Youth Advocacy
Youth Advocacy
Year 3, Week 52 (190 total reports)
Advocating for young people in the face of economic models that are unviable.
Best Links of The Week
This marks three years since I began posting this weekly blog. Originally, the purpose of the blog was to assist the Ministry of Social Services in Saskatchewan in informing foster parents and group home staff on helping young people in the midst of COVID. Over time, my focus began assisting those who worked with alienated youth in systems such as education, corrections, social services and ministry. As I became increasingly alarmed by the growth of global authoritarianism—and the impact that it would have on the disenfranchised—the emphasis has slowly shifted to awareness raising. I will continue to write about the issues I see most impactful on the mental healthy and well-being of young people throughout this year, hoping that it is helpful to those interested in advocating for young people—and particularly—disenfranchised young people. Happy New Year, thank you for reading, and I hope it is a meaningful year for you.
What the legal system owes America in the era of Donald Trump
It would not matter the situation, Donald Trump coalesces his base by making himself look like a victim. This article puts the issue in true context with the American legal system as a victim of Donald Trump and his GOP supporters.
Economist explains why the current economy is unviable for the average American, sparking debate
It wouldn’t matter what administration was in charge, the reality is that the current economy and its measurements do NOT quanitfy what is most important to humanity. In fact, the better an economy is doing—by current measurements—the more damage it is causing to the climate and society. This is a result of an economy that is built on the accumulation of wealth, primarily through the use of fossil fuels and weapons development. We need new measurements to see how an economy is serving the disenfranchised, providing health care to all, and improving infrastructure (including communications) for ALL of its citizens. I frequently ask the question regarding inequity in our world, “Who profits from this injustice?” As you read this article, you will see those who control those purse strings and those who would have the most to lose by creating an economy that focuses on sustaining human life and well being.
We Must Reckon With the Most Dangerous System of Extinction Humans Ever Created
This article picks up and deepens the lessons in the article above. I encourage you to take the time to read both for a deeper understanding of who profits from an economy that exacerbates the very qualities that undermine humanity.
The Psychology Behind What Makes Authoritarianism Appealing
While Donald Trump trolls for pity, the GOP continues to throw smokescreens of fear and prejudice at the American people. Why? Because they have no contributive agenda to offer the American people. It is their fear-mongering that makes Authoritarianism so appealing to so many. The more chaos they sow, the more some people want a “strong leader” to take over their lives. But, don’t be fooled. The GOP is creating these issues, they are exacerbating fears that are largely unsubstantiated and usually irrelevant. This is evident in the horrible job they have done overseeing the GOP-controlled House with the fewest bills introduced by any Congress in US history. Rather than focus on issues that matter to the American people—and indeed, to the world—they have focused on undermining their own leadership and trying to impeach Joe Biden with no evidence to support their procedures. They are convinced that increasing your fears will enhance their chances of taking control and staying in control—permanently. This 2024 election is not about voting Democrat or Republican, it is about a vote for democracy or authoritarianism.
What Would Schools Look Like If They Were Run By Those Who Didn’t Do Well At School?
Whether you are an educator or community developer, please pay attention to this article. If I were giving a workshop in a school (or school district) tomorrow, this is the article I would send out before I arrived. Then, I would use a white board and sticky notes to have people brainstorm on what a school district would look like if it were designed to help the marginalized. As this article points out, most districts design policies focusing on helping students who already do well in their system to continue succeeding, but this leaves the majority of students out and completely undermines those students who are NOT doing well. What ideas would you have to change policies that would assist those students?
A school replaced detention with meditation. The results are stunning.
If you remember from last week’s blog, one school division in Texas placed an 11-year-old in solitary confinement for disciplinary action. Building on the information in the above article, examine what happens to students (and educators) who meditation is used instead of detention. What happens when we help each other grow mindfulness instead of anger? This could be applied in any organization that works with young people (and immature adults).
Want to Solve the Border Crisis? Legalize Immigration.
I LOVED THIS ARTICLE!!! It examines the basic premise of, “What if the problem on the US border is not a lack of laws, but the wrong laws to begin with?” Congress seems intent on expanding existing laws that are NOT working—and even exacerbating the problems. This article helps examine why those current laws are fundamentally flawed and what could be done instead. Remember what Einstein told us? “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
This Week’s Links
What the legal system owes America in the era of Donald Trump
Doctors say voting is critical to improving U.S. health care system
The Most Effective Way to Reduce Hate Crimes
Psychologists Were Wrong About the Science of Self Control
Limpieza de Sangre: Blood Purity in Spain and Mexico
The History of Social Welfare Programs (& Current Debates)
Economist explains why the current economy is unviable for the average American, sparking debate
What Would Schools Look Like If They Were Run By Those Who Didn’t Do Well At School?
10 States That Passed the Worst Anti-LGBTQ+ Laws in 2023
Why some people don't trust science—and how to change their minds
Quebec City looks to Finland’s successful approach to ending homelessness
To tackle poverty, more states will offer bigger child tax credits in 2024
Strategies to Help Children Build Resilience
We Must Reckon With the Most Dangerous System of Extinction Humans Ever Created
What a Collapse Could Look Like
How Corporate America’s Obsession With Creativity Wrecked the World and Brought Us Elon Musk
8 classes that should be required for all students before they hit adulthood
More Young Men Are Giving Up On College
The Psychology Behind What Makes Authoritarianism Appealing
A Psychologist Explains The Power Of A ‘Quiet Ego’ For A Happy Life
It sure looks like phones are making students dumber
GOP Congressman tells Uganda leaders to “stand firm” in support of LGBTQ death penalty
What Would Schools Look Like If They Were Run By Those Who Didn’t Do Well At School?
Reno Is Beating the Odds in Solving Homelessness
The Most-Read ProPublica Stories of 2023
2024 elections are ripe targets for foes of democracy
40 Nonfiction Books to Look Out for in 2024
How the Brain Stores Traumatic Memories
A school replaced detention with meditation. The results are stunning.
2 bitter wars with a long history and no solution in sight
Spanking predicts lower cognitive skills in children, study finds
How to Choose Safe People in 2024
Understanding and Practicing Gratitude
This researcher asked kids what's wrong with U.S. schools. Here are their ideas.
Homelessness rose sharply in 2023. Congress must act in 2024.
Why Inclusive Leadership Needs To Be Top Learning Priority For 2024
Want to Solve the Border Crisis? Legalize Immigration.
The curious joy of being wrong – intellectual humility means being open to new information and willing to change your mind
Larry Ferlazzo's 9 Education Predictions for 2024 (Opinion)
10 Things Software Developers Should Learn about Learning
How to Find the Courage to Get Out of Your Own Way
The Cognitive Revolution: Unlocking the Secrets of the Mind
What You Don’t Know About Grief and Loss
The 23 Best Nonfiction Books of 2023
Lincoln Project Distills 2023 Down To 1:20, Take A Sedative Before Viewing
GOP Lawmakers in 3 States Seek to Dubiously Deem Biden an Insurrectionist
As social media guardrails fade and AI deepfakes go mainstream, experts warn of impact on elections
Elon Musk Is The New Republic’s 2023 Scoundrel of the Year
Court sees through Ron DeSantis’ lies behind his law banning medical care for trans youth
GOP Biggest Loser of 2023 Moms for Liberty has us asking: How many sex tapes are there?