Dr. Jerry Goebel Keynoting Community Resilience Initiative Annual Conference in June

Dr. Jerry Goebel Keynoting Community Resilience Initiative's 7th Annual Conference in June

CRI (Community Resilience Initiative) is a training organization that works with community leaders around the world. It’s purpose is to inspire healthier communities with science-based insights in order to promote and cultivate resilience.

They have their 7th Annual Conference this coming June 29-30 which will be available by video to subscribers.

I have done CRI’s training on Community Resilience and suggested it to many others. CRI provided scholarships for many of the local leaders that I know who work with children and families of abuse here in the State of Yucatan in Mexico where my wife and I have retired.

This year’s annual conference is especially important to me as I will be keynoting it using music and story as well as leading two breakout sessions.

I would invite you to learn more details or even read through my bio on their web site:



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