Youth Mental Health & COVID-19
Youth Mental Health & COVID-19
Year 3, Week 41 (143 total reports)
Expectations and fears that lead to violence. How do we empower ourselves—and those we lead—to live a more quiet and confident life?
This Week’s Top Links
Want To Feel Less Depressed? Try an Act of Kindness.
It has been my observation that the greatest roadblocks to well-being are expectations. What we assume others expect of us or what we expect of ourselves. What we should really expect from life is joy. Joy is the fruit of being happier and this article shows that the most effective way to be happier is to seek to help others be happier. Instead of dwelling on missed expectations, make a habit of asking, “how can I make someone happier today?” It could be someone in my personal relationships or someone in my community. There are always ways to exercise this opportunity and it never has to be complicated.
How to Stop Hurrying
I was enthralled by this article and it’s valuable insights. It made me remember to “lean into” THIS moment. On my best days, I use the sleepy hours before full alertness to repeat my mantra; “Q,R,S; Quiet my mind, Relax my body, Smile…” To quiet my mind means to lean into the now. To be aware and grateful for those people and circumstances in my life at this moment. If I am gratefully centered in the moment during those quiet waking hours, I can take that mantra and use it effectively during more stressful times throughout my day. But it all begins with a full tank of gratitude before I rise in the morning.
Stop Punishing Poverty in Schools
Let this article serve as a primer for searching your institution for ways in which poverty is punished. There are subtle methods easily overlooked in a variety of activities and the reward systems of educational cultures. Dedicate a staff meeting to rooting out these undermining attitudes and activities and get your students talking openly about it as well.
9 Ways To Stop Catastrophic Thinking When You Always Expect The Worst
Catastrophic thinking is the worst. It is the brain’s evolutionary defense ability run amok. Learning to bodycheck this debilitating habit is crucial to a healthy life. Like so many habits, re-routing this defense mechanism doesn’t come naturally and we need help through co-regulation to strengthen our cognitive ability to replace such thought patterns.
The 14th Amendment's Time to Shine Has Come
When the 14th Amendment is under attack (as it has been under the GOP), you know that personal rights are going to be affected. We need to learn more about this important constitutional amendment and its link to personal and democratic freedom. It is important to understand why it is under attack by both conservative politicians and evangelical religious leaders.
Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want
Explore the important concept of “weathering” and how it impacts the way we deal with the many stressors inherent in today’s media cacophony. This book also examines the way that funding of schools and the curricula in education affects the society we are creating.
How to stop stressing about things you can’t control
Being in control is a myth that threatens our mental health. I’ve seen it undermine many institutions surrounding our children and throughout the workplace. The most damaging aspect is that the people who often have the greatest need for control live in compulsive fear and that fear can drive their motivation towards leadership. Such dark motivation can lie latent for years before finally revealing itself under stress. I would go so far as to say that it is this latent need for control that drives what is most damaging in the police state that results in situations like George Floyd and Tyre Nichols. The political ploy of using fear as a motivator for votes in the areas of immigration, crime and culture wars will only spawn more trends of coercive violence in our social relationships and institutions.
This Week’s Links
Want To Feel Less Depressed? Try an Act of Kindness.
Coercive Control Takes Significant Toll on Children
COVID-19 led to largest learning disruption in history
Recognize the Truth of Others’ Pain
How a Parent’s Experience at Work Impacts Their Kids
How To Be More Intentional In Every Area of Your Life
5 Signs Your Kid Is Highly Sensitive — & How To Parent Them
How to Stop Hurrying
Educator’s View: Restorative Justice Can’t Work If There Aren’t Enough Teachers
At What Age Should a Kid Get a Phone? We Asked a Therapist, a Digital Safety Expert and Fellow Parents
Why Teachers are Quitting
Three Big Takeaways from Educational Leadership’s Report on Remote Learning
A Single Practice to Transform and Potentially Extend Life
Cognitive control serves to override the moral default in both honesty and dishonesty
Stop Punishing Poverty in Schools
'Everybody is cheating': Why this teacher has adopted an open ChatGPT policy
Silencing Our Inner Critic After Attachment Trauma
9 Ways To Stop Catastrophic Thinking When You Always Expect The Worst
Yale University’s most popular class is now free for teenagers—why it could make you happier
The 14th Amendment's Time to Shine Has Come
How the Experience of Awe Can Improve Your Well-Being
Therapy Out of Reach? These 4 Tips Will Promote Better Mental Health
Be aware of this great obstacle to happiness … and how to overcome it
Evidence Is Mounting That Covid Is Bad for the Brain
Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want
Meet the 5 Teachers Being Considered for National Teacher of the Year
How Does It Feel to Have Inattentive-Type ADHD?
How to stop stressing about things you can’t control
Use These 4 Self-Care Rituals for More Resilience and Less Depletion
Break Negative Thinking With These 6 Mental Health Exercises
101 Silly & Insightful Would You Rather Questions For Kids