Youth Advocacy
Youth Advocacy
Year 3, Week 42 (180 total reports)
Advocating for young people and increasing their mental well-being in a time of war without rules and reactive leadership.
Best Links of The Week
The Soul of Civility: Timeless Principles to Heal Society and Ourselves
This book review was very exciting for me. In our outreaches (Communities of Trust) to schools and group homes, we stressed the modeling and teaching of a principle we called “Intentional Courtesy”; going out of your way to be intentionally courteous to the “lonely, the sad, and even the mad.” These fringe people—usually with the least attention—have the most power. The least engaged in any relationship (or community) always have the most power, because they have nothing to lose by disrupting the status quo. A lesson that the world is being tragically reminded of again in Israel, where successive governments have never sustainably sought to engage their minority population, but instead, consistently given them less true agency over their lives. This article reawakens that concept and prescribes the intentionality of civility—of ‘going out of your way’ to engage. Who is the least engaged in your relationships? In your facilities? In your community? Do you have a strategy to engage them?
The World Is Succumbing To Reactive Thinking
This article stresses the difference between reactive thinking and thoughtful, responsive thinking. The author, Bryce Hoffman, extols the virtues of Daniel Kahneman’s book, “Thinking, Fast and Slow.” Reactive thinking (what Kahneman calls “System 1” thinking, is fast, autonomic, with little or no conscious effort. System 2 Thinking—Slow Thinking—is deliberate and requires increased conscious effort. Each has its place and time, but our world is in desperate need of System 2 thinking. Most of the problems we currently face; injustice, war, authoritarianism, climate change, require long-term planning, not knee-jerk reactions based on revenge, hatred, and prejudice.
How to Increase Your "Neuroplasticity," in 7 Key Steps
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to be flexible. Like Emotional Intelligence, it is a learned behavior and we can never stop growing it. This article does a good job explaining the habits we can develop in order to expand our neural flexibility.
Artist beautifully illustrates the transformative power of turning toward fear
This artist obviously knows a great deal about “turning towards” your fear. When words fail, art can often succeed; in its visual or musical form. Think of the people in your care and who could be touched by these beautiful renditions of dealing with adversity and pain. Perhaps you could order prints for your home, school, or facility.
There Are No Rules
The Geneva Convention was established as a baseline in how we will behave towards each other—even in war—especially in war. The Geneva Protocols were adapted post WWII as laws about how we would treat civilians and military personnel in the event of war. It would seem that recent aggressions look at these protocols and use them, not to guide humane treatment and basic human rights, but as a starting point for atrocities. One of the primary issues has been a lack of consequences for breaking these international laws. It makes me wonder if laws without consequences are worse than no laws at all.
Doctrine of Discovery
This is the doctrine, developed by the Catholic Church under duress form Spain and Portugal, that authorized the colonization of the world and the right of Colonial (White) Supremacy around the globe. This Doctrine underpinned the widespread use of slavery and genocide. Therefore, it is a very important aspect of history we must learn and teach.
No, Book Bans Are Never ‘Reasonable’ (Opinion)
The people I think that need to read this commentary the most, will probably never see it. I do hope, however, that you can help me spread it about on your social media and in your conversations. The authors, Kwesi Rollings and Jasmine Bolton, are extremely articulate and this is well-worth the minute that it will take for you to read.
This Week’s Links
The Soul of Civility: Timeless Principles to Heal Society and Ourselves
Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Outcomes
How to master antifragility for a happier life
From Setback to Success — 4 Ways to Turn Your Struggles into Resilience
12 Common Habits of People With High Emotional Intelligence, According to Psychologists
U.S. to settle lawsuit with migrant families separated under Trump, offering benefits and limiting separations
Massive voter turnout in Poland appears to reject right-wing party; Halts authoritarian drift
The World Is Succumbing To Reactive Thinking
School suspensions entrench disadvantage. What are the alternatives and how have they worked overseas?
The 10 Personality Traits Of People Who Actually Think For Themselves — And Don’t Fall For Misinformation
Harvard-trained researcher: The most successful kids are 'healthy strivers'
Self-Compassion Is a Mental Health Wonder Drug That Can Help You Stop Procrastinating, Save Money, and Be More Successful
This science-backed model can help you communicate with every personality type
How to Increase Your "Neuroplasticity," in 7 Key Steps
Man abandoned by his dad at 14 makes videos teaching children what dads normally teach kids
We Allowed This To Happen? Black Texas Teen Gets Severe Punishment Over Dreadlocks
Interpreting Autism
Getting stuck in mud as a kid helped make me a confident adult. Kids today need space to fail too.
These Are The Most Educated States Ranked
Changing nature of Covid: Is it just a regular winter bug now?
The Employee Hierarchy Of Needs: Building A Fulfilling Workplace
Artist beautifully illustrates the transformative power of turning toward fear
We Don’t Talk About Leonard: The Man Behind the Right’s Supreme Court Supermajority
Harvard psychologist: 7 things passive-aggressive people always say and do—and the No. 1 way to respond
Exploring the Lesser-Known Experiences and Symptoms of ADHD
There Are No Rules
They’re Coming for Birth Control
What Skills Do Students Need in the AI Age? Shelley Gates Offers a Roadmap
The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the Twenty-first Century's Greatest Dilemma
Black history teacher takes Florida education standards complaints to the UN
Too Many Responsibilities? This Simple Life Hack Will Help You Reclaim Your Life
Doctrine of Discovery
Why climate change is a national security risk
6 practical psychology tricks to boost your mind for positive thinking
The Lifestyle Change That Simulates "Falling in Love"
Glittering promises laced with lies: A chilling glimpse into the so-called “ex-gay” industry
Black student suspended over hairstyle will be sent to disciplinary education program
The 4-Step Plan That Keeps People Calm In Their Angriest Moments
No, Book Bans Are Never ‘Reasonable’ (Opinion)
Why more school counselors and psychologists alone won't solve America's mental health crisis among students
The 8 Best Mobile Apps for Mental Wellness Courses
The Reckoning
3 practices for a life of wisdom
The Power of Forgiveness
We Don’t Talk About Leonard: The Man Behind the Right’s Supreme Court Supermajority
How to Become a More Positive Thinker