Youth Advocacy
Youth Advocacy
Year 3, Week 28 (218 total reports)
Advocating for young people as SCOTUS (Supreme Court of Trump—US) votes to grant him rights as the US’s next King.
Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week
You Might be a Late Bloomer
If you occasionally glance at my blog (thank you) you already know how much I admire David Brooks and articles in The Atlantic magazine. This commentary by Mr. Brooks, looks at America’s misguided love affair with early bloomers and calls it dysfunctional. Brooks presents substantial evidence that the majority of patents are filed by people in mid-to-late life. We push young people to make lifelong decisions for careers for which many of them have no passion, then we think less of them when they drift to other opportunities after only a few years of dissatisfaction. Mr. Brooks points out that this is not a healthy or sustainable model. Young people are entering adolescence at earlier and earlier ages, but it is taking increasingly longer for them to have the tools to live a meaningful life. We need to realize the psychological stress this causes and how it contributes to adolescent and young adult anxiety. Many foster systems end care at 18, while few young people are ready to hold a career at the time in their life. What’s left for legal income? The service industry. Instead of encouraging young people to make false choices at impossible ages, we need to review our expectations against the psychological and physiological realities of maturation and adolescence.
Best Links of The Week
The Supreme Court Puts Trump Above the Law
If you didn’t have enough reasons to vote against Trump and the GOP this coming November, add six more. That’s how many justices voted to give Felon and Sexual Assaulter, Donald Trump, “Presumptive Immunity.” As Adam Serwer, points out in this article, six conservative members of SCOTUS stated that, “The president is not above the law,” then Justice Roberts immediately wrote the opinion that he was. Together, as Serwer points out, “the justices have essentially legalized a losing president refusing to step down” In further analysis, the author stated, “Chief Justice John Roberts often sounds more like Trump’s lawyer than the impartial judge he presents himself as.” Here is Sotomoyer’s dissenting opinion; ““If the president orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.” Sotomayer goes on to state, “‘In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.’” How do we get past this? We vote out Trump and the GOP in a landslide. They are enemies of the State doing all they can to undermine the constitution and rule authoritatively.
Donald Trump’s Theory of Everything
The author of this The Atlantic magazine piece, Gilad Edelman, speaks eloquently about Trump’s, “monocausal theory of every problem America faces.” Whether personal or political, it is the Convicted Felon’s modus operandi to blame someone else for all the problems either he or the US faces. Edelman points out that in Trump’s last campaign he had a larger swath of bogeymen he blamed for the ills of the US, but apparently, someone in his campaign (or Trump himself—ever the slick conman) realized that his audience was not sophisticated enough to deal with multiple villains. The other truth behind Trump’s methods is focusing only on what’s wrong, that’s not unusual for a candidate, what is unusual for THIS candidate is that his solutions are always funded by tax increases to the middle class, highly illegal, and typically unethical. If Project 2025 has its way, large groups of immigrants will be put into concentration camps, as well as politicians and journalists who have hurt his toddler-like fragile ego. Retribution, Incrimination, and Revenge, the three buzzwords of the monocausal Trump campaign.
Trump’s debate was even worse than you remember
Basic forensics in high school teaches students some important rules about debating, among them; 1) be respectful of others—including the judges, 2) don’t lie, and, 3) answer the questions you are asked. Is it any wonder that convicted felon, Donald Trump, does not either know or care about any of these rules? Penalized Sexual Assaulter, Donald Trump, prides himself in breaking rules and, if given a choice between the truth and a lie, he compulsively (addictively) consistently chooses the lie. High school moderators would not allow students to disregard the three basic rules above, it’s too bad that CNN did. Trump did NOT debate better than Biden—although President Biden admits he did horrible—Trump lied and evaded the questions the entire time.
Lawrence: We live in a country where most commentators declared the liar the debate winner
The debate left me very sad. Biden acknowledges that he did a horrible job. Yet, Lawrence O’Donnell made a point that won me over last night (as did the PBS analysis by Boston Globe columnist Kimberly Atkins Stohr). As O’Donnell said, “Most commentators woke up yesterday ready to concede the debate to a liar.” One commentator called Trump’s part in the debate, a “Fact-Free” debate. President Joe Biden is NOT going to step aside, to replace him now would involve a fight that the GOP would cherish. The closest debate example we have to Tuesday night is Ronald Reagan’s debate failure to Walter Mondale in 1984. During that debate, Reagan, then 73, looked old and tired and Mondale ran circles around him. In later debates, Reagan recovered his form and won the election. Let’s hope President Biden will also recover, and let’s further hope the next debate has moderators that demand 1) the truth, and 2) that candidates answer the questions they are asked.
Oklahoma’s top education official orders schools to incorporate Christian Bible into teaching
In another insane attack on religious freedom, Oklahoma’s Republican State Superintendent, Ryan Walters, has declared that teachers must begin using the Bible in classes for all 5th through 12th grade students. Yesterday, he went further to say that teachers who don’t comply will be fired. Emulating the Taliban will not improve the US Education system, instead, this will just drive qualified teachers from his State (as is occurring in other Christian Taliban states like Florida and Texas). Most sane people realize that Religious Freedom does NOT mean the freedom to force your beliefs on those who don’t believe similarly. The Superintendent of Schools in Oklahoma is an elected official. That position goes to vote in off-years, his next election date is 2026. We need to make sure that the GOP-Taliban is not elected to office in 2024 and then defeat ideologues like Walters in 2026. Sadly, meanwhile many children will sit in Oklahoma classrooms being brainwashed by those who comply with this Theocrats small-minded beliefs.
What Kind of ‘Psycho’ Calls Dead Americans ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’?
Adrienne LaFrance reminds of the many times that Trump denigrated people who have served in the US Armed Forces. Trump is on the campaign trail now denying he ever said any such thing. But this is Typical-Trump; make outrageous statements to get media attention, then walk it backwards if it doesn’t play well. The man is not only a felon but is addicted to lying. LaFrance reminds us about Trump’s comments regarding John McCain, the Gold Star parents, Khzir and Ghazala Khan, at the grave of Robert Kelly, when he turned to the young man’s father (Chief of Staff, General John Kelly) and said, ‘I don’t get it. What was in it for them?’” Trump simply cannot “GET” anything that is not of personal benefit. This is the father of the family disallowed from ever doing charity work again in New York after taking money from a children’s cancer charity and spending it on themselves—a CHILDREN’S CANCER CHARITY!! There is no end to the deprivation of this man and his family. Remember when he would not visit the graves at Arlington because it was raining and might mess up his fake hairdo? Similarly, at Normandy. And yet, this man—who avoided the draft because of bone spurs—is floating a plan to reinitiate the draft. Why? He will need a military to carry out his plans of a Civil War and to arrest and hold immigrants, journalists, and others who have disagreed with him or—in some imagined way—bruised his toddlerish ego. Let’s have an overwhelming show at the polls in November and hand Trump and the GOP and massive defeat.
The Coming Great Conflict
Ray Dalio is an investor and author of “Principles: Life and Work, Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order, and Principles for Navigating for Big Debt Crises.” He brings a historic view of civil wars to his readers and investors. In this in-depth article he looks at the growing possibility of a Civil War (though not necessarily violent) coming to the United States, a well-founded view given recent statements by ultra-conservatives such as Justice Samuel Alito. As people retreat into far-right or far-left camps and believe that the traditional mechanisms of government don’t represent them, they will want to create other apparatus to assure their voices are heard. It is clear that the far-right will not accept the vote if Biden is re-elected and probably less clear (but nevertheless possible) that the far-left will not accept Trump’s election. Dalio’s civil war refers to people fleeing to states that represent them (as the government loses Federal control and that power transfers to states). Some people may also choose to leave the US and immigrants will select other countries to migrate to (both actions fraying the US economy). Dalio places the possibility of some form of civil war as higher than 50 percent. He also addresses the rise of populism (which we are seeing around the world—and, in the US, with Trump). This article doesn’t offer formulaic responses, but presents hard truths for examining trends other countries have experienced dating back as far as the Dutch Revolt of 1566. Dalio’s ultimate advice? “You will have to choose between picking a side and fighting for it, keeping your head down, or fleeing.”
This Week’s Links
The Supreme Court Puts Trump Above the Law
Oklahoma Schools Chief: Bible in Classrooms Order Inspired by Trump
The Coming Labor Shortage Is Not Good News
How to Validate Yourself Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Donald Trump’s Theory of Everything
Behind the Curtain: Biden's salvation plan
Barack Obama, Your Party and Country Need You to Lead Here
The World Is Realigning
What to know about Louisiana's new surgical castration law
Move over, remote jobs. CEOs say borderless talent is the future of tech work
Trump’s debate was even worse than you remember
Surgeon general declares gun violence a public health crisis
How Women’s Health Has Changed Two Years After the Fall of Roe v. Wade
The Childcare Question Was Infuriatingly Ignored in the Debate — & Moms Deserve Better
AI is No Match for This Ancient Skill-Building Strategy
Lawrence: We live in a country where most commentators declared the liar the debate winner
Brooks and Atkins Stohr on the debate shaking up the race for the White House
Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose license
The Supreme Court says cities can punish people for sleeping in public places
Can Biden come back from a bad debate the way Reagan did in 1984?
Elena Kagan Torches Supreme Court for Overturning Chevron
The Supreme Court’s January 6 Decision Is Utterly Baffling
The Government Needs to Act Fast to Protect the Election
The big five traits that kids develop in the first 10 years of their life - psychotherapist reveals the most powerful thing that impacts their personality as they grow up
Oklahoma’s top education official orders schools to incorporate Christian Bible into teaching
Time to Go, Joe
A Disaster for Joe Biden
Joe Biden Is Facing the Biggest Decision of His Political Career
These Are The Likely Democratic Presidential Candidates If Biden Drops Out—As Rough Debate Prompts Calls To Stand Down
26 Books That Are So Powerful, Everyone Should Read Them Before They're 30
The Psychology of Silence
Star psychologist Adam Grant explains why we need to do away with 'the compliment sandwich'
What Kind of ‘Psycho’ Calls Dead Americans ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’?
You Might be a Late Bloomer
Farm Bill proposal would cut SNAP food assistance by $30 billion
The First National Data on Birth Control Post-Dobbs Is Here, and the News Is Not Good
Parents, here’s what you need to know if your child is being bullied.
The Coming Great Conflict
Robert Reich: Why I’m Scared About The Thursday Debate – OpEd
A Second Trump Term Would Double Down on Erasing Trans Rights. Here’s How Advocates Are Preparing.
From Trump’s immunity to abortion, the Supreme Court’s most controversial decisions this term are about to drop
Texas’s “Pro-Life” Abortion Law Has Literally Led to More Infant Deaths
Mapped: Median Income by State in 2024