Youth Advocacy

Youth Advocacy

Year 3, Week 23 (213 total reports)



Advocating for young people as a self-proclaimed Reich attempts to turn children into a permanent subclass of workers (Mudsill Economics).

Special Adolescent Care Link of the Week

In a 10-Minute Commencement Speech, Neil deGrasse Tyson Tells Everyone That Grades Don't Matter. These 3 Things Do

This isn’t an article by Dr. deGrasse Tyson, it is a review of a commencement address he gave. To begin with, reflect on your own experience, personally, I can’t remember anyone asking me what my grades were in high school, college or post-graduate education. Sometimes, I wish they would because I worked very hard to keep them high. Over time, I also realized how arbitrary grading was and it was as much a reflection of the teacher’s disposition as it was of the student’s ability. Dr. deGrasse Tyson reminds us what employers really want are three essential qualities, recounted by the articles’ author, Nick Hobson; 1) solving problems, 2) doing good work, and 3) being a good person. I would add that the emphasis of this article is on employee-ship and more needs to be done about fostering entrepreneurship. Please, if you work or live with children, or have influence over how their lives are measured, read this article. At a time when Red States, the GOP, and the Trump Reich are attempting to dismantle education to form a permanent underclass, this article is pivotal.

Best Links of The Week


Brown v. Board of Education is on Thin Ice With This Supreme Court

Everyone thought that precedence was behind Roe v. Wade and the Democrats became comfortable believing that it couldn’t be touched—but then it was. One wouldn’t think the decision to integrate public education would be up for grabs—but now it is. Now, the Christian Right Nationalists appointed by the Far Right GOP are musing about undermining Brown v. Board of Education and the loudest musings are coming from none other than bought-and-paid-for “Justice” Clarence Thomas. If Trump is re-elected he has promised to appoint more young, far right justices (like Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett) during his term and that could be as many as four more justices. Like the current conservative court, they wouldn’t be picked for their legal acuity—and certainly not for their fairness—but for their political agenda. Keep in mind that all the recent conservatives (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett) appointed by the GOP swore to congress they would not change precedence (stare decisis—“it’s the law of the land”) on bodily autonomy law, but then they did.


‘Everybody has not won’: trickle-down economics was an idiotic idea. How do we fix the inequality it causes?

The World Bank declared 2023 the “Year of Inequality.” We should stand up and listen (or heed and vote). This historic overview of the damages brought on by “Trickle Down Economics” is vital to our understanding of what has caused this inequality in our world. Interestingly enough, the term was coined by Will Rogers referring to the policies of Herbert Hoover which led to the Great Depression. This article does a good job at pointing out the “idiotic” use of the policy—especially in the US—and the damage it continues to cause. It also presents suggestions for alternative economic possibilities.


Trump’s Money Problems Are Becoming a Crisis for the Entire Country

When Donald Trump owes money, anyone—but him—is going to pay it back. Now the draft-dodging, tax-evading, debt-deadbeat, wants the US to pay off his legal fees and penalties. He has proven that he will sell secrets, undermine his family, and close friends, auction off the climate, and public land to pay off his mounting legal fees and criminal debt. This is not just a “future problem” as Trump’s enticements create a cast of miscreants that are willing to spread propaganda and falsehood to fix elections so they can cash in on his enticements. As witnessed at his most recent trial, everything in Trump’s life is transactional. That’s why Trump’s money problems are the world’s money problems.


Why Republicans Want and Need a Permanent Economic Underclass

I never heard of the important concept of “Mudsill” before I read this article, and now I’m really intrigued by its historical importance dating back pre-civil war. Even the Republican presidential candidate, Abraham Lincoln, spoke out against it. A mudsill was a flooring put on top of the concrete foundation of a house that kept moisture from getting to the rest of the structure. In economic terms, it was a concept promoted by slave owning states to justify the need for a permanent underclass of workers. Red States are now manipulating child labor laws so that children can work instead of attend school while also diverting funds from public education to a private voucher system to create a permanent underclass (mudsill) of workers in their states. It is very interesting to view their policies and the policies of Trump’s new “reich” in these terms.


Trump’s Assassination Fantasy Has a Darker Purpose

This is classic textbook technique that Donald Trump learned from his mentor, Roy Cohn. Cohn, who was Joe McCarthy’s top advisor during the Senator’s red-baiting era, always advised Trump to “Deflect and distract, never give in, never admit fault, lie and attack, publicity no matter what, win no matter what…” Like his protégée, Donald Trump, Cohn was a “user of other users,” according to late biographer, Wayne Barrett. Also, like Cohn, he was a tax dodger and renowned for not paying his debts—while bragging about both choices. Trump is following Cohn’s lead trying to dodge public focus on the revelation that more Top Secret files have been revealed in his bedroom at Mar A Lago. To distract, Trump has concocted a story that is blatantly false, but something his minions will eat up; that he is being targeted by the DOJ for assassination. Of course, this is part of a larger ploy by Trump so that, if he is reelected, he can dismantle the DOJ and remake it in his image, a personal tool that facilitates his dark fantasies of revenge.


Mapped: The Income a Family Needs to Live Comfortably in Every U.S. State

There is a massive disconnect in the US right now between what a family must earn to live comfortably and what a family is able to earn. Progressive Republican administrations have cut taxes to the wealthy for decades. Taxes for the wealthy were cut by Reagan, both Bush presidencies, and Trump. At the same time, funding for the military was increased under Reagan (35%) and both Bush administrations (48.6% under George W.). Squeezed in between were both the middle class and the poor. In most of the States where one has to earn more than $230,000 a year for a comfortable living, people can work full-time and still live below the poverty line. In 2022, 12.4 percent of the US population or 40.9 million were among the “working poor.” Everyone who works full-time in the US for the average minimum wage is well below the poverty line. Meanwhile, compensation to CEO’s between 2023 to 2024 increased 9.3% in nearly every industry in the US. The next Administration must tax corporations and the wealthy and take away their tax loopholes.


The Difference Between Polls and Public Opinion

One of my favorite commentators (and writers) is David Brooks. Almost every Friday night his comments are available on the PBS News Hour as the conservative counterpart to a liberal commentator (usually Jonathon Capehart). In one commentary, Brooks stated, “Americans frequently use polls to vent, not to vote…” This article uses research to confirm Brook’s intuition. It helps, when you are concerned about what polls are indicating to remember Brook’s adage. Don’t give up hope and please make sure you vote! 40 million registered Democrats didn’t think their vote would count in 2016. Don’t let negative polls prevent you from showing up in ROEvember! As one pundit put it, “Vote Left or Reich.”

This Week’s Links


Brown v. Board of Education is on Thin Ice With This Supreme Court

Liberal Justice Sotomayor Says Some Decisions by Her Conservative Colleagues on the Supreme Court Left Her in Tears

A Missouri fifth grader raised enough money to pay off his entire school’s meal debt

EXCLUSIVE: Florida educators trained to teach students Christian nationalism

Study shows relatively low number of superspreaders responsible for large portion of misinformation on Twitter

The State Of Affairs For American Children And School Gun Violence

Surprising study finds there are actually four distinct subtypes of autism


‘Everybody has not won’: trickle-down economics was an idiotic idea. How do we fix the inequality it causes?

What Does Fascism Really Mean? - What Is Fascism? | CFR Education

Eric Trump Slammed For ‘Particularly Disgusting’ Memorial Day Weekend Post

How to ask questions that get people to open up

'The Hamilton Scheme: An Epic Tale of Money and Power in the American Founding'

Greg Abbott Gets Scathing Rebuke From Texas Newspaper

Therapist Shares 10 Things Adult Children Desperately Want To Hear From Their Parents


Trump’s Money Problems Are Becoming a Crisis for the Entire Country

Planned Parenthood CEO: 'Shame on Louisiana' for abortion pill bill

America's critical shortage of school counselors

Harvard psychologists have been studying what it takes to raise 'good' kids. Here are 6 tips.


Why Republicans Want and Need a Permanent Economic Underclass

Louisiana poised to become 1st state to make abortion pills a controlled substance

Benito Mussolini: This Was the Life of Il Duce

Robert Reich: The Supreme Court’s Republican Partisan Hacks – OpEd

Uvalde families sue Meta and 'Call of Duty' publisher over alleged links to gun violence

Big Oil May Pay Billions for Climate Pollution under New Legislation

Early-Life Trauma, Adult Relationships, and Sexual Behavior

8 Key Techniques to Empower Self-Empathy


Trump’s Assassination Fantasy Has a Darker Purpose

Anti-abortion hardliners want restrictions to go farther. It could cost Republicans : Consider This from NPR

Bipartisan border deal fails again in Senate

First-of-its-kind medical school in Cherokee Nation graduates inaugural class of doctors

Adam Grant Says the Key to Lifelong Learning Comes Down to This 1 Thing. You Might Not Like It


Mapped: The Income a Family Needs to Live Comfortably in Every U.S. State

In a 10-Minute Commencement Speech, Neil deGrasse Tyson Tells Everyone That Grades Don't Matter. These 3 Things Do

Are You Serious?! Samuel Alito Flew Yet Another January 6 Flag

Here’s What Trump and the GOP Really Think About the Working Class

ADHD diagnoses are rising. 1 in 9 U.S. kids have gotten one, new study finds

People Who Excel at Conversation Follow 4 Simple Rules, According to Bill Gates


The Difference Between Polls and Public Opinion

The right’s fascism problem

Wisconsin Senate Candidate Says Old People Shouldn't Get To Vote Because They're Almost Dead

A new book argues most white US Christians worship a religion of whiteness

Exactly How Bad Is Justice Samuel Alito at His Job?

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is doing an exceptional job at driving her state further & further into the ground - Queerty


Youth Advocacy


Youth Advocacy