Youth Advocacy
Youth Advocacy
Year 3, Week 29 (219 total reports)
Advocating for young people as Chief John Roberts seeks to trade democracy for power.
Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week
When Law Brings Liberation
This article is especially important during a month when SCOTUS (Supreme Court of Trump—US) is undermining civil rights and democracy in the United States. It reminds us of what could happen if the court acted to support civil rights and grow democracy. It reminds us how that translates into education and rights—especially for minorities and diverse groups. This article is inspirational and a reminder of what can happen if we take back our courts in 2025.
Best Links of The Week
The alarming new power Trump will claim in a second term
Imagine waking up and not having to hear about Trump’s latest rant, his latest crime, his latest sexual assault. The one thing Trump is best at, is sucking all the positive air out of the world and replacing it with rants about revenge, rants about how he is a victim, rants about how he is best at… well, everything. I look forward to that day. I know the majority of people in the US—and the world—do too. Only by turning out in crushing numbers at ALL levels of politics will this be possible. This ROE-Vember, let’s do it!
The Roberts Court has checkmated the other branches
The Power grab by SCOTUS (Supreme Court of Trump-US), may not be everything even Trump wanted. It takes power away, not just from Congress, but also the President, and gives the power solely to itself. Only the Court will decide if a President is immune from criminal prosecution. It makes this group-supposedly above politics—the most sovereign political entity in the country. With their coup, the future of the country will not be decided by voters but by the appointed justices of the Court. Justices who have exhibited no ethical boundaries or affiliation other than to the highest bidder. This is a dangerous precedent set by the Robert’s Court and can only be checked by a surge in voters that elects a congress and president that will halt this blatant power grab.
Robert Reich: The Pile-On – OpEd
Robert Reich is one of my favorite writers and currently the Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley, he was formerly the Secretary of Labor, under President Clinton, and responsible for implementing many of the policies that made the Clinton Administration an economic powerhouse following the failures of Regan’s Supply-Side Economics disaster. I appreciate that Reich continues to speak truth to power and this article, which chastises the “pile-on” occurring post-Biden Debate Debacle, is well worth the read. Biden is the nominee and will be at the Democratic Convention August 19-22 in Chicago. It is ridiculous to think Biden could be adequately replaced and another candidate funded in that short of a period and it plays into the hands of Putin, Roberts, Trump, and the GOP. Reich also points out that the media has largely been completely ignoring the primary stories here: Donald Trump’s indecencies, incompetencies, his age and cognitive decline, as well as Project 2025’s agenda (they are trying to rename themselves now that people are actually reading the horrors they are considering inflecting as they CONTINUE to undermine democracy).
Former Trump Staffer Shares Texts Revealing Secret Payoffs
What will a second Biden term look like? Unlike a second term with convicted sex offender and criminal, Donald Trump. Every day’s news won’t be another revelation about the man’s indecencies. Now, we are seeing more revelations about hush money cases as a routine part of the Trump campaign, hiring a law company aptly named, “Red Curves,” to hide his sexual perversities. Also, in Trump World today, more news about his links to Jeffrey Epstien and the use of underage girls for sexual purposes. Won’t it be nice to put this man behind us or even behind bars and held accountable for multiple cases of breaking the law and predatory sexual behavior?
Putin Says Takes Trump's Comments on Ending Ukraine War 'Seriously'
Putin normally likes to throw his shade at the US clandestinely, but when it comes to his puppet, con artist and indicted conman, Donald Trump, Putin is going all in. He knows that if Trump wins, he wins. He wins in the Ukraine, he wins in Europe, he wins across the globe in installing totalitarian regimes like his own. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for Putin. Most of the GOP is fine with that. They want a far right Christian Theocracy that gives them tyrannical power. Though Putin is not Christian, he is well aware of the power of religion to manipulate people and is not ashamed to use it along with many of the other tools in his Machiavellian bag.
Project 2025 Leader Promises 'Second American Revolution'
Biden’s debate performance was horrible and I have no idea if he will decide to step down, but I do know (we all CAN know), what the Republicans have planned if they are allowed anywhere near the Oval Office again. Pure and simple, they want to dismantle democracy and install an authoritarian, religious (Christian only), government (theocracy—a Christian Sharia). Peaceful transition of power? The leader of Project 2025 has already said “no!” if they don’t win. These are malevolent people and the decision by the Supreme Court to grant a president presumed immunity for his actions completely undermines the basics of our constitution. Four more years of Trump, will never be four more years (unless he dies in office) and even if he continues to show mental incompetence. The Far Right wants a forever takeover, with Trump as their current frontman. Trump is monocausal, he realizes his followers can never chew more than one bone at a time. It is imperative that the Democrats realize they have one cause as well. Preventing Project 2025 from becoming a reality. No more debating about policy and subtlety. Reveal these people for what they are and what they plan to do. With or without Biden, they have to hold the Democrat vote together and get people to turn out against the Far Christian Right.
When Assessing Presidential Fitness, Consider Racism
Convicted felon and sex offender Donald Trump’s dimwitted and racist comments about “Black Jobs” (and “Hispanic Jobs”), plays into the GOP’s Project 2025 plan to create a permanent underclass of workers (mudsilling) that are unskilled and uneducated. It reveals their desire to undercut public education and replace it with religious indoctrination or a private school voucher system. All of this plays into Trump and the Far Right’s monocausal attack on immigrants and desires for revenge politics. This has been further elaborated upon by Trump’s wild musings yesterday about locking up Liz Cheney. Trump has a proclivity to lock up women he 1) cannot control, or 2) oppose him and trigger his misogynist insecurities.
This Week’s Links
The alarming new power Trump will claim in a second term
The Double Standard in Trump-Biden Coverage
Dan Rather Torches Donald Trump With Blistering ‘Gobbledegook’ Comparison
The Roberts Court has checkmated the other branches
French voters reject the far-right
What Trump doesn't want you to know about Project 2025
How the Supreme Court's immunity decision affects Trump's legal cases
Robert Reich: The Pile-On – OpEd
What the Supreme Court’s Trump-Immunity Ruling Means for 2024
U.S. Allies Are Already Worried About Another Round of Trump
How a second Trump term could put military officers in a dangerous bind
Environmental Unpredictability
The Supreme Court's immunity ruling complicates all the cases against Trump : Trump's Trials
10 Proven Tips to Help Your Child Resist Peer Pressure
OCD and Oppositional Behaviors: Realistic Support With Love
A school replaced detention with meditation. The results are stunning.
Former Trump Staffer Shares Texts Revealing Secret Payoffs
Trump World ‘panicking’ as Project 2025 gets on the radar of voters
A Happiness Expert’s Frank Advice for Joe Biden
Bills to enhance religion in schools spur fights between faiths
We’re lonelier than ever — and there’s one big reason
Putin Says Takes Trump's Comments on Ending Ukraine War 'Seriously'
How Project 2025 darkens democracy on July 4, 2025
John Roberts pulled an impeachment bait and switch in his immunity ruling
What the Chevron ruling means for the next US president
Trump Throws 4th Of July Fit In 'Disgraceful' New Holiday Tantrum
Britain's Labour Party projected to win huge majority, ending Conservatives' 14-year rule, exit poll suggests
When Law Brings Liberation
Project 2025 Leader Promises 'Second American Revolution'
Richard Nixon Would Have Loved the Court’s Immunity Decision
Time to Roll the Dice
Liberal Patriotism Is Not About Flag-Waving
House Democrat is proposing a constitutional amendment to reverse Supreme Court's immunity decision
Loving a Narcissist Can Be Detrimental to Your Health
When Assessing Presidential Fitness, Consider Racism
Something Has Gone Deeply Wrong at the Supreme Court
Hubris of Biblical Proportions
Trump Hush-Money Judge Ominously Warns a Sentence May Never Come
Trump’s Rage At Liz Cheney Suddenly Veers In an Alarming New Direction
'Originalism is a dead letter': Supreme Court majority accused of abandoning legal principles in Trump immunity ruling
New presidential immunity ruling goes against what founders intended, scholar says