Youth Advocacy
Youth Advocacy
Year 3, Week 36 (174 total reports)
Advocating for young people and increasing their life-long learning opportunities through the habits of questioning and wonder.
Best Links of The Week
Classic clip shows Carl Sagan explaining why parents should encourage their children to ask questions
Mr. Rogers, Carl Sagan, and now, Neil deGrasse Tyson, all amazing educators using the power of the media of their time to promote wonder and lifelong learning. In this clip (with Johnny Carson), Sagan reminds us that the number one action parents can take to encourage their child’s learning is to keep asking questions. Have you created a climate in your own family, school, or group home that encourages children and teens to become questioning adults?
Do You Know Your Core Values? Here's A List Of 99 Important Ones To Help Find Yours
In our values-development programs at Communities of Trust, we taught those who work with children that humans learn what they value from those who value them and they grow their values by valuing others. We created weekly curricula that older youth taught to younger students around important terms such as “What is a Value?” I’m posting this article to hopefully inspire some of you to read through this list for values you’d like to put into practice with the young people around you.
Khan Academy founder Sal Khan on AI and the future of education (Transcript)
When Sal Khan speaks, I take note. The Khan Academy is one of the tools I have suggested to parents and youth advocates for years. If you have a child or adolescent struggling with concepts at school, check out their web site together. Their instructional videos break the mold for encouraging engaged learning and are driven by being non-profit, having the highest-quality content, and continuous product improvement.
The Magic of “What If”
In the vein of teaching young people through critical inquiry, this simple question of, “What if…” never grows old. The writer of this article uses the question as a therapy tool for those experiencing anxiety.
Voters in all parties are concerned about the GOP’s anti-LGBTQ+ school policies
It is a common tool of manipulators to make others think everyone agrees with them, “Everyone is doing it…” bullies do this, advertisers do this. In case, you have been victimized by conservative evangelicals and the GOP, here are some statistics to remind you that not everyone thinks their moralistic pursuits are sane, healthy, or even legitimate. Once again, we are challenged to realize that being in power doesn’t mean you are right, it just means that the myth you are preaching is the best-financed. We must keep asking, “Who has the most at stake to be threatened by diversity in this area?”
In Praise of Heroic Masculinity
This is a good article to read if you are looking for terms to counter, “Toxic Masculinity.” What type of masculinity do we want to teach our young men—and women? There are thoughtful suggestions presented in this article to engage your family or staff in considering this question. Children become what they see and many of the male leadership examples visible to young people today are far from healthy. Even if you begin by asking each other, “What are our ideas about healthy male role models and how do we exemplify them in front of our children (or the children in our care)?” Put the question on a large sheet of paper and make post-it notes available for people to add comments for a week. Post the link to this article as a reference and ask people to post other items they think are pertinent.
The simple, yet powerful shift that can actually keep you motivated
Keeping young people motivated to learn and grow is difficult, but it begins with keeping ourselves motivated with an open mind set. If you are having difficulties in that area right now. This article will help get you back on track.
This Week’s Links
Classic clip shows Carl Sagan explaining why parents should encourage their children to ask questions
My Child Has Severe Anxiety — The Only Coping Mechanism That Worked
Inseparable elderly lions Hubert and Kalisa put down together so that neither has to live alone
8 Ways to Turn a Good Leader Into an Exceptional One
10 Rules for Coaching Your Team to Greatness
Do You Know Your Core Values? Here's A List Of 99 Important Ones To Help Find Yours
Gun owners: It's time for us to stand up against the Second Amendment death culture
Minimum wage map: As the Fight for $15 keeps evolving, these states still pay $7.25 an hour
AI identifies top predictors of adolescent suicide and self-harm
Khan Academy founder Sal Khan on AI and the future of education (Transcript)
7 Simple Ways To Stop Ruminating About The Same Things (Over & Over & Over)
Pope, quoting Buddha, urges religious dialogue to fight fundamentalism
Rep. Crockett: Republicans are tearing our democracy down one school board at a time
The Magic of “What If”
Single mom perfectly explains to Congress why the U.S. poverty line needs a total rehaul
Harvard’s Arthur C. Brooks on the Secrets to Happiness at Work
Opinion | My Son Sam Doesn’t Need ‘Special Ed’
12 personal growth strategies that will level up your leadership
Can't Stop Worrying? Here's How To Let It Go, According To Mental Health Experts
How to Purge the Toxic Emotions in Yourself to Facilitate Healing
Voters in all parties are concerned about the GOP’s anti-LGBTQ+ school policies
The Key To Mental Health Could Come Down To 3 Basic Needs
In Praise of Heroic Masculinity
High-School English Needed a Makeover Before ChatGPT
8 Helpful Things To Say When Someone Is Complaining
3 Ways to Recognize a Master Manipulator
Florida's Whitewashing of the History of Slavery Is Quite a Thing to Behold
4 Tips For Raising A Child Who Understands Their Strengths and Weaknesses
The simple, yet powerful shift that can actually keep you motivated
New poll reveals the top 20 things 'that make us feel good' in 2023
Pam Baker's new book 'ChatGPT for Dummies' illuminates chatbots for pros and neophytes alike - SiliconANGLE
Pope rips rightwing American Catholics as useless idealogues who have lost the faith
West Virginia's foreign language cuts could be a "blueprint" for higher ed attacks
Groundbreaking study documents the positive effects reading has on kids
The Key to Employee Engagement Is Purpose. Here's Why — and How to Foster It in Your Workplace.