This from NPR


The Don's enablers



45 Carl Jung Quotes on Life, Wisdom and Perspective


Top Congress Democrat says 'Pro-Putin faction' of Republicans stalled Ukraine aid


Is it easy for migrants to enter the U.S.? We went to the border to find out


18 Reasons Why Millions of Americans Are Abandoning Their Faith


Nordic kids are the happiest in the world - Expert reveals top 3 tips for raising kids the Danish way



The Banana Wars: How the US Plundered Central America


A second Trump term, in his own words


These Republicans have united to defend the legitimacy of U.S. elections and election officials


NYC says half of those arrested at 2 pro-Palestinian campus protests were not students


Israelis rally to demand Gaza ceasefire and PM Netanyahu's resignation


Ruby Bridges blasts book bans as “ridiculous” attempts to “cover up history”



How Today’s American Capitalism Undermines Democracy


Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’


N.Y. prosecutors have already painted a picture of how Trump twisted the press


Kamala Harris responds to Donald Trump’s views on state punishments for abortion: ‘It’s outrageous’


The lessons from colleges that didn’t call the police


A Psychologist Explains The Difference Between Psychopaths And Sociopaths


Mom creates 'how to be a person' camp for her kids that teaches real life skills all summer



The Illiberalism at America’s Core


Trump says he will only accept 2024 election results ‘if everything’s honest’


Pregnant women in Missouri can't get divorced. Critics say it fuels domestic violence


14 states sue the Biden administration for the right to discriminate against trans kids


The Governor of Kansas Vetoed Four Anti-Abortion Measures. Republicans Rammed Them Through Anyway.


More States Are Allowing Child Support Payments to Reach Children


Biden is giving the Medal of Freedom to a who's who of Democrats (and Katie Ledecky)



“It’s A Mandatory Read”: Biden Urges Checking Out Trump Second Term Plans Revealed In Dystopian Time Magazine Q&A


How to negotiate with a bully


Robert Reich: What To Say To A Republican Who Complains About The Federal Debt – OpEd


LGBTQ+ Youth Struggle With Mental Health and Are Deeply Impacted by Anti-LGBTQ+ Laws, New Survey Shows


Two Republicans help stop trans care ban & deliver a powerful speech: “The youth need our help”


How a post falsely claiming migrants are registering to vote spread to millions in four weeks


Trump’s New Comments on Gaza Protests Make No Sense Whatsoever



Finding a Way Out of America’s Cultural Blame Game


Trump’s coup plan: Bombshell Time interview exposes drive ‘to destroy system for his own purposes’


How a Few Secret Donors Are Fueling the New Right-Wing Infrastructure


Scoop: Yellen's urgent warning on threats to U.S. democracy


Democrats Defang the House’s Far Right


Woman passes bar exam on 1st try more than a decade after being released from prison


Florida’s Abortion Ban Should Be Our Breaking Point


6 out of 10 Catholics support abortion rights despite church's stance, study shows


Read More
Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people in a time of damaging myths of masculinity and a desperate need for new definitions of what it means to be male in our world today.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 18 (208 total reports)



Advocating for young people in a time of damaging myths of masculinity and a desperate need for new definitions of what it means to be male in our world today.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

A Neuroscience Toolkit for Parents Determined to Raise Amazing Humans


Study this article if you interact with young people and want to see them become amazing humans. Among many gems of wisdom, I’m walking away with this statement, “Relationships require 1) the ability to listen and 2) the desire to understand.”

Best Links of The Week


How do you counter misinformation? Critical thinking is step one


This article cites important research into the danger of misinformation, its current widespread use, the proliferation of its use we can expect to experience in the future, and the tools needed to counter it. It points out that telling someone they are narrow-minded, does not make them more open-minded (much like how telling someone to calm down has never calmed anyone down). Rather, it reveals a rather interesting experiment that did work well in combatting the widespread use of misinformation as it replaces the truth in many worldwide elections. This research is critical and must be applied to our schools and all places where we interact with young people. We constantly must ask ourselves how we can raise critically thinking young people as opposed to young people who simply accept what we say because we are the authoritarian figure in their lives?


The Trumpification of the Supreme Court


While Trump remains the huckster front man selling his poison to the US, we can’t forget those that empower him behind the scenes. Not just the Putin’s, Bill Barr’s and Mike Johnson’s, but the Mitch McConnell’s as well. Without McConnell, the Supreme Court would look vastly different. We need to remember that it was McConnell who delayed replacing Ruth Bader-Ginsberg’s until Obama was out of office thereby giving that appointment to Donald Trump. Evidence shows that McConnell may may now be regretting his decision to give so much power to Trump, but he will go down in history as a traitor and enabler of the undeniably worst president this country has ever known. Project 25 states clearly what Trump will do with his unlimited power if he is granted a second term. This November will quite literally be a vote between democracy and authoritarianism in the United States.


The Choice Republicans Face


This link made me want to watch the musical Hamilton all over again. I did not realize what a pivotal historic player he was in saving our democracy from an autocrat named Arron Burr who could have literally been a stand-in for Donald Trump. Eventually, Hamilton paid the ultimate price for his beliefs when Burr challenged him to a duel and shot him. Trump’s political team and SCOTUS (Supreme Court of Trump, US) is already examining how they could make similar actions legal today; e.g. assassinations and imprisonments without recrimination or accountability.


The mythical masculinity of Donald Trump


Donald Trump likes to display himself through photoshopped images of Superman and Rambo, he covers his face with tanning lotion and sports a coif that seems to have a daily life of its own. The real Donald Trump is being revealed in a dingy courtroom in New York this week where Trump is forced to sit for a voter fraud crime that involves payments to prostitutes, “catch and kill” fake news tactics, and continuous whining about the predicament in which he has no one to blame but himself. We must ask ourselves what it is about this glorified con man that appeals to so many. Unless we confront that in ourselves, we will not be able to protect our democracy from such outlandish myths in the future.


Men Need a New Narrative. The Future of U.S. Democracy Depends on It


This article takes a deep dive into the mental and social ills created by our current narratives of men. It examines everything from “Deaths of Despair” to political violence and offers healthier alternatives to the current myths and narratives by which men are viewed in our culture. Please take time to review it and discuss applications in your own work or relationships with young people.


The Republicans Who Want American Carnage


The movie, “Civil War,” seems like fiction, until you read the words of the Far Right Republicans who are willing to violently encourage attacking the United States from within. Please learn the names of these people and make sure they are not re-elected.


The Particular Brutality of Colonial Wars


This is a history lesson that most colonial powers would rather hide, that’s why it is so important to recount it. In this brief review, we are reminded of the cruelty created by policies of colonialism. One can also see the patterns of that cruelty, especially when perpetrators of the cruelty attempt to hide it from the public. There are important lessons to recount here, important lessons to remind ourselves to not repeat.

This Week’s Links


How do you counter misinformation? Critical thinking is step one


This is who lit the match in the Middle East — and who poured the fuel


Did Kristi Noem Just Doom Her Career?


The Pelican State joins Texas and Florida in a race-to-the-bottom to see who can stick it to workers the worst.



The Trumpification of the Supreme Court


The Choice Republicans Face


17 Kind Texts To Send To Someone Who Is Depressed



The Choice Republicans Face


Liz Cheney's Message to Supreme Court After Donald Trump Hearing


Robert Reich’s The Supreme Court’s Farce And Ruse – OpEd


The history that explains how a tabloid publisher became a Trump trial witness


Russia to Introduce Drone Operation into School Curriculum for Occupied Territories


Bernie Sanders says Netanyahu is attacking campus protests to deflect war criticism


A Neuroscience Toolkit for Parents Determined to Raise Amazing Humans


How one evangelical leader uses the Bible to expose the ‘False White Gospel’


The reckless policies that helped fill our streets with ridiculously large cars



The mythical masculinity of Donald Trump


Brooks and Capehart on Supreme Court arguments over immunity for Trump


Florida man asks schools to ban Bible following the state's efforts to remove books


Columbia University’s Impossible Position


Can Empathy Heal Democracy?


Historical Roots and Psychology of Liberals, Conservatives


Arizona Women Gear Up to Challenge Near-Total Abortion Ban in Upcoming Election


'Bad Faith' documentary shows us the evil of Christian nationalism. So did a bomb threat at my library.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders just got dragged into Trump’s hush-money trial



Men Need a New Narrative. The Future of U.S. Democracy Depends on It


A Nobel Prize Winner Dissects American Economics and Politics


The Supreme Court Goes Through the Looking Glass on Presidential Immunity


How DeSantis' immigration laws may be backfiring : Consider This from NPR


The National Enquirer was the go-to American tabloid for many years. Donald Trump helped change that


More than 500 people have been arrested at pro-Palestinian protests at colleges


Uvalde Parent Obliterates Police Response to Texas University Protest


Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee plans to sign bill that would let teachers carry guns in schools


Are 75% of guns used to carry out school shootings found unsecured in family homes?


The US just came up with a plan to upgrade 100k miles of transmission lines in 5 years



The Republicans Who Want American Carnage


The GOP’s Grand Plan: Minority Rule


Trump is arguing for immunity in his criminal case. Will the Supreme Court agree? : Consider This from NPR


Nonprofit exposes 'housing cartel' behind sharp rent increases across the country


Strict school zones are reinforcing inequality, new study finds


Despite Outcry Over Seclusion at Juvenile Detention Centers, Tennessee Lawmakers Fail to Pass Oversight Bill



The Particular Brutality of Colonial Wars


Supreme Court will consider when doctors can provide emergency abortions in states with bans


Another one of Ron “Don’t Say Gay” DeSantis’ cruel political stunts just blew up in his face


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Dr. Jerry Goebel Dr. Jerry Goebel

Youth Advocacy

Advocating for young people as Trump and the Far Right seek to control the myths that will control the US for decades—even generations—to come.

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 17 (207 total reports)



Advocating for young people as Trump and the Far Right seek to control the myths that will control the US for decades—even generations—to come.

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

4 philosophers on how to live a happy life


Like other emotions, happiness (or as Arthur Brooks calls it, “Happier-Ness”) must be modeled before it can be lived. Just as a child must have someone who can co-regulate with them and model responses to anger and fear, young people must have adult models to lead them to a happier life. Sometimes, it is hard to distinguish the hallmarks of happier-ness and this article leads us on a journey of discovery into what some of the greatest minds in history have identified as key components. It’s worth the review and worth the discussions in your workplace on how to better embody these keystone characteristics.

Best Links of The Week


Sotomayor Asks One Damning Question in Supreme Court Homelessness Case


After reading through the overview of this case, I have to wonder what would have happened if the community of Grants Pass, Oregon, had spent the money to get their case all the way to Supreme Court on building a homeless shelter in their community. Sotomayer’s response was insightful and inspiring. Please take a moment to read it. With so much bad publicity on this court, it is refreshing when one of it’s liberal judges is given the opportunity to share her wisdom on a case that truly matters rather than just having more “air time” given to Donald Trump and his attempts to undermine the constitution and democracy.


What Donald Trump Fears Most


Atlantic always does articles that dig behind the myths and into the heart of each story. According to this article, by David Axelrod, Trump’s greatest fear is to appear as a loser. I would take it a step further in that Trump fears what every two-year-old fears—losing attention—or what every narcissist fears—accountability. Judge Merchan’s no-nonsense attitude is preventing Trump from taking control of his courtroom or the trial narrative—at least in front of his bench. We’ll see Tuesday, the 23rd, when Trump faces the consequences of continually breaking his gag order, what Trump is allowed to do to intimidate witnesses and jury members outside the courtroom.


The American Myths Dividing Contemporary Politics


In Yuval Noah Harari’s book, Sapiens, he reveals how the control of myths separated homo sapiens from other animals, furthermore, whoever had the most prevalent myth, had the most power. It is an influential book that my wife and I devoured—as well as Harari’s follow-up book, Homo Deus. Please put them on your list of must-reads if you haven’t already. Just writing this blog makes me want to go back and review both books. This article, reminds us of the myths that have formed the US and points out some of the myths that are used to justify many actions and much of the violence of the Far Right, MAGA-Movement. It’s important to understand this as people like Tom Cotton and Kari Lake call for violence at polling places and Donald Trump continues his attack on the US’s democratic institutions.


Is this fictitious civil war closer to reality than we think? : Consider This from NPR


There is definitely a faction of the US that wants a civil war and with traitorous politicians like Kari Lake telling people to bring the Glocks with them when they go to vote, such a reality as depicted in this movie, might be uncomfortably close to the truth. What this production reveals is a problem much deeper than just Donald Trump, though his Apprentice B-Rated reality show chops have made him a lightning rod. The problem is a radicalized minority of the US Public is unwilling to accept a democratic path to leadership when they lose.


10 Of Life's Most Powerful Paradoxes


A paradox is a statement that seems to go against common sense, but may still be true. Life is filled with paradoxes and here are the ten most important to teach our children.


7 big issues at stake in the 2024 election


I admit that I find it hard to look beyond the obvious character flaws (and indictments) of Donald Trump and the fact that he only wants to hold office to avoid prosecution and further his own power and wealth, but if the election truly comes down to who holds the best platform and can deliver on their promises, I think it is worth examining the “7 big issues” in this article and how the candidates compare in their responses.


Why Do People Choose Authoritarianism Over Democracy?


There was a sentence in this article that really struck me, it holds truth for a lot of people I have seen who are either far right or extremely conservative religious people. As the author, Joe Pierre, MD, states, “The appeal of authoritarianism is less about wanting to be controlled as wanting to control others.” I’ve seen similar behavior in professions where people are in charge of other’s lives: Teaching, Corrections, Ministry. The need to control is pervasive and it is important to understand its roots before we place people in positions of responsibility or allow them access to our own lives.

This Week’s Links


Sotomayor Asks One Damning Question in Supreme Court Homelessness Case


Despite a fortified border, migrants will keep coming, analysts agree. Here's why.


How the Founding Fathers' concept of 'Minority Rule' is alive and well today


Ex-National Enquirer publisher testifies against Donald Trump in hush money trial


How to Handle Difficult People Like a Stoic


Therapist Reveals 6 Things You Should've Never Been Responsible For As A Kid — That Might Be Affecting You As An Adult



What Donald Trump Fears Most


With This Week’s Abortion Case, Supreme Court Faces Grim Reality of Overturning Roe


Newsom hits Republicans on abortion restriction pushes


Local election workers fear threats to their safety as November nears. One group is trying to help


On Earth Day, Biden is launching a new site to apply for Climate Corps jobs


2 Emotionally Intelligent Tools That Disarm a Narcissist



The American Myths Dividing Contemporary Politics


Trump Deflates


'We created this problem': a pediatric surgeon on how gun violence affects children


Supreme Court takes on Donald Trump, abortion bans, homeless camps in blockbuster week


When Solitary Confinement Means Living in a Shower Stall


Israel’s Starvation Campaign Could Affect Palestinians for Generations to Come



Is this fictitious civil war closer to reality than we think? : Consider This from NPR


Brooks and Capehart on if Democrats will save Johnson’s speakership


With Republicans Like These, Who Needs Russian Propaganda?


In Judge Juan Merchan, Trump may have met his match


Boeing and the Dark Age of American Manufacturing


What World War II taught us about how to help starving people today



10 Of Life's Most Powerful Paradoxes


The truth about inflation, wages, and the Biden economy


17 States Are Considering Laws That Would Imprison Librarians


Oh Dear God, Tennessee Just Passed a Bill Banning Chemtrails, Which Are Not Real


A sheriff, a felon and a conspiracy theorist walk into a hotel. They’re there for the same conference.


Tom Cotton, Kari Lake show how much Trump, Republicans have normalized violent rhetoric



7 big issues at stake in the 2024 election


Mehdi Hasan Lays Out Donald Trump's First 100 Days In Chilling Day-By-Day Detail


The Only Path Forward


How do you keep calm and carry on in a world full of crises?


New report shows role of Republican useful idiots in weakening U.S., advancing Putin's goals


‘We waited for hours’: Law enforcement testify that Trump outright rejected to send in troops on Jan. 6


Kari Lake’s Vile New Threat of “Glock” Violence Exposes MAGA’s Lunacy


The Arizona Abortion Fight Is a Reminder That Progress Is Not Linear


Biden chokes up while talking about deceased son and Trump's disparaging remarks about service members


4 philosophers on how to live a happy life


Guns are killing more U.S. children. Shooting survivors can face lifelong challenges


Why Aren't Today's Youth Happy?


How to Be Less Busy and More Happy


How to Have Non-Negotiables



Why Do People Choose Authoritarianism Over Democracy?


It's About Damn Time Alvin Bragg Did Something About Trump Violating His Gag Order


The Republican Plot to Roast Outdoor Workers


‘Violence Against Women’ Is a ‘Male Violence’ Problem


Exposed: Donald Trump Didn't Attend Any of His Children's Graduations, Michael Cohen Claims


6 alternatives to saying 'let me know if you need anything' to someone in crisis


Teaching Children to Manage Their Anger


Science Confirms Hugs Can Ease Pain, Anxiety, And Depression


Kyle Rittenhouse Shooting Survivor Turns Up at His College Event


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