Youth Mental Health & COVID-19
Youth Mental Health & COVID-19
Year 3, Week 42 (144 total reports)
The twin goals of education must be wonder and compassion (asombro y compasión). What and how we learn won’t matter if we don’t answer the question of WHY we learn.
This Week’s Top Links
10 Things Every Child Needs To Hear From Their Parents To Live A Great Life
It is important to remember that being a good parent (or staff member at a facility that works with young people), is more about being consistent than perfect. Yet, there are messages that children will thrive if they hear regularly. I would suggest posting the list in this article on the wall of your staff room or the refrigerator of your home so that we can regularly remember the important statements.
‘Invasion of privacy’: Some Florida athletes leery of being made to reveal menstrual cycles
There is a malevolent purpose behind this action. It is more than an invasion of privacy, it is a step towards moral authoritarianism. I don’t think it is possible to be too alarmist behind the direction that DeSantis is taking Florida in his path towards the presidency. At the least, this should serve as an alarm bell to the direction that his supporters and he would take the country—not just the State—given the opportunity.
Critical Thinking Isn't Enough. Time for Critical Ignoring. | FlaglerLive
I know many people who are simply overwhelmed by doom scrolling. The underlying factor is not just the amount of negative news they consume (and it is a consumption addiction), but the loss of locus of control. There is news (people) out there that we should ignore. We need to remember that reading an article tells the AI of that publisher that people will consume that news. They, in turn, feed the people who will do anything (lie, cheat, steal, commit violence) to gain attention. It wouldn’t hurt to create your own list of people (news) whose ideas you want to intentionally starve. I think that in addition to Critical Ignoring, we need to teach each other that “clicking” is a political action that feeds poor behavior.
Low Income and Its Effects on Mental Health
When we look at the effects of low income on mental health, education and crime, we can’t help but see the links created by not addressing poverty in our society. Robert Reich offered two terms this week that I’m digesting. It regards the role of policing in our community and is very timely considering another example of horrific police brutality in the US. He urges us to ask if our funds are being spent for Social Involvement or Social Enforcement. Underlying this is the politics of fear. A politics of fear will create an environment favoring social enforcement. The policies and politics of fear lead to a massive amount of wasted money in cities, countries and the world. Take time for discussions this week on how a society that bases spending priorities on involvement and equality would look different than one based upon fear and enforcement.
ChatGPT: The AI tech that's revolutionizing teaching
If a computer can do what we do, it will. It doesn’t matter if that is what we want, it is the economics of what will happen. Almost anything repetitive will be replaced by a machine. All too often institutions that are slow to change (like religion or education—even labor) see the latest trends in technology as a threat. Their gut instinct is to seek a way to morally “ban” the advancement. A better reflection is to ask why we are still doing repetitive exercises in schools that a computer could do. Our future lies in creativity and wonder, not litanies and repetition. The sign that education (or a class) is effective is that—at the end of it—the student (AND the teacher) say, “Wow! I want to learn more about this.” The true test of an educator is not that his/her students get A’s, but that they want to explore the topic and its potential applications further.
A Path to Well-Being: Rediscover the Joy of Play
Play is the most effective means of learning regardless of age, but especially in children. As we work with children (or even adults that we are teaching or training), we must constantly ask ourselves, “How can my students play with this knowledge?” This article shows us that play is not just a key to learning, but also a key to well-being. Ask yourself, “How do I play?” Think of play as a moment when you are totally lost in an activity and therefore living in the immediate present. Athletes call this focus, psychologists call this transient hypofrontality. Moments when the person is so involved they lose perspective of all else. At those moments, the frontal lobe shuts down and we aren’t busy judging or being over-critical, we are just ensconced in the moment. In order to be totally available to others, we need to create moments when we are totally available to ourselves. That’s the purpose of play. Play doesn’t have to be silly or fun, it is just a moment of becoming lost to our critical selves. It might mean writing, music—most of the arts—it could be conversations, relationships. Just make time to “Get Lost!”
What could the school of 2050 look like?
I enjoyed the projections in this article, but I will say, that most articles about future education focus on technological changes. Whereas my experience of technology in institutions is that it is used FIRST for administration and accounting. Slowly, we begin to fund technology to support learning. But between the adoption (and exploration) of learning and the application of teaching stands a number of roadblocks: educators who don’t want to change, administrators who don’t want to change and communities that fear change. The biggest changes in learning need to be freeing the human mind and spirit to grow both wonder and compassion. Unless we overcome the politics of fear and authoritarianism, I don’t see schools changing much at all—except for accountants and administrators.Just ask how much these institutions have really changed in the last thirty years and what they real roadblocks to change have been and currently are.
This Week’s Links
10 Things Every Child Needs To Hear From Their Parents To Live A Great Life
What To Do When Your Kid Says They Hate School
How To Let Go Of Resentment Once And For All
‘Invasion of privacy’: Some Florida athletes leery of being made to reveal menstrual cycles
Powerful Learning Is All About Retrieval
When my dad was sick, I started Googling grief. Then I couldn’t escape it.
A Psychologist Suggests 2 Ways To Care For A Loved One Who Is Struggling With Anxiety
Asking teens about suicide may raise odds they'll get help
7 New Books That Will Help You Reinvent Your Life, Recommended by Adam Grant
Trust Is Eroding: 2 Ways Leaders Can Rebuild It
Critical Thinking Isn't Enough. Time for Critical Ignoring. | FlaglerLive
Making Great Relationships: Simple Practices for Solving Conflicts, Building Connection, and Fostering Love
Accept Yourself Unconditionally (Even When You’re Struggling)
Harvard psychiatrist says this is the secret to happiness
Low Income and Its Effects on Mental Health
ChatGPT is the best thing to happen to teaching since the Socratic method
Here's why you should make a habit of having more fun
5 New Books to Help You Stay Present, Calm, and Focused
The 15 Best Online Learning Services for Kids for 2023
ChatGPT: The AI tech that's revolutionizing teaching
Politicians Can’t Just Go Around Censoring Ideas That Anger Them
Grit or quit? How to help your child develop resilience
Struggling to communicate with your teen? You might be making this classic mistake
15 Things To Say To Your Kids Instead Of 'No'
A Path to Well-Being: Rediscover the Joy of Play
Why America needs inclusive curriculums and diverse educators
How America Lost Its Grip on Reality
What the Longest Study on Human Happiness Found Is the Key to a Good Life
The 'guinea pig' generation: How the pandemic shaped this year's college freshmen
How to take in traumatic news events and preserve your mental health
What could the school of 2050 look like?
America’s Lack of Paid Leave Is Devastating Women and Families
Teaching Students to Analyze Fake News
Want to boost your happiness? Buy experiences, not material possessions
Parenting Teenage Boys in the Age of Online Influencers