Youth Advocacy

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 344 (234 total reports)



Dr. Jerry Goebel, MBA, D.Min.

Adversity does NOT equal trauma, this week focuses on overcoming the negative in our lives to grow more resilient.

Song of the Week

The Words We Use Inside

What words did you learn to use inside your head? Are they uplifting? Do they encourage you? Or did you come from a home where mistakes were punished with harsh words and now you use them on yourself? This song examines the messages we have been given AND the messages we can grow.

Link to the entire Compilation: Resistance, Resilience:

Top Links of the Week


Breaking the Cycle of Adverse Childhood Experiences

Not all childhood adversity leads to trauma, people who have someone in their lives that can help identify the source of adversity, name it, and replace it, are able to live fuller and more meaningful lives. The key here is that Adversity does NOT = Trauma. The cycle can be broken and doesn’t need to be passed on to a new generation.


Mom teaches son to pick up the 'invisible load' at home and it's something every parent should do

I’ve been saving this article for a week because I knew I would eventually want to share it with you. This mother’s brilliant parenting tip could be applied to all relationships; in the workplace, with a partner, in our communities, as well as in parenting. What is the “invisible load” that often slips through the cracks in our lives? How do we train ourselves to look for it and seek to complete it without being asked or prompted? Are you a person who seeks out the ‘invisible load’ in your relationships and responds, without pressure, without praise, and without prompting?


4 Ways to Free Your Child From Crushing Self-Doubt

We become the words we hear as children, if we hear harsh words, our own internal message becomes harsh as well. Self-Doubt, the product of harsh words, undermines children’s (our) resiliency. It reminds us again, the way we parent ourselves (internally), is often the way we parent our children. One of the most important tasks of adulthood is to examine the inner conversations passed on to us and that we use when we make mistakes or run into obstacles in our lives. This article speaks deeply to examining how we speak to our children, but definitely can also be applied to how we speak to our inner child. The next time you are angry with yourself, write down some of the words or phrases you use in your own inner conversations. See if those words are helpful, like, “It’s okay to fail when you’re trying to grow,” or, “making mistakes means I am trying new things.” It is fairly certain that if you use these phrases for yourself, you will use them with others around you.


If You Have These 11 Things, You're Better Off Than An Average Person

Many people I know are struggling to find things to be grateful for following the election of an autocrat to the presidency of the United States. If you are someone (or know someone), that fits that definition, this is a great list to start with—and those things on the list that you do NOT have are things that you can focus on growing. As you read through the list keep in mind the phrase, “Have It or Grow It.” Because gratitude is the most important attribute you can have to improve your well-being, health, and relationships.


Supercharging Human Curiosity

Listen to some of the exciting phrases in this article; “Augmented Intelligence,” “Return the Joy to Learning,” “Increase Engagement.” These are a few of the goals leaders like Ben Gomes, the SVP (Senior Vice President of Learning & Sustainability at Google are using as guidelines for developing tools to combine AI and learning. While most approaches to AI and Education are between the dichotomy of (as The Atlantic puts it) “uncritical optimism or dystopian fear.” The reasoned approaches by Gomes and people like Sal Khan, of The Khan Academy and Khanmigo, are dedicated to a future where AI (‘Augmented Intelligence’ as differentiated from ‘Artificial Intelligence’) helps foster the creativity of teachers and students alike.


Complaining Won't Change the World, But Your Actions Can

Michelle Obama, addressing the DNC in August said, "Don't just sit around and complain. Do something!” This article highlights that exhortation. Complaining makes you feel less resilient, doing something increases your strength and positivity. It doesn’t have to be earth-shattering action, simple acts of kindness and courtesy are often all that’s needed are often all that’s needed to bolster your sense of hope and positivity. If this note rings true for you, perhaps you’ll also like my new song, “Act!” Please click the link and have a listen.


Youth Advocacy


Youth Advocacy